I'm really sorry that your Dad's car got hit. That said, your wanting to "publicly lynch" the 'ol lady just because she's old goes beyond the pale. There's hardly a day goes by when you can pick up the newspaper and find horrendous accidents caused by the old and yes the young. Care to compare insuramce rates sonny?

Yes, I'm considered a senior and ordinarily don't rise to the bait of senior bashing. Indeed, my wife, friends and some athletes I coach refer to me as "the 'ol guy". A term of endearment so far as I'm concerned - but I digress (I'm old, I'm allowed).

Think a moment. She lost control of her car; s**t happens; deal with it. How many of you have done the same? How many of you hollier than thou have lost control of your car and had an accident or an off course excursion during a DE. I don't see any of you calling for a license revocation or fileting yourself or your buddy.

I apologize if I've offended Andrew or any of the other "lets give her a fair trial and hang the guilty bastard" folks commenting in this thread. But, ya know, if the shoe fits..........

I gotta go, it's time for my nap