
Easy -
I would hate to think that somewhat modest observations and opinions would be responded to with such ridicule.  It makes it much less fun to contribute to this forum.  Perhaps it is an anti Kansas bias (lol) - let me remind you all that I am as European as any of you (rotfl).  You state my conclusion is not supportable and that my analysis is over-extrapolated.  Those are harsh charges, almost like 'over-extrapolated' was the word for the week and you are just trying to use it in a sentence.  All I did was list the points totals for each engine manufacturer, and some of the MANY names that used to be in the sport.  What a shame it is that so many are gone... can't be good for the sport or the viewers.  How is that so wrong?
There is no denying F1 is not working in the US.  It is also a fact that F1 is down to 3 engine suppliers (I never said I liked or followed indycar or NASCAR).  NOT counting Cosworth who are there to pad the field.
I liked it much more when all the others I mentioned were part of the sport.  That is what we are paying for.  Do you think the sport is better off with just three engines (flavors)?  Who would like to list all the past manufacturers?
I think my points are very simple, based in fact and logical - hardly controversial.  The sandbox is getting more expensive, there are fewer players and there is not as much value for the spectators as in the past.  I have watched all the US GP die off, I have watched Canada struggle, don't get me started on my home Austrian GP, look at Turkey, look at the dozens of cities who have tried (spent millions) and failed to get enough money (hence interest) to run a race.
F1 has become an elite circus (for a long time now).  While there is no question it is the current pinnacle of motorsports I think management has held back much of the potential, prevented easy entry into the sport and driven up the cost to the fans.  There is NO QUESTION I am one of the biggest F1 fans in the US, I totally love the sport.  I watch every minute of practice, qualy and race live on TV regardless of the time of day - with live timing and scoring by my side.  In my home theater I have been running an F1 simulator for years and know each turn or evey track having spent 1000's of hours racing and setting up cars.  I have been to dozens of GPs in person all over the world.  My family is friends with many of the old-timers from McLaren racing (Bruce’s personal assistant).  I grew up within earshot of the Oesterreich ring and watched all the legends run there.
The fact remains the spectacle of the event, the show if you like, is losing its focus.  It is more about money and glitzy cocktail parties.  It should be about making others want to take part in the racing.  Why do you think Porsche is not in F1?  Perhaps they agree with me?
I certainly respect your opinion and don't question your conclusions - I do think I made my point.

Completely second this. The only thing that restored my interest in this sport is this new wunderkind from Germany who is bound to destroy all the records set in F1 till today.
