reginos said:
Ferdie said:
that needs a bit of clarification. The DSG box mentioned above weighst about 50 kg more than the manual version and about 20 kg more than the common automatic transmission for those applications.
The DSG Golf GTI weighs 25 kg (V6 28kg) over the manual. Not comparable?
The currently used DSG box of Volkswagen is designed to handle up to 320 Nm torque, an upcoming, smaller and lighter gearbox for up to 200 Nm torque is about to go on sale in Europe.
The Turbo's gearbox is, due to higher torque loads, much heavier (120 kg opposed to about 75 kg for the manual). A general description of the
DSG box here. One advantage, compared to the already offered noseheavy DSG models (Audi TT, Golf GTI etc.) is the fact that the gearbox (and therefore the extra weight) on the Turbo is placed at the ideal position. Therefore I wouldn't worry about another couple kgs!