Very good start to the year ! 

disappointed by Ferrari, I hope they sort their situation out soon so they can get back on the competitive edge. I somehow feel like Massa will be out soon, he didn't get a chance to do a lot on the race but still.

JB is by far my favorite driver, his only flaw is not being in my favorite team indecision  but apparently McL have done a fantastic job with the car so I hope he keeps up the good work and can go on to the title. He just seems like a genuinely cool guy. Apparently looking good also makes a car faster, make it black and it would be unbeatable indecision

It'll be interesting to see SV playing catchup instead of having clean runs, this puts into perspective his competitive driving ability and not just his ability to drive fast when given clean air. That said he did run a pretty good race, no argument there. 

It's going to be a good season !!