
Hamilton likes a rear end that moves around a lot - he uses the rapid change of direction that provides to pitch him quickly into the corner and get him pointing in the right direction for the exit as soon as possible.

It is an unusual style, for the simple reason that it makes the car unstable - but Hamilton does not worry about that, he simply corrects the slide he knows is coming and carries on.

That passage caught my eye. Only the very best skilled in car control will prefer a 'loose' car, I think among the current crop, he is the only one who prefer a loose car. It's a true reflection of a driver's skill, same thing can be said for a fast rain driver, in such conditions the cream rises to the top. If memory serves me well, Senna was the other who likes to drive such a setup, and he is the best in car control and absolutely unstoppable in rain.


You forgot Schumacher who has had one of the most challenging driving habits, driving with a loose tail and directing the car by applying brake and throttle. Some assume that he developed that skill in the Group C Sauber-Mercedes but I do assume that he simply carried over his driving habits from the karting era. A much more complex driving style that is different and more intuitive than the regular pattern of performance driving. Great description at the last paragraphs here. Smiley