The engine is wonderful. Extremely free revving, eager and more responsive. It feels appreciably more powerful and stronger too. And I have yet to take it past 4.5k rpm.

My 981 is past the break in now, so I have taken it to the rev limit. If you haven't been past 4500 yet, you're in for a serious treat when you do. The sound at 7600 is amazing... Smiley

Having driven my own 981 for a few weeks now, I can only agree with what you write, very good summary!

This is definately a more mature car than the 987, it has improved on all levels! I have the same experience when it comes to sound level with top up. I was on a "mini vacation trip" to Germany for a few days (hence hitting the break in limit so fast! Smiley ) so I have done some long stints on the Autobahn and it's really a comfortable drive during such conditions.

I was invited to Porsche Driver event by my dealer, a half-day training with professional instructors. We did some serious exercises involving braking, slalom course etc, so I have pushed the car quite a bit. No problem with steering feel due to the electric steering, the car is extremely precise and responsive, it was a joy to throw it around the slalom course!