E60 M5 SMG Vs. E60 M5 6 speed manual
The following numbers are from Car & Driver Jan 06 issue that had the M5 vs CLS55 vs Caddy STS V and from the Feb 07 issue of Car & Driver that tested the 6spd M5 vs E63 vs S6.
0-60 4.2
0-100 9.4
0-150 20.7
1/4 mile 12.5@118
6spd M5
0-60 4.7
0-100 10.3
0-150 23.4
1/4 mile 13.0@114
CLS 55
0-60 4.2
0-100 9.8
0-150 24.9
1/4 mile 12.6@114
0-60 4.2
0-100 9.7
0-150 23.3
1/4 mile 12.6@115
0-60 4.2
0-100 9.4
0-150 20.7
1/4 mile 12.5@118
6spd M5
0-60 4.7
0-100 10.3
0-150 23.4
1/4 mile 13.0@114
CLS 55
0-60 4.2
0-100 9.8
0-150 24.9
1/4 mile 12.6@114
0-60 4.2
0-100 9.7
0-150 23.3
1/4 mile 12.6@115