atomic80 said:
I'm a strong stickler for break-in procedures as specified in the owner's manual regardless of what the "experts" supposedly say. I followed my 2000 mile break-in procedure to the letter before letting her rip when I finally made it past the magic barrier. Never had any engine issues with any of my past cars. My last car, a BMW M5 after breaking her in properly had one of the most powerful engines out of the other M5s I've encountered so I must be doing something right.
Mar 9, 2007 2:17:02 AM
Mar 9, 2007 2:59:15 AM
Quote:All doubt would be removed it someone from Porsche's legal dept would admit the 2,000 mi break-in was to protect them from newbies that got their cars backwards before they learned about 'weight transfer'.
MMD said:
The matter is settled for me since the BS of the arbitrary 2000 mile "hint" for usa cars has been explained away.
Mar 9, 2007 6:14:31 AM
Mar 9, 2007 10:48:12 AM
Mar 9, 2007 12:24:36 PM
atomic80 said:
I'm a strong stickler for break-in procedures as specified in the owner's manual regardless of what the "experts" supposedly say. I followed my 2000 mile break-in procedure to the letter before letting her rip when I finally made it past the magic barrier. Never had any engine issues with any of my past cars. My last car, a BMW M5 after breaking her in properly had one of the most powerful engines out of the other M5s I've encountered so I must be doing something right.
Mar 9, 2007 1:42:02 PM
Mar 9, 2007 1:46:59 PM
Mar 9, 2007 3:00:53 PM
Mar 9, 2007 4:02:24 PM
Mar 9, 2007 4:41:15 PM
69bossnine said:
Show me a single case, a single instance, where a warranty claim involving engine failure or malady is denied due to the PCM showing a deviation from the manual's break-in HINTS. Use your heads, ask your attorney (hell, there's enough of them right here on this forum), by using the language they use, i.e. "hints" and "suggested", they have no teeth to bind warranty denial. Zero, it wouldn't hold water in any dispute. They INTENTIONALLY use those soft words, it's not happenstance..
Mar 9, 2007 4:55:31 PM
Mar 9, 2007 4:58:08 PM
Mar 9, 2007 5:26:15 PM
Mar 9, 2007 10:35:57 PM
Mar 10, 2007 3:40:33 AM
SVNSVN said:
I've never heard of a race car being broken in - so why should our cars...?
The folks at the factory were more concerned with me being rear ended ( because of the stopping power of the brakes) than of any break-in procedure. " Drive it as fast as you want." And I pretty much did.
Mar 12, 2007 1:17:06 PM
Texas911 said:
Maybe its called hints because they translated it wrong. Hell when I run low on gas it says "please mind your remaining range". Obviously, not an English as a first language type phrase. Hint might have a totally different meaning in German.
Go by the book is my recommendation, and that's as valid as anyone here on an internet forum.
Mar 12, 2007 2:55:40 PM