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    Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    The Porsche Cayenne has been plagued with reports of poor throttle response since it's introduction. It goes by many names: lurching, lag, hesitation, delay, dead pedal, etc. The car does not always respond quickly enough to throttle inputs and you may experience delays of one or two seconds after flooring the gas before it finally takes off. The most severe example is in merging onto a freeway when you can sometimes find the Cayenne almost stalling when you hit the throttle, which can leave you in a stressful situation if you had planned, for example, to pull in front of a fast moving truck. When it does take off it does so in an unexpected rush rather than a smooth flow of power. The delay seems attributable to both the throttle and the transmission. The engine does not respond immediately to throttle input and the transmission is frequently in one or two gears too high for good acceleration. Exiting a corner is also a frequently cited example of the hesitation, where the Cayenne will frequently stumble and hesitate when you apply the throttle coming out of a corner.

    Porsche is aware of the complaints and has been working on a solution, although most of this work is undocumented. The most recent possible solution was a replacement of the transmission control module. This was the topic of an extensive discussion here on Rennteam (see this thread). Many Cayenne owners had their transmission control modules replaced to help reduce the delay and the results were discussed in that thread. To summarize, the transmission control module replacement was no cure by itself but may have been helpful. It would seem to apply to Cayennes built prior to June 2003. A characteristic of the old module is that the car starts off in D2 when PSM is turned off. The new module starts off in D1 when PSM is turned off. There may be other module replacement activities going on as well but this seems to be the main one and in fact it may be the subject of Porsche's recall/TSB #W515 issued in late September 2004.

    Another possible solution has been a DME update. Many dealers have performed DME updates for owners who complain of the hesitation. Most of these updates were undocumented and not entirely successful in curing the symptoms. There is a recent DME update, W515, also issued in late September 2004, that is documented. I have not read the bulletin so I am not even certain it is directed at the hesitation issue, however I have had the procedure performed on my car and believe it has made a difference. It's only been two weeks so I'm still evaluating.

    I would like to hear from anyone who has had either of the most recent recalls performed on their cars, either W515 or W516, and what they think the results are. Also anyone who had a transmission control module replacement prior to that recall should continue to provide us with updates.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Good summary Gary !

    Also we should watch out for deterioration over time from a DME update.

    My dealer believes that on some cars the DME degrades over a few weeks to the point that it has to be redone. This could relate to the DME TSB which decribes problems with the flash process.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Thanks Mick, and I agree about the DME update degrading over time. Every time I have left the dealership after an update I have thought "Wow! This throttle is so much better than before." But then, three weeks later, it seems to be back to the way it was. I have speculated that the updates may be nothing more than clearing the Cayenne's memory of learned driving styles, which would put it back to a factory default mapping. I'm not sure the "learning your driving style" was ever a good idea anyway. Most of my driving style is dictated by the traffic around me. It's not very often that I get to drive exactly like I want to.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Just yesterday Ihad the W516 recall performed on my CT. I had taken the truck in for a minor repair, and this recall, along with several others, was performed without my asking.

    What is the difference between W515 and W516? I'll let you know if I experience any difference.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    So it is only in automatics? Not in manuals?

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Even though I have not even seen a Cayenne with a manual transmission, I will still go out on a limb and say this is most certainly an "automatic only" problem.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    I am glad this topic is still being discussed.
    I went to try the cayenne i was going to buy, a used turbo from januiary 2003
    with only 12000 miles, and the car had such a lagging -lurching problem that i had to stop, for a while, because i became seasick!!
    I tried the v8 next, and it was much better, it was a 2004 model, but still had a degree of throttle delay on many occasions.
    I thirdly tried the infinity x45, which had a "normal" automatich shift and felt like the v8 without the lag sometimes occuring.
    to sum it up, did not like the feeling at all, and after 2 hours i was very relieved to back in my manual shift car!
    I am bummed, because i had been looking forward to get a CT, now i reallt have to think it over.
    I will try a new CT, and V8 to compare them, to the used ones, but if its true that the lag effect comes from "learning" the user, this will be an ongoing hassle of owning the car, and i am not up for it.

    I am really thinking of finding something completely different..but Sad to say so.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    I understand your concerns Toto. Everyone has to balance their own needs to come up with an answer that's right for them. The hesitation problem with the Cayenne is a signiificant distraction that could sway your decision.

    For myself, the hesitation is a significant factor but it does not even come close to dampening my enthusiasm for this car. The Cayenne is a mignificant vehicle with an incredible range of capability that no other SUV even comes close to. I think the steering feel and handling are the best available in an SUV. It still amazes me that a vehicle that corners like the Cayenne, is still able to provide off-road capabilities that is competitive with companies like Jeep and Land Rover.

    As I said, I understand your concerns, however, even though I talk about the hesitation a great deal, and am critical of Porsches efforts to date in fixing the problem, I am still very enthusiastic over this vehicle and would not consider trading it for anything that I see currently available.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    GM Austin said:
    The delay seems attributable to both the throttle and the transmission.

    Can't this be a turbo problem as well? Turbo engines in general are known for this problem. Remember the saab and volvo turbo cars from the late seventies and the early eighites? There was a HUGE throttle delay. In recent years (decades), engine designers have partly solved this problem by making the turbo operate at a wider (lower) rpm range. But still, if the rpm is very low when you hit the throttle, I would guess it takes a second or so to get the turbo charging.
    Just my thoughts.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Both the S and the Turbo exhibit this behavior. I can't tell that the Turbo is any worse, however, this is a difficult thing to judge exactly. The symptoms vary depending on the driving you just previously did and other factors, which I don't yet fully understand. It would seem that you would be correct, the Turbo should make the situation worse. Since it affects both the S and Turbo though, I would say turbo lag is not the main problem.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Hello all.
    I have been out trying a T-reg the V10turbodiesel.
    i have never ben considering this car up to now, since i think its too truck -like, and the interior decor is too luxurious, and kitchy for my taste.
    But I must admit the car put a total smile on my face, the accelleration was just incredible, very smooth, and there was no turbo lag, or hesitation problem to speak of.
    So since it is the same gearbox, I suppose, I now am even more it only the older Cayennes that exhibit this behaviour.. I cant accept buying a Touareg instead, when what I want is the CT!

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    How about you buying a couple of v10s and trading me for my CT <g>? See my comparative notes on driving the v8 and v10 here:

    Touareg sport mode

    I don't know about the v10 being truck like I actually find the non air suspension models more sedan like in their ride.

    I agree with you on the Touareg interior. The Cayenne is much more to my liking. The CT even more so.

    From what I've read it's not just older Cayenne's that exhibit the hesitation issue. There's a guy on one of the other boards that had a '04 CT and now has an '05 one. The last note I saw from him was that, while not as bad, the '05 had the hesitation issue.

    From reading the Touareg boards and NHTSA complaints, they can be right up there with the Cayenne on the hesitation front:

    VWVortex hesitation posts

    NHTSA reports on the Touareg

    Have you experienced the hesitation issue yourself? I'm asking because it seems to hit some and not others. I'm convinced it has a lot to do with where and how you drive. If I didn't drive in stop-and-go intercity traffic I really wonder if it would drive me as crazy as it does. That written, I've never had any kind of problem like I do with the CT with other vehicles so the equation might really be: Cayenne + driving environment + driving style = hesitation or no hesitation.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Toto said:
    I am glad this topic is still being discussed.
    I went to try the cayenne i was going to buy, a used turbo from januiary 2003
    with only 12000 miles, and the car had such a lagging -lurching problem that i had to stop, for a while, because i became seasick!!
    I tried the v8 next, and it was much better, it was a 2004 model, but still had a degree of throttle delay on many occasions.
    I thirdly tried the infinity x45, which had a "normal" automatich shift and felt like the v8 without the lag sometimes occuring.
    to sum it up, did not like the feeling at all, and after 2 hours i was very relieved to back in my manual shift car!
    I am bummed, because i had been looking forward to get a CT, now i reallt have to think it over.
    I will try a new CT, and V8 to compare them, to the used ones, but if its true that the lag effect comes from "learning" the user, this will be an ongoing hassle of owning the car, and i am not up for it.

    I am really thinking of finding something completely different..but Sad to say so.

    the lag/hestation issue while brutal is sistered by a remote control problem which is similarly heinous. we have two keys and the first one sucked pretty much since new and the 2nd is now acting like the first. the remote entry won't work (ok, maybe 5% of the time), but intead sets the alarm off (ie: horn beeping). so, you get to put the baby down, go around the truck to the driver's side (the only door which accepts a key), unluck it with a key, put the key in the ignition so you can unlock the other doors with the switch. then you get to reverse the process when exiting the car (ie: get the baby out, go back around the vehicle - in tight parking spaces with a car seat - and lock the POS via the driver's door by key). then there's the intermittant rear glass haywire wherein the glass in the rear pops open, you slam it, it pops right back open, repeat, repeat, repeat, until finally it stays shut. and then there is the complete erasure of settings from the driver's memory seat. and of course, who could forget the 1 qt oil consumption just about every 1k miles so far in the first 6k. and then there is the lack of air that comes out of the rear vents. it's also fun to listen to the service soon indicator everytime we get in the car since it started counting down the 20k service as 2k and has warned ever since hitting 2k. dealer says bring it in for a reset. all it takes is a steering wheel shaking drive up to the dealer to get that done.

    after reading these threads, i realize most of the problems above are "normal" (er: not fixable), so we haven't bothered going in again to the dealer (to pick up a camry or accord loaner).

    not bad for a $100k SUV, eh.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    Luckily my list isn't any were as long as yours. Knock on wood, I've never had a vibration issue and what the dealer can take care of they have taken care of. To date that has meant three service visits which is probably right inline with what I've had to work the bugs out of other new vehicles.

    My engine seems to be thigh as a drum and I have only had to add maybe 1.5qt of oil in 9k miles.

    The Cayenne is an incredible vehicle and has the potential to be exactly what I've been searching for for years. What's concerning me more and more is the approach that Porsche takes on safely related items. The hesitation issue being the first one I encountered. Instead of standing behind the vehicle they seem to hide behind legal ease and make us fight for resolutions.

    $100k SUV or $40 knife, I'm look for vendors that stands behind their products. I don't look some I have to fight with to do the right thing.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    I agree! In spite of it's flaws, it's an incredible vehicle. There is nothing else that even comes close to it's breadth of capability and construction quality.

    Ben: I know for certain that some of those issues have been successfully addressed. The rear window latch has a TSB that has been issued recently, for example. Also, I recently received new remotes that have significantly more range than before. I don't know if this new remote, which is also a recent TSB, resolves the keyless entry problem you have, but it's worth checking into.

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    GM Austin said:
    I agree! In spite of it's flaws, it's an incredible vehicle. There is nothing else that even comes close to it's breadth of capability and construction quality.

    Ben: I know for certain that some of those issues have been successfully addressed. The rear window latch has a TSB that has been issued recently, for example. Also, I recently received new remotes that have significantly more range than before. I don't know if this new remote, which is also a recent TSB, resolves the keyless entry problem you have, but it's worth checking into.

    Thanks GM!

    Re: Cayenne Throttle Response/Hesitation

    ben, lj said:
    Toto said:
    I am glad this topic is still being discussed.
    I went to try the cayenne i was going to buy, a used turbo from januiary 2003
    with only 12000 miles, and the car had such a lagging -lurching problem that i had to stop, for a while, because i became seasick!!
    I tried the v8 next, and it was much better, it was a 2004 model, but still had a degree of throttle delay on many occasions.
    I thirdly tried the infinity x45, which had a "normal" automatich shift and felt like the v8 without the lag sometimes occuring.
    to sum it up, did not like the feeling at all, and after 2 hours i was very relieved to back in my manual shift car!
    I am bummed, because i had been looking forward to get a CT, now i reallt have to think it over.
    I will try a new CT, and V8 to compare them, to the used ones, but if its true that the lag effect comes from "learning" the user, this will be an ongoing hassle of owning the car, and i am not up for it.

    I am really thinking of finding something completely different..but Sad to say so.

    the lag/hestation issue while brutal is sistered by a remote control problem which is similarly heinous. we have two keys and the first one sucked pretty much since new and the 2nd is now acting like the first. the remote entry won't work (ok, maybe 5% of the time), but intead sets the alarm off (ie: horn beeping). so, you get to put the baby down, go around the truck to the driver's side (the only door which accepts a key), unluck it with a key, put the key in the ignition so you can unlock the other doors with the switch. then you get to reverse the process when exiting the car (ie: get the baby out, go back around the vehicle - in tight parking spaces with a car seat - and lock the POS via the driver's door by key). then there's the intermittant rear glass haywire wherein the glass in the rear pops open, you slam it, it pops right back open, repeat, repeat, repeat, until finally it stays shut. and then there is the complete erasure of settings from the driver's memory seat. and of course, who could forget the 1 qt oil consumption just about every 1k miles so far in the first 6k. and then there is the lack of air that comes out of the rear vents. it's also fun to listen to the service soon indicator everytime we get in the car since it started counting down the 20k service as 2k and has warned ever since hitting 2k. dealer says bring it in for a reset. all it takes is a steering wheel shaking drive up to the dealer to get that done.

    after reading these threads, i realize most of the problems above are "normal" (er: not fixable), so we haven't bothered going in again to the dealer (to pick up a camry or accord loaner).

    not bad for a $100k SUV, eh.

    I had the exact same problem, the culprit is the actual rear window switch, they changed it for me and i havent had a problem since. i thought i had a ghost living in the trunk area.



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