
hhaha only because gtr owners got together was Nissan forced to bring the LC2 system and reburce LC1 owner with a new warranty. Pretty poor performance, but then again its Nissan! 

Sure, BMW never had issues with their 168hp machine from god (ahem), but then they hit 300hp+ with the E46 M3 and guess what, they got engine issues...  which also resulted in lawsuits if I recall correctly.  Don't be so quick at pointing fingers at Nissan.  I'm not blasting BMW, 'cause they're great machines, but it goes to show that no company is immune to this sort of issue, no matter where your allegiance may lay!

All the best,


 You are absolutely right Geoff, but this story shows Nissan still has a long way to go until they are a really trustworthy sportscar maker (let alone a Porsche killer).

Ahem ... ahem ..

Porsche, Rear Main Seal

Ahem ... ahem ...


...the only thing stopping you in all likelihood, is you!