I just got back from a memorial.

Pete, Anthony, Dave, Thomas, and whoever else helped put the memorial together; what you guys did today was truly touching and heart warming. Ben was lucky to have such loving friends and we were all lucky to have Ben as our friend.

The aura of love and respect for Ben was greatly felt this morning.

-Pete, your so caring, thanks for taking the time to record the messages and gathering among other things.

Anthony, I know it didnt look like I enjoyed going in your car with you but beleive me, it made all the difference. it just wouldnt have been the same if I went with somebody that didnt know Ben like you. After talking with you I felt a little more at peace.

Dave, you were an integral part of todays experience, thank you so much.

Thomas, your voice was heard loud and clear and we apreciate your leader ship in todays gathering.

Your hearts are made of gold.

hope i didnt leave anyone out, im running off of ZERO sleep.

Thanks to everyone that showed.

Nice seeing you again Mark and Justin

Oh and special thanks to Matt for giving my friend a ride.