Pink Panther said:
Personally I am happy to keep the car below 100mph and enjoy the extra feel that this nervous car provides.
Yes - so true - I actually enjoy the wonderful steering feel at 60-90mph most of all. The pleasure I get is so good that I don't need to drive at over 120mph to have fun.
Yes, the -20mm sports suspension requires constant attention but I feel literally everything.
Yes, when going over undulations at high speed, the car feels airborne momentarily but I have total trust in the car. I just accept this knowing that there is no danger and that I am very far from the limits of the car.
As for cross winds, kiwicanuck, you certainly identified a noticeable characteristic in certain weather conditions but, IMHO, it's because our cars are so sensitive that we feel the buffeting by cross winds. Perhaps I can put it this way, IMHO, feeling buffetted by cross winds is fine just as long as the car itself isn't made to alter its direction by those winds.
Another issue I would throw into the equation is the sensation of speed. Other cars achieve the ability to mask high speed not by a superior set up to a 911 but by numbing the whole experience down. I am happy to accept a live-wire, nervousness which nonetheless ensures I feel everything. I don't want a car which hides how fast I'm going. In a 997S, I feel the speed and I can feel how the speed the car is travelling at interracts with the weather conditions around me.
Sorry if I digress gentlemen - I would also add that the 911 makes me feel like I can do anything - I just have to think of it and it's possible. The response, power, sensation of safety are all so confidence-inspiring.
On Sunday, I took the long way home from my parents' home after enjoying Sunday lunch with them. The roads weren't too busy, many cars were going along at 50-60mph. I was able to sprint past occasionally weaving through the traffic as if they were all stationary.
I am simply speechless at what this car can do. Perhaps it's the fact that I have a -20mm 997S that adds to this amazing experience...
Just my 2 cents...