
Things in Greece are also wild. A friend of mine with an F430 was pulled over some years ago, clocked at nearly 300 kph on the motorway leading to Athens. The police told him that their commadant was a huge Ferrari enthusiast and all he had to do was open the valves of the exhaust for him to listen to the sound over the phone! That was it; he was let go with the promise that noone would annoy him till he reached Athens!  That said people with flashy cars are targeted nowadays.

If this not an anecdote but a true story, it's an example of the kind of favoritism and frivolous mentality that has destroyed Greece.

The large majority of people with expensive cars in Greece are businessmen or self-employed professionals who have never declared their true incomes to the authorities. They drive a new 911 on a declared gross income of 30K or 40K Euro, for example. It's true that their cars remain hidden nowadays because they are targeted both by unemployed people and by belatedly eager tax officers.


True story Reginos. The owner of the 430 is a good mate of mine.

As for Greece in general, that's a different duscussion altogether.
