
This is not in any way comparable to being afraid you can't live with 200-300 miles of range even though the daily usage is only 30 miles on average in the US.

"Average daily use" is not the same as "distance I would like to cover today". This makes all the difference, if you have a Tesla but cannot use it for a longer distance Smiley 

Buying a car for the few days per year you might "like" to travel excessive mileage doesn't make sense. You probably wish you have a pick-up truck a few days per year as well, or a large SUV, but that isn't a reason to buy a pick up truck or large SUV. When you know you need the mileage, you'll take 30 seconds to charge it the day/night before.

You write like a person that better uses a taxi than a car Smiley Mostly short distance travels, with few exceptions...