Not too fond of the LED slits in the front, they look kinda weird, like they had to cut them so they would fit but maybe they will grow on me in the future... Totally loving the back though!!! Front is also very aggressive and lowering the height of the car makes it so much more sporty. Plus the interior is quite nice, a little too GT style, but my sister has the new Cayenne and I feel I can never get enough of the interior, it makes the car feel so very luxurious and for the price we pay for our beauties a little luxury with the sportiness isn't so bad (for me at least). Anyone notice that the wart grew some foreskin?!?!... Definitely going to place a trade in order... Any news on when orders can be taken and deliveries made, and or pricing?...Next thread is going to be about options and color combo's..  :) Thanks Rossi...