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    Way OT but IRAN?

    I know that this is off topic but I was curious to get an international opinion of how people felt abotu the nuclear situation in Iran. I read in the news today that Irans president hqs commented that Israel is "headed for annihilation" and "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm." This coupled with the recent anouncent of successful uranium enrichment should have the international community very worried. I cannot even fathom the worse possible outcome of this scenario.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    There is no Porsche dealership in Tehran so dont count on getting anywork done if you are driving through.

    There is a Iranian company named Porsche that deals in hygenic cotton from Zimbabwe, another delightful place.
    Im sure that Porsche of Germany would like to have the Iranians cease infinging upon their trademark and profiting from it. If there was a Brit, EU, Japanese or US company calling themselves "Porsche" you can bet that there would be a regiment of Fallschirmjager lawyers landing on their office roof to make them stop.

    As for Iranian government proclamations, They seem to delight in denying the holocaust and simulutaneously advocating one.

    Dont worry about Iran making a bomb, the eyes of Texas are upon them.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    I recently had a private conversation with a US Senator (don't want to give his name here) on this topic. The basic jist of the conversation was that we will continue to try all diplomatic means available to prevent Iran from developing a Bomb. But if those efforts are ultimately not successful, a military option is likely. Sorry I can't be more specific about when or how the military option would be put into effect but he did not share any details.

    It all seems pretty scary and real to me as well. Then again, the North Koreans have had the Bomb for years and now have missles that can reach California and we have not done anything about it in terms of military action. I guess it all depends on who you think is crasier, Kim or the Iranians. My vote is with the Iranians.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Kim values his platform shoes, cartoon DVD's and Japanese call girls too much to risk anything.

    I know Persians love the bazaar. But offering radicals with nuclear warheads that can reach Cairo, Tel Aviv, London, Berlin and Paris is not on any sane shoppers list of must haves.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    if were not careful iran will have wasted enough time to build a nuclear warhead, nuclear technology is frightening to say the least!

    esspecialy when a country with the technology has flags saying down with the us on them!

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    On the flip side, many Europeans can see that Muslim point of view (in seeing the Christian biased globalizationist West as the aggressors) so aren't surprised when they want to use whatever means they can find to fight back in some way, be this terrorism, or alleged development of nuclear weapons.

    I'm not taking sides - but the original poster wanted a 'World' view.

    What better way to gain support for a war than to say 'They're developing nuclear bombs - they're going to zap us if we're not careful!'... Worked in Iraq didn't it? And just LOOK at all that secret nuclear capability they found there!

    What's North Korea doing now then? Or has everyone forgotten about that one, as it's not getting any propaganda (ahem) er, news coverage?

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    trip said:I read in the news today that Irans president hqs commented that Israel is "headed for annihilation" and "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

    And how do you think the people in Iran feel when they read the stuff that Bush says? I bet they feel pretty scared too!

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    wtsnet said:
    trip said:I read in the news today that Irans president hqs commented that Israel is "headed for annihilation" and "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

    And how do you think the people in Iran feel when they read the stuff that Bush says? I bet they feel pretty scared too!

    President Ahmadindjad said that "Israel should be wiped off the map". Bush never made such a threat towards the Iranians.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Well I can agree with you about the propaganda/media coverage( "the drive-by media")- a lot of good folks obviously just eat it up...

    "We must and we will confront threats to America before it's too late." - President George W. Bush

    I'm sure he also means confronting threats to our allies. Hopefully this can be worked out diplomatically.I think Russia is a very key player in this- they can rein in Iran...

    Jim, I'm sure the eyes of Israel are watching too.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    SoCal Alan said:
    wtsnet said:
    trip said:I read in the news today that Irans president hqs commented that Israel is "headed for annihilation" and "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

    And how do you think the people in Iran feel when they read the stuff that Bush says? I bet they feel pretty scared too!

    President Ahmadindjad said that "Israel should be wiped off the map". Bush never made such a threat towards the Iranians.


    Some 50 million people have been liberated from tyranny because of our President ( and troops, of course), yet some still see him as the bad guy- I wonder what side they're on.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Since I am 34year old lawyer with PHD in International law I will say few things...
    First, all USA posters here have their, pretty Bush jr. like opinion. This is not bad at all but, if you really think that Iran is bigger danger then North Korea!?

    New Iranian president is pretty agressive Muslim and I do NOT agree with his points regarding Isreal! But, is he a real threat!? Are all of you think that Russia and China will just seat and watch possible USA invasion of Iran??
    Few Facts:
    -If USA starts war agains Iran oil prices will go not sky high, they will go to Mars!!
    -End result: world wide economical disaster
    -For invasion USA will need at least 800.000 soldiers!! Are you prepared for drafting again in USA?
    -Iran population is around 60mil and thier army is not like Sadam's...
    -Invasion of Iran could last at least 5years with just conventional weapons! If USA decided to use Nuclear weapons agains Iran-then God help us all!!

    I am talking all this as ex. military with good experience in International Law...
    Where is somebody like Henry Kissinger when you need one?
    Unfortunately present Bush jr. cabinet do not have any person of that experience or capacity...
    And IMO last great Republican President of USA was R.Reagan, Bush jr. is not even a shadow of him!

    There are at least SEVERAL NON MILITARY SOLUTIONS for this situation on the table. With right diplomacy skills Iran will not have a chance but, to except some of them...
    But, NOT with cowboy like diplomacy...

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Yes, Iran is currently a bigger threat due to their leader's recent threatening statements towards Israel! Not to say that N. Korea isn't dangerous too!

    I believe you are greatly underestimating our great President and military! I remember the similar doom and gloom predictions pre- Iraq invasion? Matters are much, much better than the "drive-by media" would lead you to believe! Condoleeza Rice is awesome, IMO!

    "Cowboy" Presidents are the best ( Reagan, Bush and G W Bush)!

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    and everyone say Israel is crazy..
    you just don't know what it's like to live with arabs...

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    discover my prayers are with you during this difficult and scary time. As to the idea of invading Iran, I do not believe this is a realistic option. Although we could do it, it would necessitate a draft and cost thousands of lives. Iran is NOT iraq, it has a far superior military. I believe air strikes with stealth bomners and tactical tomahawk cruise missile strikes on nuclear targets as well as key military instilations would send the signal or at least neutralize the threat. Although this next statment may be immature, so is talk of wiping Israel off the map, so ill just say F*CK IRAN

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    KresoF1 said:
    Since I am 34year old lawyer with PHD in International law I will say few things...
    First, all USA posters here have their, pretty Bush jr. like opinion. This is not bad at all but, if you really think that Iran is bigger danger then North Korea!?

    New Iranian president is pretty agressive Muslim and I do NOT agree with his points regarding Isreal! But, is he a real threat!? Are all of you think that Russia and China will just seat and watch possible USA invasion of Iran??
    Few Facts:
    -If USA starts war agains Iran oil prices will go not sky high, they will go to Mars!!
    -End result: world wide economical disaster
    -For invasion USA will need at least 800.000 soldiers!! Are you prepared for drafting again in USA?
    -Iran population is around 60mil and thier army is not like Sadam's...
    -Invasion of Iran could last at least 5years with just conventional weapons! If USA decided to use Nuclear weapons agains Iran-then God help us all!!

    I am talking all this as ex. military with good experience in International Law...
    Where is somebody like Henry Kissinger when you need one?
    Unfortunately present Bush jr. cabinet do not have any person of that experience or capacity...
    And IMO last great Republican President of USA was R.Reagan, Bush jr. is not even a shadow of him!

    There are at least SEVERAL NON MILITARY SOLUTIONS for this situation on the table. With right diplomacy skills Iran will not have a chance but, to except some of them...
    But, NOT with cowboy like diplomacy...

    sorry kreso ,but i have to disagree with some things that you said , in the 80's saddam hussein had a nuclear plant nammed osirak , thanks to an israeli night mission they distroyed it , so no need for invasion , us army are on the border on afghanistan side ,and on the iraki side ,and the 7th fleet is in the persian gulf. it would take 10 tomahawks to destroy it . you said iranian army is better than iraki?? do you forget that during the 1980-88 war between iran and irak ,iran lost the war. the goverment now in iran is crazy ,and i still ask myself why the israeli's or the american's still didnt destroyed their nuclear facilities.
    IMO the iranians are much more dangerous than the Nkoreans ,these people kill in the name of god,and i think they wont use their nukes for defense ,but will use them the second they are ready..
    also IMO in few years the world will understand and thank george bush for what he is doing. he understood the threat that most of the people dont see..

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    I'm totally with Kreso on this one.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Mods should remove this political rant to the OT forum.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Discover said:
    and everyone say Israel is crazy..
    you just don't know what it's like to live with arabs...

    We don't need this racist abuse IN THE PORSCHE board for heaven's sake. What next? A racist comment about Jews?

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Dimitri, I understand your point of view!
    But, isn't all that USA presence in Arabic world good thing??
    That is the question for you! I recently spoke with one of the senior stuff of one of the most powerfull Islamic countries. He was here in Croatia in some economical forum...
    His opinion is almost the same as mine and his country is allied with USA(and almost in friendly relationship with USA)! Do you know what Israel thinks about your country?
    BTW, my best friend is a Jew...
    One other thing-our western standards and our way of democracy do not applied in Islamic countries... Look at Pakistan for example-Musharraf is holding the country together with strong hand but, what do you thing are Pakistan people general feelings about USA and their politics?? Not all Islamic countries are Al-qaida followers or simpatizers! Were the money for Bin laden is coming from? Now, that is the right question! And I think I know the answer! Al-qaida needs to be destroyed not Islamic countries, IMO.
    Also regarding N.Korea did you know that they are still in war with S.Korea!?

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    trip said:
    I know that this is off topic but I was curious to get an international opinion of how people felt abotu the nuclear situation in Iran. I read in the news today that Irans president hqs commented that Israel is "headed for annihilation" and "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm." This coupled with the recent anouncent of successful uranium enrichment should have the international community very worried. I cannot even fathom the worse possible outcome of this scenario.

    Sorry, this is a sports car forum and I don't believe this is the right place to discuss such issues, particularly as this is an international family here and it is not correct to run the risk of debating such potentially devisive issues here.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    I think, most of the comments so far have been reasonably mature and not racist except for 1 or 2.

    I think a lot of you have made great points on this issue on both sides. First I would like to say that the idea that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is by no means confirmed. An Iraqi general for example claims to know for a fact that 2 plains and busses were used to take them to Syria.
    Second, I'm pretty sure Saddam wanted wmd's anyways and that he would work with terrorist despite the fact that he actually hates alot of the terrorist I believe, such as bin laden. The US cannot fight conventional wars anymore I believe. They should be fought from a far and with special forces. This will reduce civilian casualties hopefully and army deaths on both sides.
    Saudi arabia is not an ally and the Bushes don't have the guts to fight their oil prince friends. Pakastan and other countries who supposedly support the US are extremely anti american. Do I blame muslims for hating and wanting to kill israilies and the US, no but doesn't mean they have the right to attack civilians and build nukes while calling for the destruction of other nations.
    Moderate muslims must rise up and take control of these countries or I believe there will be inevitable clash of civiliaztions. Right now the west cannot live side by side with racical islam so either side has to change perhaps before they have peace. I just want peace, and to our muslim members, I have nothing against you because of your religion or race. I only have a problem with the idea that I cannot have my own religion and have freedom.
    Btw, I dont think Bush is that fantastic, hes done a few good things and a few dumb things. Most things are'nt black or white. I do worry about the military industrial compleax and the oil corporations alot and the corruption and problems they cause.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    KresoF1 said:
    Dimitri, I understand your point of view!
    But, isn't all that USA presence in Arabic world good thing??
    That is the question for you! I recently spoke with one of the senior stuff of one of the most powerfull Islamic countries. He was here in Croatia in some economical forum...
    His opinion is almost the same as mine and his country is allied with USA(and almost in friendly relationship with USA)! Do you know what Israel thinks about your country?
    BTW, my best friend is a Jew...
    One other thing-our western standards and our way of democracy do not applied in Islamic countries... Look at Pakistan for example-Musharraf is holding the country together with strong hand but, what do you thing are Pakistan people general feelings about USA and their politics?? Not all Islamic countries are Al-qaida followers or simpatizers! Were the money for Bin laden is coming from? Now, that is the right question! And I think I know the answer! Al-qaida needs to be destroyed not Islamic countries, IMO.
    Also regarding N.Korea did you know that they are still in war with S.Korea!?

    lets say i know what some israeli think about some people in my country ,and they are right to think this way ,hezbollah is nothing to be proud of ,they are terrorists .... but i think if we continue, this forum will be in flames.. would love to continue this chat , i will send you a pm kreso, better for everyone...

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    I just want to comment that I know many israilis and I don't know of a single one who wants to kill anyone for no reason at all. Most of them don't hate arabs and simply want peace, however there are a few Israilis I believe that are nuts and they are condemned by other israilis and brought to justice when they do something terrible.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    guys, this is a board for car discussions. without seeming ignorant, pls discuss politics somewhere else.

    politics ivlove dirty games all over the world where only self centered interests are followed.

    what iran is doing is wrong and the american world police approach is just as wrong.

    should there be honest and real interests in making the world a safer place then anybody is welcome to interfere and save the world from evil.

    as long as its only oil and money, then stay at home and print your own money.

    were the billions that were spent on wars, spent on humanitarian aid, the world would already be a better and safer place........

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?


    Unfortunately humanitarian aid doesn't work when it's lining the pockets of dictators and terrorist groups. Military intervention in necessary when all attempts at diplomacy ( many years of, in the case of Iraq) fails.

    Please look at the bigger picture folks: the Iraqi and Afghan people were living in terrible conditions and Saddam had already proven he was capable of using WMD's- he even used them on his own people. Before the war most saw a threat- now they seem to have developed amnesia.

    I listen to our President, our troops and the good people of those two countries to get an idea how things are going- not just the very often biased media. They have infinitely more credibility in most cases.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    dhayek said:
    KresoF1 said:
    Since I am 34year old lawyer with PHD in International law I will say few things...
    First, all USA posters here have their, pretty Bush jr. like opinion. This is not bad at all but, if you really think that Iran is bigger danger then North Korea!?

    New Iranian president is pretty agressive Muslim and I do NOT agree with his points regarding Isreal! But, is he a real threat!? Are all of you think that Russia and China will just seat and watch possible USA invasion of Iran??
    Few Facts:
    -If USA starts war agains Iran oil prices will go not sky high, they will go to Mars!!
    -End result: world wide economical disaster
    -For invasion USA will need at least 800.000 soldiers!! Are you prepared for drafting again in USA?
    -Iran population is around 60mil and thier army is not like Sadam's...
    -Invasion of Iran could last at least 5years with just conventional weapons! If USA decided to use Nuclear weapons agains Iran-then God help us all!!

    I am talking all this as ex. military with good experience in International Law...
    Where is somebody like Henry Kissinger when you need one?
    Unfortunately present Bush jr. cabinet do not have any person of that experience or capacity...
    And IMO last great Republican President of USA was R.Reagan, Bush jr. is not even a shadow of him!

    There are at least SEVERAL NON MILITARY SOLUTIONS for this situation on the table. With right diplomacy skills Iran will not have a chance but, to except some of them...
    But, NOT with cowboy like diplomacy...

    sorry kreso ,but i have to disagree with some things that you said , in the 80's saddam hussein had a nuclear plant nammed osirak , thanks to an israeli night mission they distroyed it , so no need for invasion , us army are on the border on afghanistan side ,and on the iraki side ,and the 7th fleet is in the persian gulf. it would take 10 tomahawks to destroy it . you said iranian army is better than iraki?? do you forget that during the 1980-88 war between iran and irak ,iran lost the war. the goverment now in iran is crazy ,and i still ask myself why the israeli's or the american's still didnt destroyed their nuclear facilities.
    IMO the iranians are much more dangerous than the Nkoreans ,these people kill in the name of god,and i think they wont use their nukes for defense ,but will use them the second they are ready..
    also IMO in few years the world will understand and thank george bush for what he is doing. he understood the threat that most of the people dont see..

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Irans development of nuclear weapons and their statements about annihlating other countries really dont make them look too good.

    If they did nuke Israel, the radiation fall out would also kill millions of Palestinians, but I guess if you are a Persian what do you care if many Arabs die also if it makes you look good in Persia.

    I think both Arabs and Israelis should donate money to buy straightjackets for the leaders in Tehran who publicly state such wild fantasies. Whats next? Persia settling ancient scores with Greece? Attacking Denmark over cartoons?

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    Most Iranians are being held hostage by this madness.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    As much as I dislike the current Iranian regime, as much as I dislike the thought of an Iranian nuclear first strike, Iran has every right to withdraw from the non-proliferation treaty and build its own bomb.

    The countries who have built the bomb have no right to deny others what they did themselves. In particular, the country which actually did launch nuclear bombs twice has no right to deny another the benefits of clean electricity on the vague supposition that it might use it to build a bomb which might be launched some day.

    And having witnessed how Iraq (a country which we knew did not have any WMDs) fell in weeks, whereas we do not dare attack North Korea (a country which does have WMDs and will sell them to anyone), I perfectly understand why the Iranian government would want to protect itself from a US attack by the only proven way to do so.

    Think about it.

    Re: Way OT but IRAN?

    SVNSVN said:

    Unfortunately humanitarian aid doesn't work when it's lining the pockets of dictators and terrorist groups. Military intervention in necessary when all attempts at diplomacy ( many years of, in the case of Iraq) fails.

    Please look at the bigger picture folks: the Iraqi and Afghan people were living in terrible conditions and Saddam had already proven he was capable of using WMD's- he even used them on his own people. Before the war most saw a threat- now they seem to have developed amnesia.

    I listen to our President, our troops and the good people of those two countries to get an idea how things are going- not just the very often biased media. They have infinitely more credibility in most cases.

    Actually the situation in Iraq is FAR WORSE than it was before. I'm not saying that Saddam's rule was a good thing (he is a Dictator and should have never ruled) but things right now are just terrible and I know personally as we have family friends that live there and we hear from them the REALITY. There is absolute chaos and disorder in the whole country. There were no WMDs, North Korea has them and is a REAL threat but they don't have oil so no interest there.

    On to discussing sportscars now!!



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