I can't wait for the next generations of cars to have fully automated braking, steering and accelerations systems - all of course GPS guided Smiley Undoubtley, it will make us faster and safer - he or she who has the best system (or IT geek) wins Smileybut of course all in the spirit of safety and gaining the last .000001 second in our daily commute Smiley

Smiley -

I think there is a balance that car manufactures have gone beyond - RC - I think the C63 is effectively 2 animals one with the electronic aid and one without.  there are very few people who can drive it without unless they are on a runway or closed circuit - fun in both instances, but like you said 95% of the time you need it on.  I am wondering if car manufacturers have gone too far and lost that balance.  I believe this is exactly what Toyota and Subaru are hoping for in launching their new phone, but mildly powered cars.  I think there will be a slew of cars to follow and an audience who will buy them.