Redbull car shows again that they are at another level at this track as well.

Surprising performance from the McLarens which will spice up the race tomorrow, hopefully Hamilton will not do something stupid in the first cornes and take out any of the title contenders, since Hamilton has nothing to loose and has had his share of collisions already this year.

But Webber looked like an already defeated man when he got off the car after qualifying, he didn't even stop to speak to the press as he passed by. I feel sorry for him, I doesn't seem like he is getting much support from his own  team.

Alonso managed to place the Ferrari on third, but also important is that he will start from the clean side of the track.


To me it looks like Vettel will have an easy drive tomorrow for first place, Hamilton may take second, and Alonso will saty out of Hamilton's way and stick to third while controlling Webber's position, since I don't think that Webber will beat Vettel or Hamilton from 5th. So Vettel will likely finish in front of Webber in points in the championship.
