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    1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Guys, you may have seen the other threads I posted about colour combinations. I originally thought I would stick with cocoa no matter which exterior colour I pick. But I am now open minded about black/cocoa interior so that whichever interior colour I choose goes well with the exterior colour. Well, my choices are:

    1) Arctic silver with cocoa interior; or
    2) Slate grey with black interior.

    Which should I go for?

    Waiting is a terrible thing - I don't mind the actual wait - it's just that, while I wait, I keep thinking of more and more changes etc in the meantime! I'm really sorry if I'm driving anybody here nuts with my indecision over colour combinations. Can't help it!

    I promise: this is the last time I will ask...!

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Arctic Silver with Black !

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    GT-Silver with cocoa!

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Guys - please try to choose between these 2 choices only. For me, it's definitely a choice between these 2 combinations.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    I've got Arctic/Black and its immaculate.

    Tried very hard to convince myself about cocoa. Truth is it has very creepy 'veins' which I doubt will age very well. Reminds of the movie 'The Exorcist'

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    easy_rider911 said:
    Guys - please try to choose between these 2 choices only. For me, it's definitely a choice between these 2 combinations.

    Both choices are excelent.

    I see you've chosen for both choices the same thing: one is expensive (cocoa or slate), the other one is a std color (artic or black leather).

    So IMO, money is an issue. You don't want to spend too much on these options otherwise you would have chosen something along slate/cocoa or GT silver/cocoa.

    Slate is anice color but when you go for the special colors, you pay a lot more and you don't get anything more than with a std color. On a value for money scale, spending money on the exterior color is a waste.

    For the interior, it's different. If you've seen cocoa in real, you know how good the leather looks. It's not just the color itself, the quality of the leather is amazing. Looks like the all quality is way better than full leather black for instance.

    So, a rational choice would be cocoa with artic silver. If you prefer a darker color, try to get meteor grey. Meteor is a bit darker than seal, wich makes it looks closer to slate

    Good luck. I know how hard it is to decide. What ever you choose, I'm sure in two years you'll wonder "maybe I should have chosen the other color combo"

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Easy - I share your agony!

    I know you're currently swayed by Fanch's slate beauty, but there's a few considerations which spring to my mind.

    1) Slate is considerably more expensive. Could this extra cost be better spent on some other luxuries?

    2) Slate/black would probably do better at re-sale but, as you are keeping the car, is of little consequence.

    3) You had been totally hooked on a cocoa interior for some time - just read your previous posts.

    4) Slate/cocoa is not an option, they simply clash.

    5) You previously put forward a very convincing argument for arctic/cocoa, even against GT silver (for UK use). Has this rationale changed that much since your experience with slate?

    6) Arctic/cocoa is more individual than slate/black and therefore more likely to reflect your personality. It's also probably easier to maintain.

    Of the two, for you, I've voted for arctic/cocoa. I think the long-term consideration you've given to this choice outweighs your recent knee-jerk reaction.

    Just my opinion FWIW. John

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    John H said:
    Easy - I share your agony!

    I know you're currently swayed by Fanch's slate beauty, but there's a few considerations which spring to my mind.

    1) Slate is considerably more expensive. Could this extra cost be better spent on some other luxuries?

    2) Slate/black would probably do better at re-sale but, as you are keeping the car, is of little consequence.

    3) You had been totally hooked on a cocoa interior for some time - just read your previous posts.

    4) Slate/cocoa is not an option, they simply clash.

    5) You previously put forward a very convincing argument for arctic/cocoa, even against GT silver (for UK use). Has this rationale changed that much since your experience with slate?

    6) Arctic/cocoa is more individual than slate/black and therefore more likely to reflect your personality. It's also probably easier to maintain.

    Of the two, for you, I've voted for arctic/cocoa. I think the long-term consideration you've given to this choice outweighs your recent knee-jerk reaction.

    Just my opinion FWIW. John

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    I've gone for seal/cocoa with my cayman s. what a combo you will not regret it.
    I posted some pics here:

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Thanks amazon.

    Actually, I have been picking colour combinations purely based upon how they look and how they feel to me.

    For me, I haven't fixed a budget for this car so I don't mind paying extra to get what I really want.

    In fact, I have in the past thought very seriously about the GT silver/cocoa and slate grey/cocoa combinations so cost wasn't really a factor. I was previously quite happy to choose the more expensive exterior colours and interior leather colours. You may also have seen that I posted a thread with a poll asking if slate grey and cocoa go well together.

    Yes cocoa looks beautiful and the leather quality is great.

    Thanks for your advice. I especially appreciate your suggestion about considering meteor grey for a MY2007 car. Meteor grey will cost the same as arctic silver i.e. it is a 'normal' metallic colour not a 'special' metallic colour like slate grey or GT silver.


    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Thanks rfakhri. Actually, I have ordered a MY2007 car. Seal grey will no longer be offered as a normal metallic colour in MY2007. It is being replaced by meteor grey. Seal grey will become a special order colour.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    easy_rider911 said:
    Thanks amazon.

    Actually, I have been picking colour combinations purely based upon how they look and how they feel to me.

    For me, I haven't fixed a budget for this car so I don't mind paying extra to get what I really want.

    In fact, I have in the past thought very seriously about the GT silver/cocoa and slate grey/cocoa combinations so cost wasn't really a factor. I was previously quite happy to choose the more expensive exterior colours and interior leather colours. You may also have seen that I posted a thread with a poll asking if slate grey and cocoa go well together.

    Yes cocoa looks beautiful and the leather quality is great.

    Thanks for your advice. I especially appreciate your suggestion about considering meteor grey for a MY2007 car. Meteor grey will cost the same as arctic silver i.e. it is a 'normal' metallic colour not a 'special' metallic colour like slate grey or GT silver.


    Glad I could help.

    One more thing to consider: I don't know when meteor will be available. So it could delay your delivery

    See you around

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    Freak 2 said:
    John H said:
    Easy - I share your agony!

    I know you're currently swayed by Fanch's slate beauty, but there's a few considerations which spring to my mind.

    1) Slate is considerably more expensive. Could this extra cost be better spent on some other luxuries?

    2) Slate/black would probably do better at re-sale but, as you are keeping the car, is of little consequence.

    3) You had been totally hooked on a cocoa interior for some time - just read your previous posts.

    4) Slate/cocoa is not an option, they simply clash.

    5) You previously put forward a very convincing argument for arctic/cocoa, even against GT silver (for UK use). Has this rationale changed that much since your experience with slate?

    6) Arctic/cocoa is more individual than slate/black and therefore more likely to reflect your personality. It's also probably easier to maintain.

    Of the two, for you, I've voted for arctic/cocoa. I think the long-term consideration you've given to this choice outweighs your recent knee-jerk reaction.

    Just my opinion FWIW. John


    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    Oh, and Arctic is brighter- better for the UK climate, IMO.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    Slate Grey with black interior seems depressing to me... as if your inspiration for the car was smog. Arctic with Cocoa would be equally low-key, but in a better kind of way. Rich and conservative, but not dark and gloomy.

    Of course, I've got a black car. But there's something shiny and bright and sparkling about straight black that sidesteps the industrial-blight look.

    In the end, it's all opinions. I'm sure everybody is wearing a different pair drawers here (I hope). Go with your gut. But try to live a little and tend toward the exotic.... it's a new Porsche, not a new farm truck.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    Either color with black. Even though Cocoa is interesting. you can never go wrong with black. At least they are both dark, which means the interior "clutter" (excessive "kerf" lines, shapes, textures, materials,trim pieces) will be lessened. Lighter colored interiors look really bizzy to me.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    John H said:
    Easy - I share your agony!

    I know you're currently swayed by Fanch's slate beauty, but there's a few considerations which spring to my mind.

    1) Slate is considerably more expensive. Could this extra cost be better spent on some other luxuries?

    2) Slate/black would probably do better at re-sale but, as you are keeping the car, is of little consequence.

    3) You had been totally hooked on a cocoa interior for some time - just read your previous posts.

    4) Slate/cocoa is not an option, they simply clash.

    5) You previously put forward a very convincing argument for arctic/cocoa, even against GT silver (for UK use). Has this rationale changed that much since your experience with slate?

    6) Arctic/cocoa is more individual than slate/black and therefore more likely to reflect your personality. It's also probably easier to maintain.

    Of the two, for you, I've voted for arctic/cocoa. I think the long-term consideration you've given to this choice outweighs your recent knee-jerk reaction.

    Just my opinion FWIW. John

    John H,

    I'm completely speechless. You really have understood EXACTLY what I've been thinking all along the way. Thanks so much for your very perceptive observations.

    Now let's see:

    I've been agonising over options and colour combinations since the start because I'm planning to keep the car for a very long time. I don't want to make a decision which I will regret later.

    Yes, seeing slate grey in real life was a real eye opener. It's completely and utterly gorgeous. Such a subtle, sophisticated, understated but rich colour. It's the opposite of flashy.

    Since I was a teenager I have loved dark metallic grey...the kind you would see, for example, on an Aston Martin DB9. When I was 13 years old, I used to daydream about buying a dark metallic grey BMW with beige leather upholstery.

    I should point out that slate grey was the first colour I ever considered in Autumn 2004 (yes 2004!) when I first started thinking about changing my car.

    I went to OPC East London in Autumn 2004 and I was literally bowled over by the beauty of a 997S I saw in seal grey. I later took a brochure home and decided that slate grey was perfect. I never liked the look of the 996 that much but the 997 really appealed to me. It just looks so much more contemporary...P just brought the 996 up to date.

    Anyway, I delayed ordering a 997 until February 2006 for various reasons. It just wasn't the right timing for a variety of financial and personal reasons.

    In the time between Autumn 2004 when I was thinking about slate grey/seal grey and GT silver, I thought about all sorts of practical considerations. Eventually I decided arctic silver was the best for me.

    I have to say that my love for arctic silver is a combination of 'head' and 'heart'. Perhaps a bit more head than heart. Maybe one should choose a colour ONLY with one's heart. I need to be absolutely smitten by a colour and be able to love it for a LONG time since I am planning to keep this car for a long time.

    BTW I saw a Cayman S in slate grey with black interior 2 weeks ago while I was walking along in Canary Wharf. I literally stopped in my tracks and my jaw dropped open. It was THAT good. I didn't act upon that 'lightning bolt' though (i.e. by changing from arctic silver/cocoa to that combination).

    1) Yes, slate grey is about Pounds1000 more than a normal metallic colour. I've already paid for my various holidays this year. I can't think of anything else I would like to lavish some money on! My wife wants to decorate etc but that can wait till 2007. So, all in all, I don't mind the extra cost.

    2) Yes - slate grey/black might fetch more at resale than arctic silver/cocoa but, like you said, since I want to keep the car for a very long time, this factor becomes pretty irrelevant in my case.

    3) Yes, I've been hooked on cocoa for a long time. I still am. I may have to make a sacrifice though if I want slate grey more than I want cocoa. I posted a thread with a poll asking whether cocoa and slate grey go well together. About 60% of votes said yes. That's hardly resounding. But my own heart told me that cocoa and slate grey could work but not perfectly whereas slate grey and black really go great together. (In fact, I think black is a better choice with slate grey than even stone grey or natural grey). Conversely if I find that I still love cocoa more than slate grey then I will have to choose arctic silver. Either way, I have to make a small sacrifice.

    4) I agree - as stated in 3) above, slate grey and cocoa don't go well together. I wouldn't put it so starkly (i.e. saying that they 'clash') but certainly it's not a natural fit. Greys go with black. Cocoa is a warm brown. Black and brown don't mix. [Would you wear brown shoes with a black suit or black shoes with a brown suit? Come to think of it, would you ever wear a brown suit at all in the first place?? I don't think so! ]

    5) Yup, I argued against GT silver for UK use. We don't have enough sunlight to reflect off this darker, duller silver. I would love to choose GT silver if I lived in a hot, sunny country. As for the rationale, well, it hasn't changed. It's more a question of whether I give priority to what my heart wants and I simply put all those rational arguments to one side or whether I stick with what my head has convinced me over a long time. One of the essential things I said to you before was 'I really need a change'. I currently have cosmos black which is a metallic black pretty similar to basalt black. As such, I wouldn't want black, basalt black or atlas grey. But slate grey is sufficiently different for me to feel that I am having a real change from metallic black.

    6) I think slate grey and cocoa as colours are equally 'individual'. I think arctic silver and black are equally mainstream. Yes, as for reflecting my taste/personality, you're right, I love the silvery grey/mocha brown combination. I even have Hulsta bedroom furniture in this combination. I really do love it.

    As for keeping the car clean, yes, one of the main reasons for choosing a silver car has been to make the job of keeping it clean a bit easier. I also like the idea of having a 'gleaming' silver car. It will look great when it catches the sunlight (I write that while it's raining oustide right now <<smiles wryly>>) .

    BTW one other advantage of choosing slate grey/black is that I could pick either silver grey seat belts or red seat belts. I think red seat belts could look really good with slate grey/black because of the red brake callipers as well on a 997S. I think silver grey belts might look a bit too subdued in a slate grey/black car whereas silver grey belts should look great with an arctic silver/cocoa car. What do you think? Would red seat belts go well with slate grey/black?

    Is this a rash, impulsive, knee-jerk reaction which I might regret later?... Maybe.

    I think the sudden re-discovery of my strong attraction for slate grey is definitely a reaction to seeing Fanch's gorgeous car and re-visiting my 997 photo collection. I think the best thing I can do right now is to bide my time and just let the right decision become apparent to me. I want to see whether my urge to get slate grey fades. In the meantime, I will just sleep on it until one morning I will just 'know' the answer inside me. I am sure I still have at least another month or two to finalise my choice.

    In fact, I think OPC East London have a slate grey 997S (with XRR wheels and natural grey leather) on display. I think I will pay them a visit. I'm sure they have arctic silver on display or in their car park so I can compare them for real side by side again.

    Thanks again for your post. I really appreciated it.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    69bossnine said:
    Slate Grey with black interior seems depressing to me... as if your inspiration for the car was smog. Arctic with Cocoa would be equally low-key, but in a better kind of way. Rich and conservative, but not dark and gloomy.

    Of course, I've got a black car. But there's something shiny and bright and sparkling about straight black that sidesteps the industrial-blight look.

    In the end, it's all opinions. I'm sure everybody is wearing a different pair drawers here (I hope). Go with your gut. But try to live a little and tend toward the exotic.... it's a new Porsche, not a new farm truck.

    Thanks - yes, you're right, arctic silver with cocoa will be low-key in a nice way. But remember in the UK where the weather is often dull and gloomy with grey skies, it is perfectly in keeping.

    Yes, slate grey/black will have a dark, serious, almost brooding look to it. I kind of like that.

    I know you have black/terracotta. If I lived in a sunny part of the world like you do, I would think more along the same lines as you. But colours like terracotta, while they can be absolutely great in sunny climates, simply do not work in the dull, grey (and miserable) UK!

    Thanks again 69bossnine - I always enjoy reading your posts (great entertainment value since your writing style is always amusing yet so vivid) and, as always, I value your opinion.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    Slate grey with black is one of the best color combination. I would go with that.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    Arctic Silver/Cocoa is a killer looking combo. My wife's Cayman S is that exact colour and it's beautiful.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?


    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Slate grey certainly has a brownish tone mixed in, so from that point it would go well with cocoa, although I have my doubts about it as well. I have seen severall slate grey porsches over the years (yes it's my favourite colour), most of them had a black or dark grey interior, some red (993 and older) even seen mint green examples (horrible!), but what I really liked were the lighter brown ones I've seen. I remember a stunning 996 Turbo with natural brown full leather interior which I sat in (as a passenger mostly for) severall times and this is so much more classy and rich than the standard black/grey that I would always prefer it.
    Slate or arctic is a no brainer I think; one day you Will get bored with the silver which will never happen with slate, such a deep, rich colour it is.
    I will add some pics of natural/ cinamon brown to this thread. Anyway the choice is yours
    this is seal- natural brown

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Slate- cinnamon brown

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    natural brown closer

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    KresoF1 said:
    GT-Silver with cocoa!

    That'd be my first choice.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    easy_rider911 said:
    3) Yes, I've been hooked on cocoa for a long time. I still am. I may have to make a sacrifice though if I want slate grey more than I want cocoa. I posted a thread with a poll asking whether cocoa and slate grey go well together. About 60% of votes said yes. That's hardly resounding. But my own heart told me that cocoa and slate grey could work but not perfectly whereas slate grey and black really go great together. (In fact, I think black is a better choice with slate grey than even stone grey or natural grey). Conversely if I find that I still love cocoa more than slate grey then I will have to choose arctic silver. Either way, I have to make a small sacrifice.

    Easy, I've been exactly in your shoes regarding the colour choices when I ordered my car - I can feel your agony

    My first choice has been arctic/cocoa (mind you, a Boxster - not a 997 Coupé) - I liked it in the showroom, but then I saw it for the first time with the top down on a very sunny day (sometimes that happens even in the western part of Germany with similar wheather as you have in London) at the outside parking lot and it looked too toy-like to me and not sporty enough (sorry, can't explain it better) - totally different for a 997 Coupé, looking "meaner" per se compared to a Boxster and the interior is not so much exposed to the sunlight of course.

    As my wife already has been totally hooked for the cocoa meanwhile I have been looking for another suitable exterior colour and ended up with seal.

    Before choosing the seal I have been very much tempted to get the slate after I saw a slate/black Boxster for the first time. Slate is a fantastic colour, because it turns the car into a sculpture IMO (but then, the 997 Coupé is a sculpture anyway). I put some cocoa leather samples into the slate Boxster and it looked nice to me, though a little bit "dead".

    Bottom line: for a 997 Coupé either Arctic/Cocoa OR Slate/Black - both great combos. I wouldn't go for slate/cocoa (just me).

    I could imagine that meteor/cocoa would look nice also, but it's a hard call without having seen it in the flesh.

    To disturb you even more: you might ask Rossi who has a seal/cocoa Coupé.....somehow inbetween arctic and slate.

    As for the GT-silver: it's nice, but in our typical wheather there are only few days where it really makes a difference IMO (in typical cloudy weather it looks like a slightly brighter seal to me - it should be perfect in very sunny regions though, where it should appear not so "washed out" like the arctic.

    Just a last note: you are sitting IN the car most of the time, right ? - in this regard I can tell you after some 25 hrs seat-time in my brand new toy: cocoa rocks ! It's very rich and the "marble effect" makes it vivid and you detect new details each time you sit in the car.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    My asthetic prefers a fair amount of contrast between the inside and outside colors. artic silver w/cocoa definately qualifies. However, you seem really enthused about slate grey. How does natural brown suit your fancy?

    Enjoy the agony.

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa

    I also went through exactly the same dilemma as you - I loved slate but also loved cocoa. I went for slate with black leather in the end because the colour is still relatively rare. I can see that you, like me are based in London - obviously there are loads of 911s, but I have only once seen one in slate. I also get a lot of comments from existing 911 owners about the colour of my car. This simply would not happen if I'd gone for a more traditional colour like silver and cocoa interior.

    I actually believe that slate AND cocoa would look fantastic, and if I could have justified that financially I would have gone for it. I've always liked this look since I first saw a 996 Turbo with a similar combo (although I can't be sure it was Slate / Cocoa).

    Although I do love my slate car, I do admit to finding the black interior a bit dull at times. Certainly my next 911 will have something other than black leather, but then again, I will probably go for a change from Slate as well...

    I'm sure this doesn't help you at all, but if you want me to email you some pictures of my car, just let me know!



    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Thanks Porsche-Jeck. I always appreciate your advice. You're very kind. You've given me more food for thought! But at least seal grey won't be available in MY2007.

    I like your combination: seal grey/cocoa. Very classy. For myself, I choose a variant of grey, I would prefer the darker grey: slate grey. For this reason, I don't think I would consider the new meteor grey which will be available (eventually) for MY2007 cars (though I am not sure if this will be right from the start i.e. Sept 06).

    You're absolutely right to state that cocoa in a cab is much more exposed to sunlight and so with certain exterior colours, it can look too light.

    You know, the more I think about it, arctic silver/cocoa and slate grey/black are the main choices I have, but I am tempted to add (again) slate grey/cocoa as another possibility.

    When you write "Just a last note: you are sitting IN the car most of the time, right ? - in this regard I can tell you after some 25 hrs seat-time in my brand new toy: cocoa rocks ! It's very rich and the "marble effect" makes it vivid and you detect new details each time you sit in the car." - This is SO true!

    I think I need to just think peacefully now. I have discussed the choices quite a bit. I plan to just sit and think. Hopefully with enough time, the right answer will come to me. Probably when I have slept on it a few times.

    Thanks again for your advice and help!

    Re: 1) Slate grey with black or 2) Arctic silver with cocoa ?

    Thanks WF for your advice and for kindly posting pictures. Much appreciated!



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