First at all, I have to agree that the dealer's "excuse" is unacceptable. C'mon, at least he should have been clever enough to lie to you. Such dealers are probably the type of dealers who think they can do ANYTHING to the customer and that the customer needs him and not the other way around.
A real shame to tell a customer that he can't get a certain item because another customer paid more.

Second, relax guys. I had to pull a lot of strings, to push a lot of buttons, to get my PSE.
Supply is VERY VERY limited right now, there seem to be problems even on new car orders.
So anybody who gets one OUT of production should consider himself very very lucky.
And the others should expect their retrofit exhaust systems when the factory re-opens.

I heard that demand has been extremeley high and that marketing researches done BEFORE ordering the first batch of PSE from the manufacturer didn't expect such high demand.
Maybe they should have just asked us over here on bet they could have saved a lot of money too.