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    Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    A friend of mine had a brand new Black (metallic for sure) Porsche. The other day, I was looking at his car and obviously, upon closer inspectaion, I could see that his car had CIRCULAR TINY MICROSCOPIC scratches all over the body. You can't tell far away unless you pay close attention to it under direct sunlight. I immediately alerted him on it and he seemed rather upset. I suspect the reason is that he has asked someone to clean his car on a daily basis and the guy obviously simply wipes the car with a towel DRY. Is there any input as to whether or not this is reversible? I mean the wax should have protected it from all over circular scratches but it is pretty obvious on his brand new black car and I wonder if anyone can provide any input?

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    I had this on my previous car (Yellow S2000), it was a dealer demonstrator and the paint had many circular scratches on it. I used Zaino Brothers ( Z5 polish and after 2 coats, the scratches were completely gone. Now I swear by the stuff. Absolutely amazing. First thing I did with my new Boxster was to put 6 coats of Zaino on it. Hope this helps.

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    Schuffo how coincidental, my friend bought this new Porsche off the dealer's showroom. It had not been driven before and only on display. Maybe the workers who wipe the showroom cars DRY everyday did the damages before he even took delivery. I couldn't imagine DRY WIPING could cos circular marks of all over the car but considering the fact that you had the same experience, I could believe it. So it is afterall something that could be fixed I guess and I will recommend this method to him. I hope this helps his brand new black boxster cos it is a shame. I guess it doesn't help that the car is metallic black which makes such circular marks more visible.

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    Probably scratches from the washing process...

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    Black is probably the hardest colour to keep clean. When you layer the Zaino product on it provides additional layers of protection. Over a weekend I applied 6 coats on the S2000 (and now the Boxster) and never had any problems since. Truly this stuff is phenomenal and the mirror effect on black magic is incredible. Check out the attached images from their website.

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    And this BM

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    BC911J, I definitely think that the cleaning ladies in the showroom did it by good-heartedly wiping the demo car with a DRY CLOTH everyday in circular motion. The dust would have done it.

    Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    I had a black Acura that was a nightmare to keep looking nice. Besides the swirl marks as soon as it got dirty it looked like crap. I would periodically reglaze the entire car by hand to get it looking nice. Any automotive store will have glaze to remove the marks.

    Personally I prefer 3M professional automotive products. The kind they use in autobody places. Top notch results. They come in very plain packaging as they are not geared toward the consumer.

    Dont get sucked into paying crazy prices for wax and stuff. Most autobody shops including ones that work on Porsches use 3M.

    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversi

    Any high quality automotive POLISH will take out the swirls as well as ever so slightly take layers of paint off as well. Only way it can be done unless you temporarilly fill in the swirls with a glaze or sealant. Most are done by hand or easilly(with a bit of practice) with a machine polisher such as the Porter Cable. After that the paint will need some treatment and sealing and to top it off a good wax either carnuba or synthetic as the final steps in protecting all the hard work and paint from the elements.

    Here are two sites I highly recommend reading up on as I am no pro and only have begun to get into the "serious" auto detailing after I picked up my Porsche. So far it has provided me with perfect results.

    In no way am i associated with any of these guys but they have been recommended often on

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    tincanman99 said:
    Dont get sucked into paying crazy prices for wax and stuff. Most autobody shops including ones that work on Porsches use 3M.

    Agreed. You don't need 10 products from one brand to complete a "process" although many swear by it. In the end its all about personal preference on the results you want and what you want to spend.

    At the moment I use Klasse All-in-One as my sealant and P21S as my wax. I works for me and I get comments on it all the time.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    harryo2b thanks. Your boxster s in Atlas Grey must look nice. The other day I saw one in the showroom though I had mistaken it for being black but when compared side by side, it had a distinctive quality to it. Black or dark shaded Atlas Grey definitely look nice but they are known to be a challenge to take care of and that's why I have picked Arctic Silver. Just the challenge in caring has put me miles away from my dream colour, a Black Porsche. I start to look around and one friend of mine told me that those nasty swirlmarks had a nickname to them "SPIDERWEBS" and they are more common than ever on BLACK CARS which were not properly taken care of (waxing in circular motion, wiping with improper cloth in dry circular motion, washing with a bucket of water only without hosing the car off) and he also said once the damage was done, it would be pretty much irreversible. I just ain't sure if the spiderwebs all over the black car happen on the surface of the paint or the wax itself. If it's the wax, I would ask my friend to simply put on a new coating after taking out the original wax.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    Here's one I found on YOUTUBE on car detailing:

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    harryo2b have you used this one?

    Anyone? Swirlmarks = Spiderwebs I supposed

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    ptcja said:
    harryo2b have you used this one?

    Anyone? Swirlmarks = Spiderwebs I supposed

    Sorry I have not. Have not had the swirl mark problem and hope to keep it that way.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    Get your hands on Sonus Swirlbuster (Google it). It works very well for the problem you are describing. It will pretty much eliminate any light spiderwebbing/swirl marks. If you can feel the scratch/swirl with your fingernail, chances are no solution is going to help you out - but Sonus works well. To minimize elbow grease, I suggest picking up a Porter Cable at your local hardware store.

    Zaino Z-5 Pro works well too though I have no extensive experience with any Zaino product. Presumably, Z-5 would work best as part of Zaino's system.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    black or silver the lacquer is just the same - its just more noticebale against the darker background.

    Paintwork should never be washed, dried or polished/waxed in a circular motion - only straight lines back and forth.

    Orbital buffers will remove the swirls if used by someone who knows what they are doing, but unless the wash method changes it'll be back to the same condition in no time.

    I rejected my brand spanking new black 987S after the valet guys at the dealership prepped the car with a dirty orbital buffer

    This was AFTER they'd tied to rectify their earlier mistake - words cannot express their ineptitude

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    Oh my God the horror!!!!!!!

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    Try Rejex........the shine is unbelievable and the product goes on easy and comes off easy. Yes, I've tried Zaino and liked the results but didn't like the effort. (no affiliations)

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    Percymon, so how exactly did that happen to your black 987s? I mean it is unacceptable and no dealer should present a car in that sort of condition to its customer new or old. Was that upon pickup? The car certainly doesn't look brand new to me and the spiderwebs are so prominent even with a blurry picture. What have they done to it?

    By the way, I wanna get some inputs on polishing. Polishing tends to scrape off the older wax and clear coat and take care of some old scratches but I think it shouldn't be used too often cos then the paint would keep diminishing considering that the process strip off ever so slightly layers of paint.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    ptcja said:
    Percymon, so how exactly did that happen to your black 987s? I mean it is unacceptable and no dealer should present a car in that sort of condition to its customer new or old. Was that upon pickup? The car certainly doesn't look brand new to me and the spiderwebs are so prominent even with a blurry picture. What have they done to it?

    By the way, I wanna get some inputs on polishing. Polishing tends to scrape off the older wax and clear coat and take care of some old scratches but I think it shouldn't be used too often cos then the paint would keep diminishing considering that the process strip off ever so slightly layers of paint.

    You are correct. Polishing isn't part of your monthly or every so month glazing/sealing/waxing session. It's more of a yearly or every few years treatment that as you stated take layers of paint away over time. As said above its about the washing process and tools used to wash the car. When it comes time to treat the paint/wax always apply in the direction of airflow, front to back.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    ptcja said:
    Percymon, so how exactly did that happen to your black 987s? I mean it is unacceptable and no dealer should present a car in that sort of condition to its customer new or old. Was that upon pickup? The car certainly doesn't look brand new to me and the spiderwebs are so prominent even with a blurry picture. What have they done to it?

    Haha - its all water under the bridge now and i don;t talk to that dealer anymore

    Yes that was on delivery day !!

    Car arrived early, mid October from recollection - i wanted delivery Jan 1st - no problem they say, we know its for 2006 registration.

    Call in a few days later to see the car - its sat out the back in their service area but all the transport protection on the roof, wheels and bodywork has been removed. Response "we prep the cars as soon as they arrive and then they go to storage" Fine me thinks

    I went to the Cayman launch evening a few weeks later, had a wander out the back and there it is, soaking wet in the compound - NOT happy Express my concerns that they have left it unprotected and likely to get damaged with cars in and out alongside it, no response to my question of why it was left like that.

    Anyway, go to collect on Jan 3rd - can see the mess of the paintwork from the carpark, never mind in the showroom - sales guy and 2 valetters trying to cover it up with autoglym !! 'Our normal valetter is off sick, and its not a very good valet ' he says. Then i find a 'ding' in the door where another car door has been opened against it.

    Under UK law i have to give them three chances to rectify the fault so i leave the car for the sales director to look at the next morning - they revalet the car another twice themselves and then call in a guy from their bodyshop.

    Return to collect car next evening - looks better from afar, but as i enter the showrom there is a VERY strong aroma of Zymol. Since i've used the stuff for 10 years i have a pretty good idea of what it can and can't hide - close examination shows they've just tried to load layers of wax over the top of the swirl marks/scratches.

    Car rejected, money returned - they sold it 2 weeks later supposedly to someone else - poor sod !

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    In answer to the original question in this thread - i did find a very good Zymol valetter who said he could restore the paintwork back to new with a buffer then the full Zymol treatment - he wanted about Pounds1500 to do the job (US$2800)

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    05Boxster said:
    Try Rejex........the shine is unbelievable and the product goes on easy and comes off easy. Yes, I've tried Zaino and liked the results but didn't like the effort. (no affiliations)

    As I mentioned, Rejex looks too artificial for me on black paint -- less depth, but way more shine. It looks perfect with super shiny tires I prefer a natural deep, warm black, with a matte finish on my tires.

    The problem with Rejex is it seems to magnify the scratches you already have on the paint as opposed to hiding them when using a good polisher.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color


    As I mentioned, Rejex looks too artificial for me on black paint -- less depth, but way more shine. It looks perfect with super shiny tires I prefer a natural deep, warm black, with a matte finish on my tires.

    The problem with Rejex is it seems to magnify the scratches you already have on the paint as opposed to hiding them when using a good polisher.

    These pics look pretty deep to me

    It's quite possible that Rejex could magnify scratches. My car is a year old, has NEVER been washed any way except by my hand and was not driven in the winter time so the paint is virtually flawless except for a couple of small unavoidable rock chips in the front bumper. I would also never shine my tires up to high shine, I use Griot's brand tire dressing, with the blue applicator

    I'm surprised to hear that result on black paint, I'll give it a shot on my wife's MDX to see if the result is less stunning than on the Carmon 987.

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    one more....check out that sweet winter beater!

    Re: Common Problem With Black or Any Dark Color

    ptcja , tell your friend not to worry too much . I detailed the wifes brand new Voyager a few days after taking delivery and was chuffed to bits with my job till the next day when the sun hit it . Cripes , there were swirlies thrigging everywhere all over the bodywork , it looked aweful , must of been those dish clothes I used..

    But as above post states , the swirls can be easly retified ..Good luck to your bud..


    Re: Circular scratch marks on a brand new black car -Reversible?

    ptcja said:
    BC911J, I definitely think that the cleaning ladies in the showroom did it by good-heartedly wiping the demo car with a DRY CLOTH everyday in circular motion. The dust would have done it.




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