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    What's important to you?

    Hi everybody! While reading through various threads, I've noticed much debate (Porsche vs. Corvette, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin....). Please note that I DO NOT intend to start another argument. I am merely citing these names to illustrate my point so that we are all on the same page.

    Anyways, I'm very curious. When you purchased your Porsche, what did you consider an important feature of the car and why? I'd like to know where we all stand in relation to the various features because I am finding too many threads basing everything solely on performance.

    I'll start:
    1) Handling. For me, if the car doesn't handle well, then forget it.
    2) Intangibles. The feedback from the chassis to the steering wheel makes for an extremely enjoyable ride. Not to mention the ability to transfer the weight back and forth in the 911. Very entertaining.
    3) Exterior style. I love the look of the 911 and have always wanted one since I was a kid.
    4) Overall build quality. I think you get what you pay for. I used to love the Lotus Esprit as a kid until I found out how poor the car was in build quality and reliability.
    5) Prestige. What can I say. I love Porsches.
    6) Acceleration and braking. Both go hand in hand as far as I'm concerned. Too many people focused solely on acceleration figures.
    7) Weight. This is one of the big reasons why I chose a C2S and will be looking for a GT3 in the future. I just find that the 997 Turbo is getting a little obese.
    8) Interior Style. It's gotta look nice for that price.
    9) Horsepower. I ranked horsepower low because the C2S puts out excellent numbers already. It's not what you have, but what you do with it that counts.
    10) Lap Times. I think there's a lot of talk about lap times, but I just don't think any of us are talented enough to put those kind of numbers like Walter Rohrl. Besides, our cars are basically over-engineered for the street.
    11) Price. I think buying a car like this an emotional buy, so price is not much of a factor.
    12) Ability to be easily modified. Personally, I'm not a ricer, so don't really care for this.

    Please choose from the list below and rank them from most important to least important:

    - Horsepower
    - Handling
    - Acceleration
    - Braking
    - Prestige
    - Lap Times
    - Exterior Styling
    - Interior Styling
    - Ability to be easily modified
    - Price
    - Weight
    - Intangibles (such as the way the car "feels," feedback of steering, brakes, clutch....)
    - Overall build quality

    Re: What's important to you?

    Other reasons I would add are:

    Practicality (daily driver? luggage capacity, no of people who'll fit in)
    Fuel economy
    Maintenance, servicing & repair costs
    Dealer network
    Insurance costs
    Ability to personalise the car by choosing from a wider range of options
    Fuel capacity: driving range

    Re: What's important to you?

    Why are we limited to the options on your list?

    Some of us bought the car because we are, ahem, ahh, errr, you know, sexually disadvantaged size wise. There you go, I said it.

    Others have been picked on and ridiculed since they were in second grade. This is their way of saying I'm better than you.

    Then I guess that there are true full fledged racers out there, but they are usually sponsored by automotive companies.

    Then again there are the sport enthusiasts which have all sorts of reasons that they have chosen the Porsche. I guess that this forum is full of them. Then there are people who race in amateur recreational races.

    I think there are unbounded groups of people who purchase Porsches for an unbounded quantity of reasons.

    Me? I bought the car because I had an extra 100 grand sitting in the bank and I think the car looks cool. I read that the car handles this and specifically does that. I guess that I will take y'alls word for it. Oh, I almost forgot, girls think the car looks good to.

    Re: What's important to you?

    I remember when I was about 15 years old (25 years ago) and my father considered buying a (used) Porsche. He didn't have oodles of cash. I remember the excitement just thinking about it... Of course, he didn't it was impractical and still fairly expensive.

    I have been driving different Mercedes for the past couple of years, very boring. I realized that I am too young to let the car drive for me. But I have two young kids 7 and 9 so a Porsche seemed impractical.

    Nevertheless, I took a couple of test drives of sportscars - the new Jaguar, Mercedes SL, etc. None of them touched me (in fact the Jaguar was such a terrible car that I returned it early from the test drive but that's another story. And they were impractical (too small rear seats or no rear seats for a family). I almost had decided on a BMW X3 (I don't like the Cayenne or big SUVs), when I remembered Porsche. I am not sure why I overlooked it at first ... perhaps it is just so 'present' and 'classic' that I didn't think it could meet my expectations.

    When I went for a test, it was love at first drive - the responsiveness, fun and sheer power. Also, it had practicality. I knew it was a car that would get my kid's too and from school. It also got the wife's approval - when she saw it, said 'this is a car that suits you'.

    Why do people buy Porsche's? Two reasons: The car is simply a classic, it combines a lot of elements without too many sacrifices. Second, they have the money.

    I do not think the reasons are so important just the stories.

    Re: What's important to you?

    Newowner said: ... it was love at first drive ...

    ... I do not think the reasons are so important just the stories.

    Beautifully put. Couldn't agree more!

    Re: What's important to you?

    Good looks, impressive performance, high "fun to drive" quotient, upscale build-quality/fit/finish/materials, and overall classy presentation. Lastly, it has to be GOOD ART, from both a cosmetic and a functional-experience standpoint.

    Driving a Corvette is just going fast. Driving a 911 is feeling fast down to the marrow in your bones. I have no idea how and where that difference is achieved...

    Bottom line, I go for engineering, styling and execution (quality) excellence. For a sports car, my Porsche is superb in those respects. I look for the same strengths in luxury cars, utility vehicles, motorcycles, etc...

    Re: What's important to you?

    69bossnine said: ... Driving a Corvette is just going fast. Driving a 911 is feeling fast down to the marrow in your bones. I have no idea how and where that difference is achieved...

    Exactly! You feel it inside you. Not just driving fast but feeling fast. You feel it as part of feeling completely connected to the car and at one with it.

    69bossnine said: ... I look for the same strengths in luxury cars, utility vehicles, motorcycles, etc...

    More than that, I believe Porsche enthusiasts are the kind of people who look for excellence in everything (within their respective budgets). We expect high standards in everything we buy and every service we receive whether it's buying a new TV set or the service the waiter gives at a restaurant...

    Re: What's important to you?

    Lots of good reasons in above posts.

    Would like to add two words: comfort AND performance.

    It's really the only car that is truely gorgeous. Other "goodlooking" cars are subjective and trendy.

    Would also have to add this important distinction:


    Can be ordered in a non-flashy version. It's beautiful and not-in-people's faces; unlike a Corvette or a Viper.

    I also got it because I do alot of two-lane, curvey, rural highway driving. There's always some slowpoke in front of me. Need the performance and handling to get in front of them. Can't stand being behind someone going 55, 53, 58, 60, 52, mph. Gotta go a consistent cruising speed of speedlimit plus 10 percent to make routine driving tolerable.

    That's my us$.02

    Re: What's important to you?

    Intangibles (such as the way the car "feels," feedback of steering, brakes, clutch....)
    - Acceleration
    - Handling
    - Exterior Styling
    - Horsepower
    - Braking
    - Overall build quality
    - Lap Times
    - Interior Styling
    - Weight
    - Price
    - Prestige
    - Ability to be easily modified

    Re: What's important to you?

    MMD said:


    Can be ordered in a non-flashy version. It's beautiful and not-in-people's faces; unlike a Corvette or a Viper.

    So that is a good question: What is a discrete Porsche?

    Can someone answer this one for me ... I would guess that the 997 Black C4S I have is understated, elegant and maybe a bit edgy ... naw maybe not

    Re: What's important to you?

    Unfortunately for me, a buddy showed up in my driveway one day back in the early 1970s. He was driving his new Porsche 914. It was a simple little thing. I had known of Porsches before (having lived in Germany when the 901 first came out) but didn't think too much of them at the time. But DRIVING these cars is what gets you a jumpstart. The handling, the acceleration, the braking,--the entire package comes together unlike anything else. I immediately loved the looks of the 914 with that optional top. Despite living in Santa Barbara I rarely took the top off. It was a great car, albeit a bit underpowered with that standard 1.7 liter VW 412 engine in there. But with the midship placement, what handling!

    In no time I was living in Germany and ordered a US spec model from a local Porsche dealer. What a thrill to drive a Porsche on the autobahn. I soon found the handling a bit of a challenge for that little car with decreasing radius sweepers. What's that about trailing throttle oversteer? The next was another 911 but with a retrofitted Rayjay turbo, adding another 100 PS to the output of the 3.0 liter engine. With a 934 whaletail the handling was superb. As several people sitting as passengers in my car at various times remarked, "everyone looks at this car." It was never my intention to drive a car that others looked at. I wanted a car that handled well.

    Now, with the 997, Porsche has fixed a lot of the problems that plagued the 911 for decades. The cd is way down, the styling works well, the handling is so good that even the most lame driver can put Jackie Stewart to shame.

    For me,--handling. Very simple.

    Re: What's important to you?

    Newowner said:
    MMD said:


    Can be ordered in a non-flashy version. It's beautiful and not-in-people's faces; unlike a Corvette or a Viper.

    So that is a good question: What is a discrete Porsche?

    Can someone answer this one for me ... I would guess that the 997 Black C4S I have is understated, elegant and maybe a bit edgy ... naw maybe not

    This one is rather understated:

    Re: What's important to you?

    jplanaux said:
    Why are we limited to the options on your list?

    Sorry, you are not limited to the list. That's all I could think of at the time. Please feel free to add your own reasons. I'd love to hear them all.

    Re: What's important to you?

    Thanks for all the replies. It's very interesting to hear what people have to say. In addition, the stories that go with the reasons why we bought the Porsche are just as interesting because it shows our passion for the cars themselves.

    Re: What's important to you?

    Why buy a Porsche? Because I always wanted one, because I can afford it now, because my kids grew up and moved out of the house eliminating car pools, bacause I love driving it so much I sometimes take the long way home from work, because it feels good to have arguably the greatest car in the world.

    Re: What's important to you?

    The most important factor in purchasing Porsche is that it satisfied our requirements as a touring automobile. The basic requirments that I and my wife decided on was that (1) It need only hold two people and (2) It must hold enough luggage for two people for two weeks. It was the second requirement that eliminated so many makes irrespective of price.

    Re: What's important to you?

    Excellent thread!

    For me it's all the reasons stated above, except for being "disadvantaged" , lol.

    My "baby" is a big time/ long time dream come true! I really don't think it's possible for me to be more pleased than I am- until I go for my next drive... it just gets better and better! Amazing!!! The sound, performance and looks are so incredible- love it more and more each day! Touch wood- the car has been perfect so far!

    Someone please pinch, hit or even kick me- this can't be real. How blessed we are to own such cars!

    Re: What's important to you?

    SVNSVN said:

    For me it's all the reasons stated above, except for being "disadvantaged" , lol.

    Even the pics you're posting have grown bigger meanwhile
    At the end of the day all the figures like hp / 0-100 time / Ring-times etc. are only just that - numbers. What really counts is how you feel when driving the car. Porsche is not just selling cars, they're selling emotions in the first place

    Re: What's important to you?

    Dan L said:
    [...] But DRIVING these cars is what gets you a jumpstart. [...]

    Once you tried it out, there is no way back. Almost any other marque's product becomes incomplete from that point on...

    Re: What's important to you?

    There are lots of good reasons here.

    My wife, bless her, explains that every man wants one (i.e.a 911!). She is right - there is something intangible about a Porsche that seems to be present from everyone's childhood. Every new model is a rebirth of the model you saw and wanted when you were driving somewhere with your Dad. Each new model allows you to have the latest and greatest but yet with an echo of your childhood dreamcar

    And the appearance is certainly unique. Every wife or girlfriend knows a Porsche, even those with no interest in cars. But many could not tell for sure whether they had just seen a Ferrari/Lambo/Maser/Zonda even though we sure know!

    So when you finally get to drive one, you are hooked forever!!

    Re: What's important to you?

    Each new model allows you to have the latest and greatest but yet with an echo of your childhood dreamcar

    That's it. When my son - 9 years old - rode with me during the test drive he was almost squealing with joy at the power. And when he heard the sports exhaust. It was really fun listening to him ... I was thinking how great it is to be young again and then I realized I was feeling the same way

    Re: What's important to you?

    Not sure if any of you remember the movie Condorman - maybe my fellow Brits will remember it since the start was Michael Crawford. He drove a weird looking kit car but the baddies drove 930 Turbo's black on black with blacked out windows! Love at first site! However, the first 911 I really really liked and wanted was the 993. Prior to that I was still at school and only dreaming of getting a drivers license and a flat screen VW Beetle!

    Re: What's important to you?

    I think too many of us (who may be too embarrassed to admit it) got introduced subliminally from a tender age to the mental image of a curve-topped car with an engine at the 'wrong' end, a front boot that opens like a mouth and big round eye-like headlamps from watching the VW Beetle in all those awful Herbie movies:

    Herbie Rides Again
    The Love Bug
    Herbie Goes Bananas
    Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo ...

    Did I hear someone say "C'mon Ocho"?

    A mechanic I spoke to recently (who doesn't like 911s) called it a "squashed Beetle". Lovely

    Re: What's important to you?

    Love the stories. This is what I truly believed constitutes the Porsche experience. Like I said, I'm not looking to start any arguments here, but the next time I hear another Porsche vs Corvette discussion, I'll direct them to this thread. Because not once did someone talk about high horsepower or being able to blow the guy away at the next light. This is why we love our Porsches. Awesome!

    Re: What's important to you?

    The simplest answer is that the Porsche 911 (997 for me) is like having the gold medal in the decathalon. One does not have to be the best in any given event (or in the case of cars, top speed, handling, ergonomics, style, prestige, sound, racing history, etc, etc,), but the overall package cannot be matched by anything else. When lookimg at cars in this price range, the final product is so refined (after 35 years) that newcomers will have a hard time competing because of the heritage/community. Even if Nissan/Lexus/Acura come out with supercars at the same price, probably faster, smoother, better ergonomics, faster ring times, etc, it will not have the iconic status that Porsche has. Yes it is superficial, but we dream of owning a Porsche as a child, and ownership has been fulflling and not a disappointment. I never dreamt of owning an NSX!

    Re: What's important to you?

    Not too long after I got my 911 C2 I was pulling it out for a drive when a neighbor and his young daughter drove by on their bicycles when the daughter asked, "Daddy. What kind of a car is that?" Her father replied, "That's the car that daddy wants."

    Re: What's important to you?

    Its all in the sound baby...right, well, performance too, ok, well looks are important....Little confused with the jetlag going on here...Just give me my Porsche I want to drive it. Didnt see one Porsche on the island of Phuket, Thailand, not one single one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: What's important to you?

    Vincenzina said:Didnt see one Porsche on the island of Phuket, Thailand, not one single one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome back. Talk about exclusivity..



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