Carlos from Spain:

.... the pilot is the last value in the equation again this year 

The pilot still counts. See Hamilton at P2 and Petrov at P3 compared to Webber, Alonso and Button.

I couldn't disagree more. The McLaren was the second fastest car on the grid and started from second place, a driver like Ham had no troubles taking... 2nd. And Petrov had a lucky start, actually he broke too late into the first corner and pushed Button out and then Button pushed Alonso in turn, and he went through while letting more cars though the inside with him, then a two pit strategy, his rivals to far behind and a decent car did the rest. Far from impressive, think of what a driver like Kubica could of done with those circumstances today, pity he is not back yet, lucky for Petrov.

The only place were we saw the pilot factor is within the teams, Ham vs But, Vet vs Web, Alo vs Mas, and Ros vs Sch. The second drivers of the teams were the big loosers today. Ouside that, it was a predictable 1-Red Bull, 2-McLaren a 3-Ferrari with wildcard Petrov in the middle due to race circumstances. Boring race, there was no fighting between the top drivers.
