... moving over here... Smiley

Carlos from Spain:

My problem is that he is winning these three years because he has had a vastly superior car than the rest and has yet to prove himself as andriver on the level of Alonso, Hamilton or even Kimi. The only time he didn'y have the car advantage was at the first half of the season and look at his performance then, on the other hand look at what Alonso was able to achieve with his Ferrari, the slowest of the bunch and the races he put like Valencia. Thats another level of driver.


you might´ve figured that I very much appreciate Alonso´s attitude and driving style so you don´t have to "convince" me of his talent. However I am a bit surprised how much people doubt Vettel´s talent on here. Interesting enough, both have followed a very similar path starting with karting at a very young age, an entry into and success in F1 in terms of biological age and a very good car that helped them to win their championship titles. All the complaints you make about Vettel have been circulating about Alonso as well, e.g. being favoured by Briatore, being a very picky character when it comes to his position in the team, only being fast when the car shows a solid performance. Whether this is true or not, I guess it comes without a doubt that his performance in the last couple of years have been impressive even in mediocre cars. I still believe a lot of that is due to his age and experience in F1. Vettel is six years younger than him which, in F1 terms, is quite a bit. Give him a few more years to develop personally and as a driver and we talk again. That doesn´t mean that I discredit Vettel´s current achievements, rather give him more time to further proof his talent.

I followed a radio interview with Norbert Haug on Sunday in which he stated that any accusations that Vettel only won due to a superior car would be nonsense. You don´t win two championship titles that easily. In my personal opinion, most people do not realize how small the performance margins are between those top drivers and that so many things can change the hierarchy immensely. All of those top drivers have had their dilemma with a more-than-equal rival within the team, Alonso with Hamilton, Hamilton with Button so I am curious if Vettel will encounter something similiar during his career. Webber, obviously being a very nice chap, is only occasionally faster than him.

Something else that is often forgotten is Vettel´s performance prior to his seat at Red Bull or outside of F1. I also often ask myself why people consider Newey to be the sole reason for Red Bull´s success since, prior to Vettel, the performance of that team has been less than stellar.
