even with record priced gas.


Yes, almost record priced gas EVEN AS the US became a NET EXPORTER of gasoline for the first time in decades in december. The Drill, Baby, Drill Mantra of the FoxNews junkies is a flawed logic. Oil is a fungible, international commodity, that willl continue to climb in price as long as it is the major source of energy for the planet and a major source of cash for the greedy thru speculation on the nymex.

Drilling here may make a few individuals/companies wealthy but it will do no good for the general economy (under current rules) The US economy needs cheap stable energy to flourish. That is not oil. For now that involves a combined approach with many different sources that are part of a national energy plan regulated similar to Utilities. The goal is cheap energy,  not windfall profits for a few, because cheap energy will bring back the prosperous economy of generations past, where real jobs/industries will grow.

It's all doable and proven NOW. Only the lack of capable leadership in Washington has prevented the change. Obummer has failed miserably on this. Natural gas as I have predicted is slowly proceeding to replace diesel in trucking, electric is the way to go for cars despite the volt headlines above.


re: Tesla bricking   Smiley


Coal to Gas progress -


CO2 + sunlight (from the coal plant^^ ) = diesel





and of course once the previously mentioned breakthru's in solar panels become a mass produced reality (5 years) power for cars and home needs will be an after-thought.