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    997S on Turbo Wheels

    Hi all,

    need to finalize order On my 997S...

    Still doubting the wheel choice...
    between colored (black) Sportdesigns or the two-tone turbo wheels...
    (On a black/black 997S)

    Anybody has pictures of a normal 997S On turbo wheels (preferably a black 997)...
    Is this blasfemy, turbo wheels On a non-turbo?

    all opinions welcome!


    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    LOL blasphemy! I wouldn't think so...but then again you always get those people that think any porsche model that isnt a 1973 RS is blasphemy...

    So maybe you can get away with the turbo wheels but I still think that the sport designs (especially when coloured) looked much nicer! Esp on the relatively 'clean' 997 Cs...

    Check out the recent (show your 997) post for some good examples of wheel choices...

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    loe said:
    Hi all,

    need to finalize order On my 997S...

    Still doubting the wheel choice...
    between colored (black) Sportdesigns or the two-tone turbo wheels...
    (On a black/black 997S)

    Anybody has pictures of a normal 997S On turbo wheels (preferably a black 997)...
    Is this blasfemy, turbo wheels On a non-turbo?

    all opinions welcome!


    Why don't you use the Carconfigurator on the Porsche-HO?


    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Phoenix_911, Porsche config is not really life-like imho
    Just want to see a black 997 With either the turbo wheels or the black sportdesigns In the flesh...

    jamesaug, saw the pics thread, but most of the examples are the regular sportdesigns/S-wheels...

    thanks For the Input though!

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Here's a comp. Not blasphemy, just adding more visual interest, or clutter, depending on POV.

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    black but cab

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    thanks guys

    keep em comming!

    much appriciated...

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    All that really matters is what looks good to you.

    Keep looking at photos but do remember, it's different seeing it in real life. Personally, I've seen Turbo wheels on a C2S and it didn't appeal to me. But that's just me. You may take one look and fall in love with them...

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    easyrider, that's the problem, I've never seen one in real life here in Belgium..
    I'm imagining it would look really good on a black 997S...
    the black body being simple, the turbo wheels giving it some interesting detail...

    anybody have an idea about the weight of both wheels?

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Ive seen a Basalt Black 997S with Turbo wheels and red seat belts in the flesh last week and IMHO it is stunning. I loved it so much that its the colour combo I have gone with too, except I have also specc'ed the aerokit.

    Here are some pics of the car I saw:

    Also look at this thread for pics of a Black 997S with Turbo wheels and aerokit.

    Long Island Run on 6speedonline

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    thanks! these were the pics I was looking for!!

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Cool, no probs.

    So what do you think? Do you prefer the Turbo or Sportdesign so far??

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    I like my 5 spoke wheels.

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    IMO, the S Wheels are the best looking for the 997 and they're the lightest. The Turbo wheels look the best on the Turbo- too busy for the 997.

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    I'll go for basalt with turbo wheels...

    the black makes the shape really simple and is perfectly matched by the business of the turbo wheels

    did I mention I reallr really like the design of the turbo wheels

    black With sportdesign's is a bit to classic for me, I'm not that old

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    loe said:
    I'll go for basalt with turbo wheels...

    the black makes the shape really simple and is perfectly matched by the business of the turbo wheels

    did I mention I reallr really like the design of the turbo wheels

    black With sportdesign's is a bit to classic for me, I'm not that old

    IMO I would go for the 5 Spoke Carrera Classics or the Sportwheel!

    But in the end it depends on, what you like more.


    Have you tried out the Porsche Car-Configurator?

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels


    I used the car configurator, I think already a thousand times

    but, imho it does not really give a realistic look, especially the color combinations are not as they are in real life

    so final list For me:

    997S Basaltblack/black With:

    640 Chrono Plus Sport
    xcz shifter
    xlf pse
    404 Turbo 19" rims
    482 tpms
    xrp spacers
    22 black dials
    342 heated seats
    p01 adaptive sportseats
    xsc embossed p-emblem
    670 Navi
    680 Bose
    cj2 CJ2-sta tracking
    xpa thick leather sportsteering wheel

    any comments? remarks? (I know every newbie ask this stupid question )

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    At Rs-motors in Ingelmunster there was last week a black or dark grey (it was raining and i didn't had a close look) 997S 4S with turbo rims.
    IMHO it's not the best combo
    Did you take a glimpse at the tech art rims

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    loe said:

    I used the car configurator, I think already a thousand times

    but, imho it does not really give a realistic look, especially the color combinations are not as they are in real life

    Hi loe!

    That is a little point I didn't thought of. Did you use the 2-D-programm or the 3-D one?


    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels


    ik zou standaard willen blijven
    hierboven staat een voorbeeldje in 't zwart..
    't is veel moderner dan de andere velgen

    als het niet standaard zou moeten zijn, zou'k BBS LM's eronder zetten...


    tried both of them...
    just try the same color On a 997S and For instance a 997Turbo...
    the colors look already so different although they should identical...

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    loe said:

    I used the car configurator, I think already a thousand times

    but, imho it does not really give a realistic look, especially the color combinations are not as they are in real life

    so final list For me:

    997S Basaltblack/black With:

    640 Chrono Plus Sport
    xcz shifter
    xlf pse
    404 Turbo 19" rims
    482 tpms
    xrp spacers
    22 black dials
    342 heated seats
    p01 adaptive sportseats
    xsc embossed p-emblem
    670 Navi
    680 Bose
    cj2 CJ2-sta tracking
    xpa thick leather sportsteering wheel

    any comments? remarks? (I know every newbie ask this stupid question )

    Yes, you forgot to spec the sport suspension

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Seems like you're going for a sportier spec. So what about these:

    X51 Carrera S Powerkit?
    P17 -20mm sports suspension?
    450 PCCBs?

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels


    No no no as said before

    I'm becomming soft...
    had On previous cars Intrax suspension With adjustable bump & rebound, and I swore to myself the my Next car had to had a suspension that was adjustable from the cabin

    Road in my neigborhood are so bad, I really want the comfort of PASM.
    I'm affraid sport suspenion will be a compromise, too hard on normal (bad) roads, to soft for track use.
    Hope that the hard PASM setting is good On track, because it was fairly useless On the road

    beside that, I'm sure I will miss the LSD...

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Which dealer?
    Btw the sportsmode feels good on a track, unless you are a real trackbeast... but then, you need a GT3!

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Don't like the way turbo wheels look on a Carrera. IMHO wheels that are specific to a model don't look right when fit onto another, just looks very part bin to me but that's just my 2 cents.

    Regarding Sport Design - Unless you're going w/ PCCB's I wouldn't recommend them. They're the most difficult to clean from all the wheels by far, almost impossible to clean the inner wheel without major work and the steel brakes create a real mess so the inside of your wheels (w/ steel brakes) are going to need constant cleaning. May not sound like a big deal now when you're picking out which wheels to get but trust me, if you care at all about what your wheels look like during ownership trying to keep them clean will be a battle. I've got the Lobster forks which aren't that bad to keep clean because you can get inside the wheel easy enough w/ a good wheel brush w/ a long handle but if I could have a do-over on the wheel decsison I'd go w/ the Classics not just because of the maintance issue (they're the easiest to keep clean), they look real good too. The turbo wheels are pretty easy to clean plus they don't look as dirty because of the dark finish but like I said imo they belong on a turbo only. Good luck.

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    beltar, Verellen is my dealer...
    indeed for occasional trackdays, PASM should be sufficient...

    easy_rider, with X51 and PCCB's, I would have chosen a GT3... x51 is imho too expensive for the measly powerincrease... PCCB's? I'm concerned for graveltraps, which are apparently the achilesheal of the PCCB's

    Stradale, I agree, current car has CSL wheels, which are a pain to keep clean... I do not, however, agrre with your viuw on the turbo wheels, I think they match a simple colored 997 very well

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Well Loe for what its worth Im 100% in agreement with you, the turbo wheels are stunning on a Black car. I do agree that the wheels do not suit every colour though - however I think this applies to each wheel - they each have colours they suit and colours they dont. I love the polished chrome finish on the turbo wheels and once you see them side by side with the other selection of all painted wheels the others look somewhat "toy"ish. They remind me very much of the 19" wheels on my current M3, and I have always loved them. The only other wheels I might consider are the GT3 wheels however these are not available at the moment on a 997S.

    I just cant understand why people seem to say the Turbo wheels look stunning on a TT but dont suit a 997. The cars are 99% the same for f**ks sake, what on earth are you all on about?????

    In my circs Im going for the aerokit too, and its been suggested that it will look like a mixup of 997,GT3 and TT. Wake up people, they are factory fit options now.

    I personally would stay clear of any aftermarket wheels as I think these can make a car look cheap. However thats a very UK opinion, whereas in the US aftermarket wheels are far more common and much more accepted by the public as something generally desireable. Not so sure who things are in Belgium but Id guess views may be similar to the UK - you are only a few miles away over the sea after all.

    Anyway enjoy the car, I love your choice.

    On terms of other spec - I havnt gone with Sports Chrono as it offers little to me IMHO. I never use my sport button on the M3 as I dont like the throttle remap and my car will never be going anywhere near a track, and the rest of the features expect the lap timer are all available on the car anyway.

    I do agree that the X51 seems expensive though compared to the power increase. I agree that the GT3 makes a better buy than a 997S with X51 and PSE and the price is very similar.

    Anyway a couple of pics of Turbo Wheels on an artic silver 997S with aerokit - another nice combo IMHO.

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    loe said:
    beltar, Verellen is my dealer...

    So is mine , who did you deal with ? Johan or Wim ?
    Is it your first Porsche from them ?

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Adam2S said:

    I just cant understand why people seem to say the Turbo wheels look stunning on a TT but dont suit a 997.

    It has to do with the slattyness of the TT that doesn't have anything visually to do with the non-turbo 997. The TT wheels reference back to the turbo's slattyness.

    You could say the same thing about the Carrera S wheels (lobster fork) which have little to do with the Carrera S they are supplied with.

    Basically, in good design you're always looking for the intelligence behind why things are pulled together like they are. If it looks arbitrary: it's a big disappointemt for designers. If it looks pulled together with reiterations of the "same" visual elements in different forms then it's good.

    Insted of something arbitrary (e.g.: beauty is in the eye's of the beholder) you're trying to achieve a wholistic result or a degree of the "whole-is-more-than-the-sum-of-it's-parts" in good design. Takes a high degree of intelligence to achieve that.

    Too bad marketers seem to get the final say alot of the times in the car styling biz; God forbid they are using focus groups to determine "good" design.

    Re: 997S on Turbo Wheels

    Everyone has their own opinion and it's great that there is no best answer. Personally, I like most any Porsche wheel better than aftermarket wheels. I think the turbo wheels look nice on dark cars but not on light colored cars. I'm getting a white turbo with GT3 RS wheels and hope it looks OK.



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