pretty as these pictures might look my dear teammates, driving iround the Tokyo area had proved too much of a pain for my clutch foot. Traffic and red lights are a contant thing and no matter where you go there are just cars cars cars and lines lines lines. Bicycles, not to mention, is an other major added risk on local roads, NARROW roads. I especially hate the fact that whatever highway (speedway / motorway or what have you) one gets on, an expensive toll is unavoidable and even on these highways, traffic can reach new hights.... On my way back from the country side yday there were 13KM -- I say again: THIRTEEN KILOMETRES of traffic going back into the city. These pictures sure come with a cost...
a bit off subject but I love my 6spd and I'd rather bear the pain so really I shouldn't complain?
having that said though, driving on the countryside is wonderfully. People are much nicer and friendlier than Tokyo, roads are much wider, lesser traffic, life is wonderfully. Also, let's not forget to mention that these Japanese police are quite forgiving when it comes to parking violation. Unless you're REALLY overdoing it for an extended amout of time, they will usually let you slide right by.
on the speeding side, I've got a radar detector and am planning to purchase another version of sat.nav. DVD which has ALL the speedtraps recorded in it so I get a bit of an extra protection whenever my right foot becomes heavy.
hope that answers the question.
now I've got a question to ask. On a rainy day last Sunday with PSM on & coming out of a corner in 2nd I intentionally gave a bit more gas in hoping to see the tail comes out a bit, I managed a small slide and the car was recovered quite quickly. I did NOT step on the brake and as far as I remembered the PSM light did not come on.
What I want to know is, did PSM kick in??
When PSM kicks in, would the PSM-off light blink on the dash??