Carlos from Spain:

During the introduction, Porsche only reference the 959 and the 918, they left out the CGT. The 918 was driven out by Walter Rohrl and the 959 by Hans Stuck.

Zero mention or attention given to the CGT. 

The description given is that both the 959 and 918 played an important role in Porsche cars and contribute greatly to Porsche’s other cars. 

Thus is the same sentiment I have had since basically forever and the factory agreed with me. 

I can see what they mean, the 959 and 918 where technologically very advanced for the time, s showcase for Porsche, the CGT was just a normal supercar, great engine with carbon tub, but it had nothing special going on.

Which is exactly what makes it great imo. It's analogue, its sole purpose is to be a driving machine, not to push forward some kind of technological or ecological agenda. CGT. <3



1988 Peugeot 205 Rallye / 2004 Porsche 996 GT3 RS  / 2022 BMW M5 CS