MKW said:
Are we listening to the same motor ?
LOL; it's probably my amateur ears at work muddling. Thanks for the explanation/clarification.
My problem with the sound is I bet when you trounce on it, the damn thing will be heard from miles away. The last thing I want is for the neighbors to hear me coming and going. Or to have bicyclists and pedestrians to cower in fear while I get a little throttle happy waaaaay behind them on the same street.
Ya know? Would be nice to be able to mess around and not attract too much attention. I gotta feeling the new M3'ws engineered sound is gonna screw that up too.
Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.
Boat show sucked in PNW, was good in NY but still nothing to get excited about. Didn't find anything good though. Gotta move to SoCal!