JMShrink said:
Turbo Al said:
JMShrink said:
JimFlat6 said:
While America as a revolutionary country was founded around what can joe average get from the guys at the top, or from the next guy over.

Actually no. America was founded around joe average revolting to being EXPLOITED by the guys at the top..

Doctor (and Nick),

This mentality (a perception-whether valid or not-many Americans have that they are being "exploited" by others) is THE primary explanation for our legal system's litigation phenomenon, to wit: jurors' (representing American citizens) preconceptions supporting enthusiasm for blaming someone or something else for their misfortune before they are selected by plaintiffs' and defendants' attorneys for trial are the most important determinant of a jury's decisions. So Nick and other attorneys and judges are not responsible for America's liability "crisis," instead Americans themselves are-and this phenomenon is spreading to European countries.

Hey there Turbo Al. I think you may have jumped to the wrong conclusion about where I stand. When it was mentioned about America being founded, my response was regarding 18th century Americans being exploited. NOT modern day Americans. There's quite a difference in the mentality as a culture between 18th century Americans and 21st century Americans.

O.K. now, regarding this whole current American culture of litigation. EVERYBODY pays in one way or another for this sue happy culture. We pay for it in the products we purchase, our health care, etc. Many Americans have NO CLUE about how good they have it in the U.S. Many Americans have never even visited a third world country. Basically this whole discussion can be distilled down to this...projection of blame, lack of a sense of responsibilty, and the "I'm a victim" mindset. It's not a government's job IMO to protect people from their own stupidity. But I'm sure the liberals disagree.

As far as addressing your response to me and Nick, I'm quite disappointed. As far as Nick goes, I can see where he may be coming from... he mentions being involved in DEFENSE of such claims, but guess what...he still benefits from such. Think about it. If there weren't such cases, there'd be no cases to DEFEND. I'm sure Carlos is probably saying, "Ah ha!!" about now.

How's that for a response Al?

Excellent response. But since I'm an Anglophile and don't feel a need to justify our Declaration of Independence from the British, I'll end my post here....