
The german police likes to give 15 EUR tickets to the Test-Drivers, when they leave the track with their helmets on Smiley

SmileySo I must have been lucky not to get a ticket as I often put off the helmet at the nearby gas station only after leaving the track Smiley

As for the old guys: some of them are somewhat "special" when it comes to the use of safety equipment. Some time ago one of these Porsche 917 race veterans (high in his 60ies) drove a lap in my GT3 on the Nordschleife. After climbing into the bucket seats I asked him: do you want to use the 3-point belt or the 6-point-harness ? Answer: none of these - we're only going to cruise around the track Smiley The cruising mode lasted until Schwedenkreuz, when another GT3 became bigger in the rearview mirror.....SmileySmiley

You are a lucky guy - this is no joke.Smiley

The problem is not just the helmet, also the balaclava/mask is not allowed in a car in german-public traffic. For examle, it is also not allowed to wear a funny mask during carnival in your car. This is not because of saftey-reasons - it is because, your face must always be seen.

If you use an open-face-helmet without a mask, the police should not have a problem with it.Smiley

I know at least one test driver, who paid the 15 EUR - with a closed helmet.
