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    Japanese Grand Prix

    Okay - so Renault should have won in Shanghai had they not made the wrong choice on front tyres and if they had not cross-threaded the rear tyre when Alonso changed to slicks later in the race.

    But what now? It looked to me like Renault have improved their performance and that Michelin have improved their slick tyres (their intermediate tyres have been better all season) to the extent that Ferrari may really struggle.

    The Chinese GP and the Japanese GP are both flyaway races back to back so there is zero time in-between for any development. Since the Brazilian race is also a flyaway race, I am not expecting major technical improvements before that race either.

    I think it's going to be a few weeks of real drama. I think Schumi may yet surprise us - it's his last 2 races so he has an extra incentive to perform. Maybe he will end his career on a sour note (like Zineddine Zidane did when he headbutted Materazzi's chest) by unsportsmanlike driving in a bid to offset Renault's new performance advantage?? Maybe I'm reading too much between the lines. Alonso looked numb on the podium in Shanghai but he will have recovered by now and he will know he has the better car for the rest of the season. He should win the title. (I hope he doesn't though - he was nice, at least in public, last year before winning the title but his arrogance and rudeness now that he is defending World Champion has been off the scale for me). Winning may be important but how you win is important too. Schumi is equally bad in this respect. I miss nobler characters like Senna, Prost, Hakkinen.

    Whatever happens though, I am going to really enjoy the next few weeks! Heaven knows how I will survive without F1 over the winter break! Can't bear to think about it...

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Alonso has been crying in the Spanish press that Renault is unfair to him because they are more interested in the constructor title and do not want him to take #1 to McLaren....hmmh....

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Jeannot said:
    Alonso has been crying in the Spanish press that Renault is unfair to him because they are more interested in the constructor title and do not want him to take #1 to McLaren....hmmh....

    That's what giliemen do: Cry.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    A mecanic of the team (the rear rigth wheel "responsable"), has been fired ....

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    sad :-(

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Byron said:
    A mecanic of the team (the rear rigth wheel "responsable"), has been fired ....

    If it's the same guy who fukced up last time, I'd say that's probably a good decision.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Dr. Phil said:
    Byron said:
    A mecanic of the team (the rear rigth wheel "responsable"), has been fired ....

    If it's the same guy who fukced up last time, I'd say that's probably a good decision.

    The same man!!! jajajajaja....

    I'm afraid people in Renault have been "sleeping in the glory" for too long. In the other hand, Ferrari never rests (at least lately). The same as Shumi.

    In any case, I hope the battle will take place in the track...the place where it should be...any of both can win, but Shummi is going to give his 200%

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Suzuka is the most technically sound track in all of F1. I think this bodes well for both Schumi and Alonso. Expect them to be duking it out, of course unless Renault gives Alonso the old "forget you", like he accuses

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    After Fisichela's "help" to Alonso in the Chinese GP, Fisichela was found later at Schumache's after race party of the celebration of the victory at the Chinese GP, partying the whole night with Schumi and friends...

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Carlos from Spain said:
    After Fisichela's "help" to Alonso in the Chinese GP, Fisichela was found later at Schumache's after race party of the celebration of the victory at the Chinese GP, partying the whole night with Schumi and friends...

    Yeah, I think you're on to something here. First the FIA ruled against him and Ferrari is constantly working on covert plans to eliminate Feminando from the championships - And now even Feminado's own teammate is conspiring against him!
    I think you should write Tom Clancy. There is definately enough material here for a new Jack Ryan thriller.
    May I suggest the title "Clear and Present Paranoia?"

    Perhaps even Feminando's own teammate cant stand his constant whining and prefers being with people who don't blame others for their own lack of luck and/or skill.

    Come on, Carlos! Are you really this melodramatic?
    If Feminado does not win the championship, you can claim "that he lost because strong forces made him lose", and if he wins it will be "despite the fact that the whole World had conspired against him".
    Sounds like the attitide of a victim, not a winner if you ask me.

    If F1 is really this rotten, perhaps Alonso should simply opt to leave the show. That would be a lot cooler that staying on and constantly whining.

    Personally I hope for a clean race where neither the FIA, politics, dirty tricks or mechanics decide the outcome. A few dog fights and ...well, ok - I wouldnt mind if Feminando ran out of fuel 200m short of the finish line

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Carlos from Spain said:
    After Fisichela's "help" to Alonso in the Chinese GP, Fisichela was found later at Schumache's after race party of the celebration of the victory at the Chinese GP, partying the whole night with Schumi and friends...

    Topic considerations apart.....I did not know that "fact" you refere to, I can understand why FERNANDO made that comparative example with cycling......

    In any case, non winners make the job of non winners.....they can only enjoy "parties"....but never will be winners....

    And Fernando Alonso is, and will allways be a parties or hidden intentions

    Let's see if "JC" does something that anybody can remain in a few years....Fernando already did...and his speech can be very long (I hope it!)

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Dr. Phil said:
    Yeah, I think you're on to something here. First the FIA ruled against him and Ferrari is constantly working on covert plans to eliminate Feminando from the championships - And now even Feminado's own teammate is conspiring against him!
    I think you should write Tom Clancy. There is definately enough material here for a new Jack Ryan thriller.
    May I suggest the title "Clear and Present Paranoia?"

    Perhaps even Feminando's own teammate cant stand his constant whining and prefers being with people who don't blame others for their own lack of luck and/or skill.

    Come on, Carlos! Are you really this melodramatic?
    If Feminado does not win the championship, you can claim "that he lost because strong forces made him lose", and if he wins it will be "despite the fact that the whole World had conspired against him".
    Sounds like the attitide of a victim, not a winner if you ask me.

    If F1 is really this rotten, perhaps Alonso should simply opt to leave the show. That would be a lot cooler that staying on and constantly whining.

    Personally I hope for a clean race where neither the FIA, politics, dirty tricks or mechanics decide the outcome. A few dog fights and ...well, ok - I wouldnt mind if Feminando ran out of fuel 200m short of the finish line

    bla, bla, grab a tissue ?were is Kimi yet another year? interesting that De La Rosa has earnt more points in the last races he participaped on than Kimi... ouch! The only way Kimi can win is if he has the best car in the line-up AND they make it indestructable at the same time, on the other hand, who can loose in that case

    You can throw you tamtrums all all you like but at the end of the day, Alonso is the current F1 world champion, the youngest ever in F1 histeory at that, and is the only one fighting Schumacher for this year's championship, boo, hoo

    I wonder what you are going to say if he wins again this year against all odds

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Carlos from Spain said:
    Dr. Phil said:
    Yeah, I think you're on to something here. First the FIA ruled against him and Ferrari is constantly working on covert plans to eliminate Feminando from the championships - And now even Feminado's own teammate is conspiring against him!
    I think you should write Tom Clancy. There is definately enough material here for a new Jack Ryan thriller.
    May I suggest the title "Clear and Present Paranoia?"

    Perhaps even Feminando's own teammate cant stand his constant whining and prefers being with people who don't blame others for their own lack of luck and/or skill.

    Come on, Carlos! Are you really this melodramatic?
    If Feminado does not win the championship, you can claim "that he lost because strong forces made him lose", and if he wins it will be "despite the fact that the whole World had conspired against him".
    Sounds like the attitide of a victim, not a winner if you ask me.

    If F1 is really this rotten, perhaps Alonso should simply opt to leave the show. That would be a lot cooler that staying on and constantly whining.

    Personally I hope for a clean race where neither the FIA, politics, dirty tricks or mechanics decide the outcome. A few dog fights and ...well, ok - I wouldnt mind if Feminando ran out of fuel 200m short of the finish line

    bla, bla, grab a tissue ?were is Kimi yet another year? interesting that De La Rosa has earnt more points in the last races he participaped on than Kimi... ouch! The only way Kimi can win is if he has the best car in the line-up AND they make it indestructable at the same time, on the other hand, who can loose in that case

    You can throw you tamtrums all all you like but at the end of the day, Alonso is the current F1 world champion, the youngest ever in F1 histeory at that, and is the only one fighting Schumacher for this year's championship, boo, hoo

    I wonder what you are going to say if he wins again this year against all odds

    More melodrama: Now you are attacking Kimi Raikkonen, who hasnt been part of the debate for quite some time? ?
    Is HE part of the conspiracy too??

    Youve been watching Feminando too much, Carlos. Youre turning into a sniveling, whining girlie!

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Pipe down, you two! It's all fun and games when you are playing around, but I think you may be taking this too seriously . Just let Rideithardo Gayhomso and Beer-me Crashonen deal with this amongst themselves. That way, you can remain friends right until Dr. Phil suffers a heart attack when getting the tax bill for his new Porsche.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    You're right. That's no way for me to speak to a lady

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Dr. Phil said:
    You're right. That's no way for me to speak to a lady

    Dr Phil...I wonder to what Lady are you refering?

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Byron said:
    Dr. Phil said:
    You're right. That's no way for me to speak to a lady

    Dr Phil...I wonder to what Lady are you refering?

    Just take your time, and get back to me when you figure it out.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Dr. Phil said:
    Byron said:
    Dr. Phil said:
    You're right. That's no way for me to speak to a lady

    Dr Phil...I wonder to what Lady are you refering?

    Just take your time, and get back to me when you figure it out.

    Maybe I have no imagination........still can't figure are very "original", so, please let us know!

    Can't wait for knowing the identity of "such" Lady you refer so many times!

    Are you in love maybe? oooooh, taht would be soooooo nice

    Remain that love unknowns frontiers...

    P.D. Dr Phil, many times disagree with your oppinions, but, in the end I love your humor and style!

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Byron said:
    Maybe I have no imagination........still can't figure are very "original", so, please let us know!

    Can't wait for knowing the identity of "such" Lady you refer so many times!

    Are you in love maybe? oooooh, taht would be soooooo nice

    Remain that love unknowns frontiers...

    P.D. Dr Phil, many times disagree with your oppinions, but, in the end I love your humor and style!

    Ah, yes Byron. Love.
    Love, Byron! The unknown frontier. [Looking purposefully towards the sky, wind catching my hair] And what unknown frontier it would be to explore, holding the hand of the lady I so galantly have sworn to protect from her own demons! [Thunderclouds rolling in the background, wind gaining speed trying to push me over, symphonc orchestra performing forboding theme!]
    Those internal demons of paranoia and conspiracy! But fear not, mylady, fore I will be thy knight, thy galant savior, thy armored prince!
    [Kneeling] Oh, I cannot hide my feelings anymore. Tis impossible!
    [Wind suddenly calming, clouds parting, rays of sun shining through the darkness]...
    for the identity of my girliest of ladies, is....... the fair lady Carla from Spain!
    [Orchestral crescendo, 1001 doves heading for the sky, a salty tear slowly gliding down the cheek of Nberry....]

    Rated R, not admitted without parent.
    Coming to a theatre near you.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Ahhh, what a movie that would be

    I'm still waiting for the lawnmower showdown between you and Carlos BTW

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Has anyone ever explained why FA was losing about 4 seconds per lap in the middle of the race? This has never been explained.

    Aside from that, I think Schu will win the title, unfortunately. And although people are saying things will go down to the wire, all the way to Brazil, I think this race will be more significant when all is said and done.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    7.00 A.M. Japan G.P. qualifications about to beguin...... stormy weather in those latitudes.....before "this" starts (nothing else could make me up from my bed in this unpolite hours) I feel that instead of a LOVE ballard what is sounding in my mind is the migthy Motzart's Requiem

    In any case......Doctor William (Or should I say "Phileas Fogg"?), I'm impressed about your poetic skills....chikenskin..... classic style "Alla Stratford upon Avon"....well it's all about "specially" "sensitive" guys,........... you know....

    have you ever written poetry up to now? .....with your "deep feelings" you the end you come from Denmark ....."To love or not to love" .....

    (My partner is from Copenagen, but, unfortunatelly not so poetic)

    Thank you again for your humor......besides I feel today you'll have many motivs to laugh.....(I'm seeing the first moments of qualifications....)....I feel today will be "the beguinning of the end".....I'm refering to Renault and their magnificent champion J. C. (jajaja a King's name!)

    Have a nice day!

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Byron said:
    7.00 A.M. Japan G.P. qualifications about to beguin...... stormy weather in those latitudes.....before "this" starts (nothing else could make me up from my bed in this unpolite hours) I feel that instead of a LOVE ballard what is sounding in my mind is the migthy Motzart's Requiem

    In any case......Doctor William (Or should I say "Phileas Fogg"?), I'm impressed about your poetic skills....chikenskin..... classic style "Alla Stratford upon Avon"....well it's all about "specially" "sensitive" guys,........... you know....

    have you ever written poetry up to now? .....with your "deep feelings" you the end you come from Denmark ....."To love or not to love" .....

    (My partner is from Copenagen, but, unfortunatelly not so poetic)

    Thank you again for your humor......besides I feel today you'll have many motivs to laugh.....(I'm seeing the first moments of qualifications....)....I feel today will be "the beguinning of the end".....I'm refering to Renault and their magnificent champion J. C. (jajaja a King's name!)

    Have a nice day!

    Can I answer myself?...I wonder If possible, but I'll try:

    8:11 A.M. , I'm brave, but no that much..I'm going back to my bed....In the end, no surprises in Japan. Shumi did his job perfectly (as allways).....Massa a "pole" (congratulations..with a "brand new motor"), and Toyota performed very, very well..................

    I saw an image in the Renault Pit, of people dressed in blue (too many of them overweigthed), laughing and shaking hands............maybe because their brilliant results? they have an idea about the meaning of the word "dignity"?

    They know that next year things will be "different", "relaxed"..... the salary guaranteed, and with no pressure..they have a winner! "Lord" "JC"!! jajajajaja (another "salary taker")

    Sorry, I don't want to seem a crying baby, but Renault team is lately resulting to be a pathetic crowd of friends that enjoy very much their monthly payements
    and in the bar.......why they where congratulating today (images are there)? The results have been very poor!............Where is all the money invested in a "theoretically" serious team?

    Just look at Mr. Todt...he is not a "Supposed Playboy"...he is a serious profesional, and plays backgammon marvelously (did you know?). Allways wearing "that" jersey.....but serious, very accurate, exact and "in time" at his bussiness: winning races....he did with Renault in Rallyes (Does anybody remember the glorious times af the R5 Turbo "Tour de Corse" and Jean Ragnotti?....Mr. Todt was the boss, and responsable of the tactics....) and he is doing with Ferrari in F1

    By the way, what hell is happening once and another time again with McClaren (Poor Alonso next year!)....Kimi does not deserve this. Nor Mr. De La Rosa (A REAL GENTLEMAN).

    MCLAREN+MERCEDES....sounds powerful, so...what's going wrong?

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    1 6 Felipe Massa Ferrari 1:30.112 1:29.830 1:29.599

    2 5 Michael Schumacher Ferrari 1:31.279 1:28.954 1:29.711

    3 7 Ralf Schumacher Toyota 1:30.595 1:30.299 1:29.989

    4 8 Jarno Trulli Toyota 1:30.420 1:30.204 1:30.039

    5 1 Fernando Alonso Renault 1:30.976 1:30.357 1:30.371

    6 2 Giancarlo Fisichella Renault 1:31.696 1:30.306 1:30.599

    7 12 Jenson Button Honda 1:30.847 1:30.268 1:30.992

    8 11 Rubens Barrichello Honda 1:31.972 1:30.598 1:31.478

    9 16 Nick Heidfeld Sauber-BMW 1:31.811 1:30.470 1:31.513

    10 10 Nico Rosberg Williams-Cosworth 1:30.585 1:30.321 1:31.856

    11 3 Kimi Räikkönen McLaren-Mercedes 1:32.080 1:30.827

    12 17 Robert Kubica Sauber-BMW 1:31.204 1:31.094

    13 4 Pedro de la Rosa McLaren-Mercedes 1:31.581 1:31.254

    14 9 Mark Webber Williams-Cosworth 1:31.647 1:31.276

    15 20 Vitantonio Liuzzi STR-Cosworth 1:31.741 1:31.943

    16 19 Christijan Albers MF1-Toyota 1:32.221 1:33.750

    17 14 David Coulthard RBR-Ferrari 1:32.252

    18 15 Robert Doornbos RBR-Ferrari 1:32.402

    19 21 Scott Speed STR-Cosworth 1:32.867

    20 22 Takuma Sato Super Aguri-Honda 1:33.666

    21 18 Tiago Monteiro MF1-Toyota 1:33.709

    22 23 Sakon Yamamoto Super Aguri-Honda No time

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    I'm pretty sure Renault is running on a one-stop strategy (cant even remember: Is a one-stop doable at Suzuka?) or they have something else up their sleeve.
    AFAIK Suzuka is a good circuit for Renault - so this thing is anything but over.
    Cant wait till tomorrow!!!

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Dr. Phil said:
    I'm pretty sure Renault is running on a one-stop strategy (cant even remember: Is a one-stop doable at Suzuka?) or they have something else up their sleeve.
    AFAIK Suzuka is a good circuit for Renault - so this thing is anything but over.
    Cant wait till tomorrow!!!

    I think Renault is on a normal 2-stop strategy.The Bridgstones are very quick.Rosberg,Ralf and Trulli are in the top 10 in cars that are inferior to the McLarens or Hondas.

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    You can't do a 1-stop strategy on Suzuka. You can do 2 o 3 stop, normally we will see a 2 stop from Renault an d Ferrari, maybe a 3-stop from Toyota.

    The reason for the results is clear, if you look at the warm up before Qualifying, the Bridgestone cars absolutely CRUSHED the Michelins cars in the dry in the long stints and then in qualifying single laps, the top four cars have one thing in common; Bridgestone tires.

    So tomorrow's race will be settled before it stars by the weather. If its dry, it will be a 1-2 Ferrari, but if it rains, then things may change and get exiting.

    BTW, Massa obstructed Alonso in the Q3, he even apologised to Alonso after the qualifying, anybody thinks Charlie Whiting will give Massa a 10 position penalty on the grid tommorrow like he did to Alonso for the same thing? somehow I don't think so

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Carlos from Spain said:

    BTW, Massa obstructed Alonso in the Q3, he even apologised to Alonso after the qualifying, anybody thinks Charlie Whiting will give Massa a 10 position penalty on the grid tommorrow like he did to Alonso for the same thing? somehow I don't think so

    YES he did!....where are the "rules" now?

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    They "just" changed them a few days ago, even though the distance this time was much less than when Alonso was penalised, Massa can argue now that it was "unintentional". He was obstructing Alonso right when Shumi was escaping free in front and there was some rain drops staring to fall and everybody was in panic that it would start to rain and slow the following laps, so everybody was trying to get a quick lap just in case. But the rules now say that if its unintentional then there is no penalty. Not to say that Alonso's alleged obstrcution was completely unintentional because he was on his last and only attept for a qualifying lap, unlike Massa today, but hey, thats today's F1.

    BTW, weather forecast for tomorrow: sunny and dry. So we have our race results set.
    I wonder waht Alonso is going to do at the start of the race before the firts corner, will he pass the two Toyotas?
    Will Schumi pass Massa and Massa act as a blockade for Shumi to escape? (who are we kidding, like we know that this isn't going to happen)
    Will the Toyotas go for a 3-stop strategy?
    What the heck is Fisi going to do in all this?
    Were are the McLarens!? will they find their race pace and make things more exiting? looking foward to Kimi's start.
    Will Sato or Yamamoto bring out the safety car?

    ... who I'm I kidding... it wil be another F1 single file parade

    Re: Japanese Grand Prix

    Carlos from Spain said:
    They "just" changed them a few days ago, even though the distance this time was much less than when Alonso was penalised, Massa can argue now that it was "unintentional". He was obstructing Alonso right when Shumi was escaping free in front and there was some rain drops staring to fall and everybody was in panic that it would start to rain and slow the following laps, so everybody was trying to get a quick lap just in case. But the rules now say that if its unintentional then there is no penalty. Not to say that Alonso's alleged obstrcution was completely unintentional because he was on his last and only attept for a qualifying lap, unlike Massa today, but hey, thats today's F1.

    BTW, weather forecast for tomorrow: sunny and dry. So we have our race results set.
    I wonder waht Alonso is going to do at the start of the race before the firts corner, will he pass the two Toyotas?
    Will Schumi pass Massa and Massa act as a blockade for Shumi to ecsape?
    Will the Toyotas go for a 3-stop strategy?
    What the heck is Fisi going to do in all this?
    Were are the McLarens!? will they find their race pace and make things more exiting? looking foward to Kimi's start.

    ... who I'm I kidding... it wil be another F1 single file parade

    Unfortunately yes......I have the sensation that decissions have already been done.And "all" parts are implied....It's fantastic for the "show" that an unbeateable champion retires being the "champion"...

    And with no stupid and "funny" words, this is so evident, that anybody must be blind not to seeing it...thank you Carlos for the data that "rules" suddenly changed, I did not know..but this is not a sport, this is ridicoulous.

    What will JC do?....."meat and potatoes", as allways.

    McClaren...brake or mediocre results.(again, poor Alonso next year if they are not hidding something)

    Alonso?.......figth a lot in the start, menwhile the two ferraris fly towards the champinship....

    Shummi?, as allways, no matter how, but win...the best thing he does.

    I hope I'll be wrong, but I'm afraid that not.

    Post Datum. In any case I will not interrupt my sleeping to see such a boring mascarade.



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