
@RC: IMO you are analysing designs and shapes too much and definitely more than the normal buyer.

Everything is a matter of taste and nobody's taste is right or wrong.

For example I find the new 7series too ordinary looking for an expensive limousine and I wouldn't buy one in spite of its marvelous technik.

The 4porte is surely handsome but again it looks to me old fashioned and or if I want to be positive about it too "neoclassical" for my taste.

I try to make it "short" because I have to leave from the office Smiley:

1. somebody who earns his money the hard way always thinks too much when it comes to new acquisitions. I'm afraid there is no "normal" buyer for a 150000 EUR car. 

2. if the Panamera is a matter of taste, Porsche is in deep trouble. I had more than 8 different Porsche in the past 10 years, if I refuse buying one because of how it looks, this is bad in my opinion.

3. in Germany and in some other countries, it is very counterproductive in most businesses if the car you're driving is looking very expensive. So most business men over here prefer limousines which do NOT catch the eye too much. This is why the 7 series has so much success over here in Germany, the country who invented the "de-badging". Smiley

4. the Quattroporte is exactly of how a sporty limousine should look, it may look a bit outdated but sometimes the inside is more important than the outside. Look at Bentley for example.

I don't know what car you're driving right now but I have a feeling that it isn't a Porsche.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I think we're going to "force" users to unveil their ride in the signature because it is really difficult sometimes to talk to people who may live in a different car world.

NOT necessarily referring to YOU, just as a general remark because it would make our life easier. 

The Panamera is a great product, from a technical standpoint of view nothing sensational but a good product, especially judging by the fact that this is Porsche's first limousine.

The rear is just horrible. It definetely looks a bit better in reality, simply because the Panamera is huge and you can't overlook the whole car with one short look. IF you look at it from a slight distance, the "ugliness" of the rear part is more apparent.

I don't know if somebody wants to start a bet but I bet that the first Panamera facelift will change the rear part. Somebody willing to take the risk? Smiley

Thanks for your detailed reply.

When I mentioned "normal buyer" I meant it from  the car enthusiast point of view, and not the income point of view.

Personally I like the Panamera although I only go by the pictures. I haven't seen it in real life yet. Maybe when I see it live I change my view too, although I doubt it.

I didn't know that in Germany it is socially bad to own a luxus car although I've seen many cars with the badges indicating engine size removed and I suspected it. Strange in the biggest economy of Europe and the home of all this expensive automobile brands!

Sure the Panamera's rear design could be somewhat lighter, but it is not the ugly car many of you make it to be.  The previous 7 series was the ugliest luxury car I've seen. However, it was not only popular but at some stage in its life cycle I began liking it myself. Even the current S-class rear design appeared odd at first. But this hasn't stopped it being the reference point for any luxury limousine.

As to your question about my car, I actually own a 997.2 S brand new and a 986 S I've kept for 8 years because I like it very much. I've also owned several air-cooled 911s since the 80s.

But i don't see why this is relevant to our discussion of the Panamera looks!

It's not where you're going, it's how you get there that counts