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    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Did they run out of desert? What should be one of the great races of the season is spoiled by poor sight lines and track layout.  Really disappointing that was allowed to happen with a brand new facility.  

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Interesting radio exchange between Max and his pits. He was gonna be called in to do a long run with fuel for team to gather race pace data. 

    Max turned that down and instead keep running on soft to perfect his one lap pace. 

    Seems like he isn't looking forward to actually racing at all, all he wanted to do is to qualify on pole, then do something with Hamilton when Hamilton try to pass and his job for this weekend is done. 

    Can't blame him, if Hamilton doesn't win or finish this week his chances to win the title is that much better at Abu Dhabi. He has shown that such a tactic isn't below him. 

    Really hope he does't pull a Prost this weekend. 





    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Seems a bit too much tinfoil hat conspiracy.  

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    LeClerc crash in FP2.



    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    It seems the race will be mega dull. No place to overtake, especially with such a large car as F1 car today. The only case the pole taker will not win - own mistake and crash. 


    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    That will not buff out. Ouch. Hope he is okay !  Watching the mechanics repair it overnight would be a great YouTube livestream. Just saying. 
    The track is like a high speed version of Monaco with less visibility and higher stakes.  Seems more like F1 version of Rollerball.

    Re: [2021] Formula 1


    That will not buff out. Ouch. Hope he is okay !  Watching the mechanics repair it overnight would be a great YouTube livestream. Just saying. 
    The track is like a high speed version of Monaco with less visibility and higher stakes.  Seems more like F1 version of Rollerball.

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    Seems a bit too much tinfoil hat conspiracy.  


    Call it whatever conspiracy all you want, but that's the reality. Max doesn't need to finish both races to earn his first title, while Lewis needed to win this one to have any chance.

    Max is the proven reckless driver and with FIA swallowing the whistle, he can pretty much do whatever he wants. 

    There is no runoff at this circuit, so Lewis don't have the luxury to bail out into the next zip code to avoid an elbow by Max like in Qatar. 





    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    DNF for Max and a win for Hamilton. Just my guess for the weekend

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    Seems a bit too much tinfoil hat conspiracy.  


    Call it whatever conspiracy all you want, but that's the reality. Max doesn't need to finish both races to earn his first title, while Lewis needed to win this one to have any chance.

    Max is the proven reckless driver and with FIA swallowing the whistle, he can pretty much do whatever he wants. 

    There is no runoff at this circuit, so Lewis don't have the luxury to bail out into the next zip code to avoid an elbow by Max like in Qatar. 


    You really need to revisit the stories about a young Lewis Hamilton.  

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:
    CGX car nut:

    Seems a bit too much tinfoil hat conspiracy.  


    Call it whatever conspiracy all you want, but that's the reality. Max doesn't need to finish both races to earn his first title, while Lewis needed to win this one to have any chance.

    Max is the proven reckless driver and with FIA swallowing the whistle, he can pretty much do whatever he wants. 

    There is no runoff at this circuit, so Lewis don't have the luxury to bail out into the next zip code to avoid an elbow by Max like in Qatar. 


    You really need to revisit the stories about a young Lewis Hamilton.  

    SmileySmileySmiley You really funny, do you know that?

    Old stories. You mean like Hamilton was 13 when he signed with a F1 team? Much younger than Max?

    Or that he won his first WDC at age 23? Max is 24 now.

    Throughout Hamilton's 14 year career, he wasn't never known as one that do dangerous late moves under braking, drive dangerously aggressive and force people off track, or crash out people on purpose in order to win, etc. That's not from me, that's from people up and down the pits, people that know racing and his peers. On the other hand, Max is pretty much known for all of the above. And that's from his peers. I mean, the only one that didn't think so are his parents, Red Bull personal and his fans, that's about it.

    Ma is talented enough that he doesn't need to drive dirty in order to win. If he can cut those out, he will be a very deserving champion. 




    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Bleacher Report from May 30, 2011:

    Lewis Hamilton Returns to His Reckless Ways: Massa and Maldonado Pay the Price

    Craig Christopher

    A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that Lewis Hamilton has an evil twin who, once or twice per season, drugs Lewis, hides him in a cupboard and then goes out to impersonate him.

    When the twin—let’s call him Evil Lewis—comes out to play, mayhem ensues. He makes outlandish statements, drives like a stock car racer and is completely incapable of accepting any part of the blame for any incident that he’s involved in.

    Evil Lewis first showed up during qualifying, coming out early to try to post a time after the stoppage and, in his eagerness, came out a minute early and sat at the end of pit lane waiting for the track to re-open. Inevitably, Evil Lewis’ tyres and brakes cooled, leading to him missing the chicane and having his one qualifying lap disallowed.

    Not that it was Evil Lewis’ fault. It was the engineers who gave him bad advice—apparently against his better judgement.

    When the race started, Evil Lewis was caught napping by Michael Schumacher at the hairpin, trapping him behind the German until tyre wear caught up with the Mercedes pilot.

    By then it was too late, Hamilton’s race was over.

    And that’s when Evil Lewis came out to play.

    At his best, Hamilton is a superb driver—fast, aggressive, but tempered with a maturity borne of experience. That Lewis has been the dominant player over the last year and a half and is a far cry from the raw explosive talent that blew his first chance at a championship and came close to repeating the mistakes the following year.

    The last 18 months have seen this new, more mature Lewis behind the wheel.

    When frustration takes over, however, all bets are off. The Lewis of old returns—Evil Lewis—and starts making rash decisions and trying impossible overtaking manoeuvres, often ending in disaster.

    Such was the case in Monaco.

    The overtaking move that he attempted to put on Felipe Massa was, at best, ambitious and realistically impossible to pull off. It’s actually difficult to imagine that he could have actually made it around the hairpin from his angle of entry.

    When the inevitable collision occurred, Evil Lewis blamed Massa for turning in on him. The reality is that Massa’s Ferrari actually helped Evil Lewis around the corner although he mortally wounded his car in the process, which led to him being off-line in the tunnel and ultimately into the barriers.

    The stewards saw the incident through the eyes of rational observers and penalised Evil Lewis for the transgression. Much to his chagrin.

    But he wasn’t finished yet. In the closing stages of the race, after the red-flagged period, Evil Lewis took another desperate dive up the inside of Pastor Maldonado at Ste. Devote forcing the unsuspecting Williams driver into the barrier and destroying Williams’ best finish for the season.

    The cause of the accident? Evil Lewis blamed Maldonado for turning in on him.

    That earned him a 20-second post-race penalty which made absolutely no difference to Evil Lewis’ race result and seems disproportionate when compared to the impact on the Williams driver’s day.

    Although the race finished without further incident, Evil Lewis wasn’t done for the day.

    When talking to the media after hearing of his second penalty, Evil Lewis quoted Ali G’s oft-quoted “Is it because I is black?” when asked why he thought he was penalised. 

    It was an example of the sort of gallows humour that Brits are noted for, but it struck a sour note with the stewards, fans and the media and is just the sort of thing that has caused him problems in the past. 

    In light of the day he had been through, it was one more bit of pain that he should never have put himself through.

    But that’s just another day at the office for Evil Lewis. Let’s hope we don’t see too much of him.

    Re: [2021] Formula 1


    Hamilton lap from FP2:

    Why is Hamilton even trying?  Whoopsy has told us that Verstappen will take Hamilton out in the first corner of the race tomorrow.  

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    To be fair, all the champion level drivers make the maneuvers, close or out of the rulebook during their career. If you want to win there is no other way. 

    I hope very much that VER will be the WC and Ham to lose


    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Ham should go for a walk with his helmet through the streets of Saudi Arabia. Lets check how fast he is:))


    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    Bleacher Report from May 30, 2011:

    Lewis Hamilton Returns to His Reckless Ways: Massa and Maldonado Pay the Price

    Craig Christopher

    A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that Lewis Hamilton has an evil twin who, once or twice per season, drugs Lewis, hides him in a cupboard and then goes out to impersonate him.

    When the twin—let’s call him Evil Lewis—comes out to play, mayhem ensues. He makes outlandish statements, drives like a stock car racer and is completely incapable of accepting any part of the blame for any incident that he’s involved in.

    Evil Lewis first showed up during qualifying, coming out early to try to post a time after the stoppage and, in his eagerness, came out a minute early and sat at the end of pit lane waiting for the track to re-open. Inevitably, Evil Lewis’ tyres and brakes cooled, leading to him missing the chicane and having his one qualifying lap disallowed.

    Not that it was Evil Lewis’ fault. It was the engineers who gave him bad advice—apparently against his better judgement.

    When the race started, Evil Lewis was caught napping by Michael Schumacher at the hairpin, trapping him behind the German until tyre wear caught up with the Mercedes pilot.

    By then it was too late, Hamilton’s race was over.

    And that’s when Evil Lewis came out to play.

    At his best, Hamilton is a superb driver—fast, aggressive, but tempered with a maturity borne of experience. That Lewis has been the dominant player over the last year and a half and is a far cry from the raw explosive talent that blew his first chance at a championship and came close to repeating the mistakes the following year.

    The last 18 months have seen this new, more mature Lewis behind the wheel.

    When frustration takes over, however, all bets are off. The Lewis of old returns—Evil Lewis—and starts making rash decisions and trying impossible overtaking manoeuvres, often ending in disaster.

    Such was the case in Monaco.

    The overtaking move that he attempted to put on Felipe Massa was, at best, ambitious and realistically impossible to pull off. It’s actually difficult to imagine that he could have actually made it around the hairpin from his angle of entry.

    When the inevitable collision occurred, Evil Lewis blamed Massa for turning in on him. The reality is that Massa’s Ferrari actually helped Evil Lewis around the corner although he mortally wounded his car in the process, which led to him being off-line in the tunnel and ultimately into the barriers.

    The stewards saw the incident through the eyes of rational observers and penalised Evil Lewis for the transgression. Much to his chagrin.

    But he wasn’t finished yet. In the closing stages of the race, after the red-flagged period, Evil Lewis took another desperate dive up the inside of Pastor Maldonado at Ste. Devote forcing the unsuspecting Williams driver into the barrier and destroying Williams’ best finish for the season.

    The cause of the accident? Evil Lewis blamed Maldonado for turning in on him.

    That earned him a 20-second post-race penalty which made absolutely no difference to Evil Lewis’ race result and seems disproportionate when compared to the impact on the Williams driver’s day.

    Although the race finished without further incident, Evil Lewis wasn’t done for the day.

    When talking to the media after hearing of his second penalty, Evil Lewis quoted Ali G’s oft-quoted “Is it because I is black?” when asked why he thought he was penalised. 

    It was an example of the sort of gallows humour that Brits are noted for, but it struck a sour note with the stewards, fans and the media and is just the sort of thing that has caused him problems in the past. 

    In light of the day he had been through, it was one more bit of pain that he should never have put himself through.

    But that’s just another day at the office for Evil Lewis. Let’s hope we don’t see too much of him.


    That article could have been written by one of his haters like you SmileySmileySmileySmileySmiley

    Literally blinded by hatred 🤷🏻‍♂️ There are millions out there, either because he is black, or jealousy, envy, bored of watching him win, disagreed with his off track antics, and various other 'reasons'. 

    I could repost countless other articles about Max's bad driving in reply, but what's the point?

    At the end of the day, you can hate him however much you want, but the score right now is 7-0. After this season, it could be 7-1 or 8-0. You idol Max is still far far away from equalling, if ever can. 

    And if you want to discount some of his WDC because of this and that, then you also need to apply the same logic to Vettel's 4, Schumacher's 7, Alonso's 2, Prost's 4. 





    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    More drama on track.

    Hamilton has been summoned to the stewards for ignoring a double waved yellow.

    Also for impeding Mazepin. 

    Wonder what kind of penalty he will get. 




    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    One does not idolize Verstappen and do not have a favorite driver since Schumacher.  It’s your consist harping about Verstappen is a bit tiring. The article was posted because you seem to exhibit selective memory on how aggressive and reckless Hamilton was a young driver.  The yellow flag situation today is a bit reminiscent of the young Hamilton. 

    Re: [2021] Formula 1


    More drama on track.

    Hamilton has been summoned to the stewards for ignoring a double waved yellow.

    Also for impeding Mazepin. 

    Wonder what kind of penalty he will get. 

    Hamilton is probably less guilty than Max for the same offence. Let's see what comes of it, if indeed the FIA somehow has it out for him. Smiley

    Edit - apparently, the yellow flag warning was an 'accident'

    Re: [2021] Formula 1


    More drama on track.

    Hamilton has been summoned to the stewards for ignoring a double waved yellow.

    Also for impeding Mazepin. 

    Wonder what kind of penalty he will get. 

    Hamilton: "You didn't tell me man. I had no idea he(Mazepin) was coming"

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    And the decision about Hamilton's incident confirms the consistency of the FIA going by their rulebook. 

    Physical flags by marshals are the primary signs, the marshals have eye that can see the situation and reacts. Electronic light pedals or in car displays are just secondary and since they are electronics, they might malfunction. Which happened twice already in the last race and this weekend. First they failed to light up in Max's car and now they light up accidentally.

    Hamilton however got lucky with the impeding charge. He did impede two drivers not just one. At least finally the stewards are swallowing their whistles for Hamilton too, not just for Max.

    But as it was highlighted, this track really relies heavily on marshals and team support personal to notify drivers of their surroundings and they simply cannot see. 




    Re: [2021] Formula 1


    Max luck didn't last long. He nearly touched the wall in 2 corners on that lap.

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Lewis! 🔝

    Max 🥴

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Exciting Q3.

    Mercedes threw a wrench into the pot, tricking Red Bull thinking they were fast enough by carrying extra fuel in the beginning. And Hamilton delivered.

    Max. That was an AWESOME last ditch lap. He was as usual fearless. First bushing the wall exit of turn 3, then literally fraction of an inch to all the concrete walls, he would have bagged the pole by a fine margin. But he just bite a tiny bit too much out of the last corner, going in just that little bit too hot and locked up one of the tires, but when margin is that thin, he slammed the wall on the exit, ruining his fine lap. 

    Before the unfortunate end, it was car control display at it's finest. He know exactly mow much the car will slide before holding on each exits, placing the car perfectly for maximum speed. After Hamilton retires, he will be the one carrying the torch for F1. 

    The big question will be did he ruined his new gearbox and need a grid drop tomorrow?

    Bigger question even, will Red Bull risk a DNF. Now if they think the gearbox could be fine, would they keep it in and gamble? 5 place grid drop vs potential win/earning points/DNF.








    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    Helmut Marko just said in Austrian television that they’ll object the stewards decision, again he & his brother in mind C. Horner are the sorest losers in F1 ever!

    Toto and Merc did accept ANY decision so far and they’re playing again unfair, hopefully this will fire back and Lewis will win the titel again🙏🏻

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    One does not idolize Verstappen and do not have a favorite driver since Schumacher.  It’s your consist harping about Verstappen is a bit tiring. The article was posted because you seem to exhibit selective memory on how aggressive and reckless Hamilton was a young driver.  The yellow flag situation today is a bit reminiscent of the young Hamilton. 


    The one difference between you and me, is that you are a blind Hamilton hater, nothing he can do will please you.

    I on the other hand are only critical of Max's behaviour, I do not hate him. He is a fine racing driver by his own merits. He just needs some growing up. I praise him when he deserves it and disses him when it is just. 

    Today he put on a extremely fine display of car control and I said as much in the other post. 

    And as for the yellow flag incident you wanted to talk about. At Qatar, a marshal is physically waving a double yellow flag right across from a parked car on the side of the track. Basically racing training is to obey FLAGS first. Not light boxes or in car display. In Hamilton's case, there was no physical flags displayed anywhere close by, no obstructions, no incidents happened and no parked cars, the light box was activated by accident, nothing more. Take off your Max goggles and look at facts. 





    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    One does not idolize Verstappen and do not have a favorite driver since Schumacher.  It’s your consist harping about Verstappen is a bit tiring. The article was posted because you seem to exhibit selective memory on how aggressive and reckless Hamilton was a young driver.  The yellow flag situation today is a bit reminiscent of the young Hamilton. 


    The one difference between you and me, is that you are a blind Hamilton hater, nothing he can do will please you.

    I on the other hand are only critical of Max's behaviour, I do not hate him. He is a fine racing driver by his own merits. He just needs some growing up. I praise him when he deserves it and disses him when it is just. 

    Today he put on a extremely fine display of car control and I said as much in the other post. 

    And as for the yellow flag incident you wanted to talk about. At Qatar, a marshal is physically waving a double yellow flag right across from a parked car on the side of the track. Basically racing training is to obey FLAGS first. Not light boxes or in car display. In Hamilton's case, there was no physical flags displayed anywhere close by, no obstructions, no incidents happened and no parked cars, the light box was activated by accident, nothing more. Take off your Max goggles and look at facts. 


    Oh you are so correct.  Nothing posted here is indicative of any hatred for Hamilton.  In the contrary, Hamilton is very accomplished and professional when he needs to be; however, he can be oafish part of the time. You have continual lashed out at Verstappen for myriad issues.  Can he be aggressive and cross over the line, yes, but this is what makes a  champion.  Hamilton too exhibited similar traits when younger but you constantly refuse to acknowledge that fact. 

    Re: [2021] Formula 1

    @CGX car nut

    MV33 cracks under pressure, let's hope for a Merc 1-2 finish and let's see what's gonna happen @Singapur when Lewis is 3 points ahead of the dutch man.

    RedBull claimed that Max was .4s ahead of LW44 just before the last corner but that was only because he missed the apex and was carrying to much speed and crashed in the wall.

    Checo finished 5th so again no much help for Max



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