MMD said:
My point is this. The Bose IS better than the stock because all the experts say it is.

I think you would find most "experts" in the high end audio business think Bose is far from the best. In the world of high end audio Bose doesn't exist. So, just saying it is Bose doesn't make it good. Check out any high end car or home audio store and you will find that they do not even offer Bose.

Having said that, I am sure the Bose system in the Porsche is great. I have heard so from many owners.

You keep missing my point, until you have actually listened to both systems you are should not comment on which is best. To do so is to assume. I assume the Bose is better than the stock system, but I do not know this for a fact (because I have not listened to the Bose system). I am also assuming you have never listened to the stock system.
