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    Auto insurance 101

    ben, lj said:
    i'm not sure i yet understand the difference and benefit of a single limit liability policy. could someone please elaborate?

    As an example, Connecticut requires all cars to be insured with a 20/40/5 minimum. There are variations but other states are similar. What this means is that you must carry minimum insurance of US$20K per person, $40K for all people in one incident and $5K for property damage. Note that we are only talking about your liability for negligent damage of other's property.

    Many policies still follow this practice. Even if someone doesn't purchase the minimum insurance, the policies are often 200/400/50 -- i.e. some multiple.

    So the problem is that even if someone doesn't just carry the minimum and even if they do carry enough to cover personal injury to others (the most likely source of large claims), this will still not come close to paying for a modern exotic.

    Obviously, as the insured you do not care the source of the liability (speaking finanacially here, morally of course you do). All you want to do is to protect your assets from confiscation. Therefore, there is no sense in this sort of split limit.

    Many insurance companies have responded by offering single-limit policies --- for example, $500K per incident no matter the sourse of the liability.

    So when shopping for insurance look for this sort of policy. Of course, it will cost a little more but the difference is not that great.

    The one exception will be when you will also purchase an umbrella policy to go with your other insurance plicies (including auto). In that case the umbrella policy is usually written to match the limits of the auto so the split limits are not an issue. A common umbrella policy will give you $1M additional coverage. This policy will then then require you to purchase auto insurance in some specific amount and that amount will be the deductable on the umbrella policy.


    CGT Clutch

    I believe the clutch usage issue will never go away, regardless of the number of miles I drive the car. Unless, of course, there is some modification which Porsche may be able to make so this problem is minimized. The sad part is that I so enjoy the car in every other way. The clutch definitely detracts from my enjoyment of the car. Otherwise, it is a most exceptional automobile. The freedom I experience in using the Stradale and Murcielago, for just fun drives, is missing in the CGT. I have been asked the question, "If you had known the clutch was going to be as difficult to use as you have found it to be, would you have decided not to acquire the car?" I need more time to answer that question definitively. Probably not. One friend, after having driven my car, expecting to take delivery of his car in September, is seriously thinking of taking delivery of his car and not keeping it, or canceling his order. I think many owners will be either disappointed or annoyed.

    Re: CGT Clutch

    Larry B said:
    I believe the clutch usage issue will never go away, regardless of the number of miles I drive the car. Unless, of course, there is some modification which Porsche may be able to make so this problem is minimized. The sad part is that I so enjoy the car in every other way. The clutch definitely detracts from my enjoyment of the car. Otherwise, it is a most exceptional automobile. The freedom I experience in using the Stradale and Murcielago, for just fun drives, is missing in the CGT. I have been asked the question, "If you had known the clutch was going to be as difficult to use as you have found it to be, would you have decided not to acquire the car?" I need more time to answer that question definitively. Probably not. One friend, after having driven my car, expecting to take delivery of his car in September, is seriously thinking of taking delivery of his car and not keeping it, or canceling his order. I think many owners will be either disappointed or annoyed.

    That is a shame I guess there are some serious teething problems with this new carbon technology, just as there were/are for the PCCB brakes on the GT2 and TT. Unfortunately, I'm sure there is no option to retrofit a conventional system like there is with the brakes. I hope there will be a software mod to the e-gas (as Mike suggested) to make things more user-friendly in the future...

    Re: CGT Clutch

    Larry B said:
    I believe the clutch usage issue will never go away, regardless of the number of miles I drive the car. Unless, of course, there is some modification which Porsche may be able to make so this problem is minimized. The sad part is that I so enjoy the car in every other way. The clutch definitely detracts from my enjoyment of the car. Otherwise, it is a most exceptional automobile. The freedom I experience in using the Stradale and Murcielago, for just fun drives, is missing in the CGT. I have been asked the question, "If you had known the clutch was going to be as difficult to use as you have found it to be, would you have decided not to acquire the car?" I need more time to answer that question definitively. Probably not. One friend, after having driven my car, expecting to take delivery of his car in September, is seriously thinking of taking delivery of his car and not keeping it, or canceling his order. I think many owners will be either disappointed or annoyed.

    Your candor is appreciated. If they do not fix the clutch the resale value of this car will plummet. The only buyer's will be the true track user's. Based on what I read and your comments this car has no peer on the track.

    However, I have to believe at this time there is no fix to the clutch problem. Otherwise Porsche would have corrected
    it. They are not stupid or are they?

    Re: CGT Clutch

    Larry B said:
    I believe the clutch usage issue will never go away, regardless of the number of miles I drive the car. Unless, of course, there is some modification which Porsche may be able to make so this problem is minimized. The sad part is that I so enjoy the car in every other way. The clutch definitely detracts from my enjoyment of the car. Otherwise, it is a most exceptional automobile. The freedom I experience in using the Stradale and Murcielago, for just fun drives, is missing in the CGT. I have been asked the question, "If you had known the clutch was going to be as difficult to use as you have found it to be, would you have decided not to acquire the car?" I need more time to answer that question definitively. Probably not. One friend, after having driven my car, expecting to take delivery of his car in September, is seriously thinking of taking delivery of his car and not keeping it, or canceling his order. I think many owners will be either disappointed or annoyed.

    Hopefully, P is scrambling to come out w/an F1 transmission and a height adjustment feature ASAP to make this car marketable for the volume numbers it hopes to sell. It's hard to sell more than a few hundred copies of any pure track car....which is what the CGT sounds to be, for even sophisticated supercar owners/drivers.

    Re: CGT Clutch

    nberry said:
    Larry B said:
    I believe the clutch usage issue will never go away, regardless of the number of miles I drive the car. Unless, of course, there is some modification which Porsche may be able to make so this problem is minimized. The sad part is that I so enjoy the car in every other way. The clutch definitely detracts from my enjoyment of the car. Otherwise, it is a most exceptional automobile. The freedom I experience in using the Stradale and Murcielago, for just fun drives, is missing in the CGT. I have been asked the question, "If you had known the clutch was going to be as difficult to use as you have found it to be, would you have decided not to acquire the car?" I need more time to answer that question definitively. Probably not. One friend, after having driven my car, expecting to take delivery of his car in September, is seriously thinking of taking delivery of his car and not keeping it, or canceling his order. I think many owners will be either disappointed or annoyed.

    Your candor is appreciated. If they do not fix the clutch the resale value of this car will plummet. The only buyer's will be the true track user's. Based on what I read and your comments this car has no peer on the track.

    However, I have to believe at this time there is no fix to the clutch problem. Otherwise Porsche would have corrected
    it. They are not stupid or are they?

    Though CGT sounds to be great track car, I would bet Enzo would rival/edge out CGT on track....Enzo/CGT sound like very close comparables on track w/personal preference determining winner.

    Re: CGT Clutch

    Any debt still owed would have to be covered by the CGT owner since he is wealthy enough to afford the car.

    Is there more than one Michael Moore on this forum?

    Michel Moore

    CF said:
    Is there more than one Michael Moore on this forum?

    Actually, Mr. Moore is one of my heros.

    Will you go to see his upcoming movie?

    Oh, and yes, I am a Porsche driving capitalist. I just don't believe in unregulated capitalism.


    Re: Michel Moore

    I like his films too and am looking forward to seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 when it open June 25th...

    Re: Michel Moore

    Your Porsche driving days would be over if he had his way!

    Re: CGT Clutch

    NOOOO!!! Larry I can't help but want to scream out how wrong you are, but alas, who knows better than you yourself(or perhaps Rohl!) You are one of the few people in the world that has driven this as a daily driver for 5 weeks, and you surely know what you are saying about the clutch annoyances. But my instincts want me to tune you out, and simply tell myself, "So what, you would like the car. Who cares if the clutch is tricky, its worth it!" But I guess it is something that needs to be experienced, in depth, like you have. It troubles me deeply that having known this you may never have purchased the car. Not that I am in a position to buy one, and maybe never will be, but to know this, it hurts. I only hope that time will change your mind and you can look past this inconveinence, to the greater aspects of the car. I am also looking forward to other owners reactions to this problem. Anyone else here have one on order?

    Re: CGT Clutch

    Mine is due to arrive within 3 months.

    I must say I am a bit worried.

    Re: CGT Clutch

    CF said:
    Mine is due to arrive within 3 months.

    I must say I am a bit worried.

    Mine will be ready in, maybe, 8 to 9 months. I'm very interested in this issue, but I'm not worried.


    Re: CGT Clutch

    Thanks guys, can't wait to get some reports, good luck!

    Re: CGT Clutch

    CF said:
    Mine is due to arrive within 3 months.

    I must say I am a bit worried.

    I will wager there will be a fix either on your car or shortly after. Next year at this time the clutch will be a none issue.

    If Porsche fails to act, their customers should.

    Danny would you buy a 911 if the clutch acted as the one in the CGT does? If you state yes, then you hopeless and in need of help.

    Re: Michel Moore

    CF said:
    Your Porsche driving days would be over if he had his way!

    A nice claim, but can you back it up? I've yet to hear a word spoken by him against me driving Porsches...


    Re: Michel Moore

    Moore.....what a lying loser he is.

    Re: Michel Moore

    wickeddeus said:
    Moore.....what a lying loser he is.

    Rather than just name-calling, maybe your post would be more useful if you cited your particular issues with his work, together with supporting information...

    Re: Michel Moore

    He won't. The US conservatives often bitch about anyone even remotely liberal and they believe that only THEY are right and the liberals are wrong and, for lack of a better word, stupid. Now I don't live in the US, but I closely follow their policies. The key is to stay somewhere in the center. Both sides have their strenghts and weaknesses, but sadly won't admit them.

    Anyway, back to the thread. The CGT I followed today didn't seem to have any problem moving at the stoplight. No high revs or jerking. The guy just took off as any other car would. So is there a possibility that there's a discrepancy in materials used?

    Re: CGT Clutch

    I would really have to drive the CGT to make an honest statement. I didn't mean to come off saying that Larry is wrong, quite the contrary, I respect his opinion highly, and thats what worries me about this problem. He has every reason to state the clutch is great and no problems, seeing as how he has invested so much into this car. But he is very honest with the issue. At the same time, it is his opinion. I am young and willing to put up with some annoyances, for a true track car, as a daily driver. Perhaps after more years, especially in the L.A. traffic, I will switch to a Tip. For now, yes I would buy the 911 with a extremely difficult clutch, if it meant greater gains in performance. I like being involved in my driving experience, and think that with time it would be something I would become familiar enough with to be somewhat comfortable. I mean no offense to Larry, once again I hold his info very high. I guess if that makes me hopeless, I am, but no less than the 1500 soon to be owners of this spectacular car, that will have to deal with this issue. Or the GT3 daily drivers, that sacrifice some comforts, for a more involving ride. So in a Ferrari owners eyes, this may be hopeless. I guess thats why the Enzo is an automatic.

    Re: CGT Clutch

    The MM issue could rage on far beyond the scope of this discussion board and maybe turn friends into enemies.

    For entertainment purposes only!

    Re: Auto insurance 101

    "The one exception will be when you will also purchase an umbrella policy to go with your other insurance plicies (including auto). In that case the umbrella policy is usually written to match the limits of the auto so the split limits are not an issue."

    Thanks for the response. I've always had an umbrella (to go with the underlying auto limits required for one).

    Re: Auto insurance 101

    btw, mine is due in less than 5 months (in between CF and mike). i'm a bit disappointed given the hills we have around here and the corresponding intersections located on them. however, i still remain fairly convinced i will learn to deal with the clutch and be content dispite it. we'll see.

    Re: Michel Moore

    wickeddeus said:
    Moore.....what a lying loser he is.

    Lying? I just think that MM gives people what they want to hear. His movie Fahrenheit 9/11 won at the Cannes Film Festival because it was anti-US and especially anti-Bush.
    ANY movie of this kind would have won because right now it is "tres chique" in Europe to be against the US politics and especially Bush. Which reminds me very much of how people in Europe were reacting to Ronald Reagan many years ago when he was president of the USA.
    History now proves that Reagan was right with his pressure upon the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact but when he was president, the media and of course people were making fun of him the same way the media and people do now with Bush.
    I don't say I fully agree with Bush (he should keep god and christianity out of his speeches and declarations because people in islamic states don't want to hear that and I think religion should stay out of politics) but blaming him for every evil thing on this planet and even building up some weird conspiracy stories which even the democrats would never believe, is ridiculous. He has been elected, as controversial the elections might have been and if people don't like him, they can choose somebody else soon. This is how democracy works. Those personal insults don't work with me, I don't like this kind of stuff, especially since a lot of things are really exagerrated. I mean my hair cutter who has 9 classes of school, who doesn't speak another foreign language and who probably never read a book, tells me that he thinks Bush is an analphabet. C'mon, this is ridiculous.
    The Media is very influencial and people believe everything they read. Apparently nobody seems to wonder that if you take 10 different news papers, you might read 10 different stories...regarding the same issue.

    Or to make it short and use the words of Ray Bradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451 (MM "stole the title from this novel), a true masterpiece novel: Michael Moore is an a..hole.
    And I really recommend to everybody to read Bradbury's book or at least watch the movie. It might not be as entertaining as watching Mr. Bush golfing and having MM making fun of him but it is on a much higher intellectual level and has a real message which gives food for thought.

    And a last word to my US friends: I think Americans give up too easily and don't have enough patience.
    And you guys seem to forget that nothing comes for free.
    Look at the past and you understand what I mean.
    After 9/11 Bush had, as far as I remember, a 93% approval rate. And now? He can't do wonders, he doesn't do politics by his own (this is no one man show) and fighting terrorism is not like an ordinary war which can be won easily and/or by rules.

    And what is actually very "funny": countries like France or Germany are arresting almost every month islamic fanatics who are suspected to plan terrorist acts.
    So there IS in fact a real danger? (some of the Bush critics think that the terror threat is just "hot air" and some even use conspiracy theories involving the CIA/NSA and other foreign services) And why do over 300 KSK soldiers (KSK=german special forces like Green Berets, Delta Force, etc.) conduct hand in hand together with US special forces in Afghanistan fighting and search missions against Taliban fighters and their leaders? I mean Germany is against war, right? Most people in Germany don't even know that this happens, our chancellor mentioned it once or twice to the press without further comment "to protect" the operations.
    Interesting, we peace loving countries like Germany and France are actually fighting terrorism? Why if this is only a US fantasy which doesn't exist?!

    I know I'm a bit exaggerating but you get my point.

    The Media is very powerful, not only in Europe but also in the US and especially in the Middle East where adding a little bit of oriental fantasy to the story spices up the whole thing.

    And now back to talking cars...we want to stay friends over here.

    Re: Michel Moore

    Very insightful from someone living outside the U.S. Not everyone agrees with Moore. Alot of what he says may be truth, just leaving out alot of the other substantial facts. Thats what he's good at, thats why he won. Just because he won a movie award doesn't mean he is right, does it? If thats the case than middle earth is in great peril if Frodo doesn't destroy the ring! Lets let the entertainers with their "entertainment" continue to entertain us. And leave the real life decision makers to run the country. What RC said has a good point, after 9/11 his rating was 93%, now people aren't as angry, and begin listening to all the hype and Media. Honestly after the shock of 9/11 what would you have had Clinton, or Kerry do? The correct thing to do is what Bush has done, overall. I for one would not want to see Kerry in his seat when the next 9/11 happens, or a Michael Moore wannabe. I still want to see his movie, but am not going to base important life decisions on his personal vendetta against republicans and the Bush family!

    Re: Michel Moore

    Re: Michel Moore

    Maaaann... i'm so sick of these discussions...
    Both sides are WRONG. Those blaming bush for anything bad in this world are equally wrong with those who say he went to iraq for humanitarian reasons..

    Anyway, this was my first dissapointment here on rennteam. It's offtopic and not ok to talk about watches, but it's ok to talk shitty politics? Sorry guys, this ain't flying. Especially considering some of you are rather biased.

    Re: CGT Clutch

    I sent this e-mail to Mike Valentine and thought others might like to see it.
    "Hi Mike: Regarding your analysis of the issue around the clutch, it is very clear to me as to why the Valentine is the best radar detector in the world!!!!! There is definiitely something which goes on between the engine control and the clutch. If you give any throttle when moving off, either on the flats or on a hill, the engine will sputter and die as you release the clutch. On level streets, the proceedure I use works well - release the clutch slowly until the car starts it's forward motion, and when the clutch is fully released start the acceleration of the car. On a hill, the coordination of hand brake, clutch and throttle is difficult. Sometimes I can start off on a hill OK and other times I stall the car. Difficult for me to know for certain what I do incorrectly in one start on a hill and OK on another. I think it is all throttle related. From that point on, it is nirvana. The amount of smooth, unbelieveable power is addictive. The clutch action between gears, and the ease of shifting, is fantastic. What creates an issue for me, even on the flats, and adds to the stress of starting off under all circumstances, is the fact that if you are pulling into traffic, you must leave ample room as the proceedure of releasing the clutch slowly, and then accelerate, takes time. Also, there is always the possibility, that you might stall mid-intersection. Bottom line - in a CGT, don't plan on making any initial forward, or backward, movement from a stationary position quickly. Mike keep asking me questions and I will elaborate. I think I will post this on the board in case others might be interested, or maybe I am boring people???"

    You have got to be kidding!

    Larry B said:
    If you give any throttle when moving off, either on the flats or on a hill, the engine will sputter and die as you release the clutch. On level streets, the proceedure I use works well - release the clutch slowly until the car starts it's forward motion, and when the clutch is fully released start the acceleration of the car. On a hill, the coordination of hand brake, clutch and throttle is difficult. Sometimes I can start off on a hill OK and other times I stall the car.

    You have got to be kidding!!!

    This is a performance car, right? Yet it sounds like I could out-drag it with a Fiat 500 most of the time. You'll be busy re-starting the CGT. At least my little Fiat will move!


    Re: Michel Moore

    Oh Christian, why not just kill the thread instead of stoking the fires ???

    I actually agree that Moore is too simplistic and that what he presents is often one-sided. But what are people expecting?

    In fact, his message is good in that it starts the debate. Anyone who relies on one single source to get their information is naïve and a fool (and that goes for Bush's White House too).

    So where Moore has been useful has been in starting that debate. Maybe already he has outlived his usefulness? Obviously there is a very healthy debate going on at the moment in the USA.

    As for your comments on the press, I too am very unhappy with their performance post-9/11. Where were they during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq? Anyone doing even a small amount of research could see how full-of-it was the White House's case for invasion. Yet the press was cowed into towing the line (or followed their corporate line - something that is common in British press but quite new in the USA). Only now are they asking the questions which need to be asked. It isn't for no reason that the New York Times recently apologised for not being critical enough of the information that they were fed.

    Short term perspective? If you ask me, it has taken way too long for the American public to see the light.

    Anyway, CF started this Michael Moore stuff. Maybe as a moderator he would like to put it to bed?




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