This is a very interesting article about the new McLaren, which also highlights what may be the biggest problem of the MP4-12C:

"And so you have a car that might be taken as a mirror of Mr. Dennis himself. Utterly vanquishing, innovative, a masterpiece of reconciled engineering and accounting. Obsessively compulsively brilliant. And yet oddly flat in affect, a strangely clinical exercise in high-speed, low-altitude mathematics. In performance and dynamics, the McLaren has it all over the Italia. But the Ferrari is emotional, visceral, a whistling scythe of car that cuts off the top of your head and pours in pure automechanical pleasure. The McLaren delivers telemetry.

And so, ironically, you may not want the best sports car in the world. Crazy, huh?"

Read full article here:


The secret of life is to admire without desiring.