Some more shots taken near San Diego apparently. The new Boxster and Cayman are also in this convoy so I assume Porsche must be going for maximum publicity by driving around conspicuously like this.




I agree , every manufacturer now  seems to run  publicity convoys of these " mules"  - yeah , right  -  ( Boxsters/Cayman  in the case of these photos )  , in stop and go traffic in some of it's biggest markets .  Remember all the 997.2s " mules " running around leafy parts of west LA a few yrs ago ?

Car company marketing people have used the internet car buff boards to put many of the legendary " spy shot " photographers out of business. They even invite journalists 6- 12 mos before official unveilings to come along and test drive and publish photos and driving impressions  of the partly disguised prototypes , like they did for the 991 early  this year.

