Last week I contacted mcdelaug (another Houston based member) and we decided to contact the Houston dealers for a test drive. Momentum Porsche was out (sold out) and Advantage Porsche had one left in the lot. After taking to the sales manager Carlos (very nice guy) we decided to meet up there this morning and take one for a spin.

First off I should thank Carlos' generosity because they had only one left in the show room and while I was waiting for mcdelaug he turned down 2 customers that requested test drive.

Once the place was clear he pulled the car out of the show room and gave us the key and just begged us not to put too many miles on it, the car had 28 miles on it. The specs were as follows: 18", no SportChrono, standard breaks, Seal Grey/Black, standard steering wheel, 6 speed.

Mcdelaug took the driver seat first and we left the dealer very slowly and cautiously. Mcdelaug drove one way and I drove the way back which was in total around 20 miles; 10 miles each way. I let mcdelaug write his review.

But as far as my thoughts on the Cayman S. I will compare it to my 2000 996. The car looks very nice and in proportion the acceleration from the get go is, if not better, as good as my 996. It sounds as good as my car with PSE; the engine's sound from out side is very throaty and sporty but from inside you hardly hear the beautiful roar.

I noticed the mid-engine set up right away since the car felt more in balance than my car (please remember I'm comparing it to a 2000 996 not 997 or 997S). My engine and Cayman's engine are both 3.4L but I could immediately notice the throttle response which I believe is due to VarioCam Plus. The steering is very very tight and precise much more nimble and responsive than my 996. Gears and clutch felt much better than my car too. The gear change was very direct and precise no hiccups what so ever, better than the 996 too. Breaking was absolutely great I would say up to par with the 996.

Since we drove it in the HWY I can't talk about the turns, twists and so forth but it sure felt more solid than the 996 and I believe that it is due to it's smaller size and for sure the reinforced body roll and rigidity. But I could tell that the first and second gears were quite long, if some after market tuner can shorten the gears (1 and 2 only) this car will be a killer. But overall not bad at all.

In general if I had the option of buying a 911 (996) or the Cayman S I would pick the Cayman S hands down.

Porsche needs to pump some more horsepower to this bad boy. I know we had many discussions regarding this but this car needs a bit more HP I would go for even 335hp and price it at 997. Anyway, I don't mean to start another 10 page threat on this, PLEASE.

Pretty much everything

The driver seat was too close to the steering for me even though I pushed it all the way back (I'm 6'2").