
991.2 GT2 RS target Ring time is below 7:08,00min.

BTW, regarding picture of the completely "shaved" Cup2 tires that CG posted some clarification is needed since conspiracy theory fans  and those who did not had a chance to read the full article yet are making all kinds of assumptions.

Since ambient temperature was low-4℃ tire warmers were used. Two sets of identical Cup2s in AMG GT-R specs were used. First session lasted 6 laps and fastest time was achieved on 6th lap. Tires were completely "shaved" in the end. Second session lasted little bit less and achieved time as almost the same. This time achieved on 3rd hot lap. 

So, CG did around 7 fast laps. 

Kreso, Cup tires are not shaved after 6 NBR laps. This is Mercedes marketing BS.

The whole "test" is a pure marketing event: no acceleration times, no verification of engine power, suspension setup, no HHR time. I am very angry - they are deceiving the readers, sponsored by Mercedes for sure.