
Very interesting. Looks like a really great project, looking forward to seeing it running in anger. Any possibility of running it stateside? 


As an American, it is his patriotic duty to do so.



Jim -

Wild question that's been tumbling in the back of mind for awhile. My understanding is that as this is your own personally commissioned car from Pinifarina, you own all the rights to the CAD, build, engineering files, and any aero data.

If Ferrari asked you if they could lease limited manufacturing rights to the design for a special run of say 20 or so cars, would you allow them to?

Or, if one of the clone houses like Factory Five Racing or Year One approached you  - knowing much like your Comp car it would be based on a F430 or a Vette chassis with the LS5 moved to the back - would you be at all receptive to the idea?


...the only thing stopping you in all likelihood, is you!