
here at the Ferrari dealer they have a fully loaded GT-S from 232NP to 129 selling with 5000 km......shocker....

I expected that... Now that the new top models are available, prices will drop further.

Just saw a GT S half an hour ago, some sort of dark grey, looking beautiful. This car has street presence but it is too heavy and too expensive. Smiley Of course compared to a 911, it may be a bargain but then again, the 911 has two back seats (which can be used as excellent transport room for two larger suitcases, especially in the Cab).

For 50% off for a 5000km car I could get tempted. It drives really great. It is much sharper than my SLS. Problem - it would be another car I just would have sitting there and hardly use. But indeed... those prices are very tempting!