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    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    The below communication was reportedly received today by U.S. owner.  Hang in there guys.

    "Please find below the latest communication received today from PAG with regard to the 911 GT3 delay

    In our previous communications concerning the “GT3 engine”, we promised to keep you updated about new findings. We understand that you need more information about how the activities at Porsche are progressing and we are aware that because the season is fast approaching you want to know when you can use your vehicle. We can assure you that the specialists at Porsche are working intensively at resolving the problem. Given the complexity of an engine designed uncompromisingly for optimum performance, it is necessary however, to first investigate all damage hypotheses as well as other possible contributing factors in minute detail in order to fully identify possible damage-causing mechanisms.

    With regard to further communication concerning the cause of the problem and remedial action, our aim is to provide you with accurate and reliable information. Please understand that we can only do this after we have fully completed our investigations, which are progressing well so far. We therefore ask for your continued patience and understanding.

    Please rest assured that we will let you know immediately as soon as we have accurate findings to report.

    We would like to thank you for your continued patience and assure you we will communicate further official communication when this is received from PAG"

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    With all the heat this issue is receiving ... Porsche is lucky this didn't happen to a press car! All the videos I have watched of 991 GT3's getting pushed to the limits around the track - Chris Harris, etc. - Think about the extreme criticism this would of received! 

    Sometimes I get frustrated with random things on my vehicles. Really depends on my mood and the exact situation. But then, sometimes I sit back and think about how many parts are working in conjunction with another and the engineering complexity that goes into an automobile ... never the less a high performance automobile. 

    Porsche knows they have a reputation to uphold and a standard of excellence that we all hold true to our hearts. Unfortunately, and even more so for GT3 owners, this is getting tested. The best cure for this is getting the GT3 customers back behind the wheel. I have confidence Porsche will correct the problem and, while the waiting time may be brutal for owners and customer relations, the GT3 will once again be associated with the glory it deserves. 

    Remember the Tesla fires of yesteryear? 

    Maybe I missed this ... is there an exact number of GT3's that have been afflicted? Not recalled. 

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    One thing is clear, Porsche has elicited a lot more passion about the GT3 than they intended!  Seriously, I think the anger is a little over the top.  Frustration and disappointment, sure,  but life ain't a bowl of cherries and in the scheme of bad things that can happen this minor derailment doesn't carry a lot of weight IMHO. 


    "Don't worry about avoiding temptation, as you grow older it will avoid you"  Churchill

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    That was a letter to an owner in Abu Dubai. It is from Porsche Middle East. We in the US got our letter last week.

    Been giving this a lot of thought. I decided I would take the car with an engine replacement if Porsche extends the warranty. I am concerned on the resale market my car will be at a disadvantage against a car which does not have an engine replacement. The extended warranty would level the playing field.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    I understand humor but whoever posted this on the internet, should remove it as fast as possible (or at least remove that Porsche crest from this). Porsche law department doesn't have any humor when it comes to using their copyrighted insignia for such jokes and this could blow up in the face of whoever wanted to make the joke. Just a friendly advice.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    RC, I'm pretty sure Porsche's lawyers have far more serious things to contend with than some goofy letter posted on a forum for a laugh amongst owners who are clearly frustrated with their situation and Porsche's silence on the matter... Just saying, not looking to start an argument over it...

    You might be surprised how aggressive companies like Porsche enforce the intellectual property rights.  Additionally, the internal lawyers responsible for policing their trademarks/service marks aren't the ones dealing with dealing with consequent legalities relating to the GT3. 



    991 GT3 incoming, 964 Turbo 3.6, E36 M3 ltw S54 conversion, bunch of other stuff

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Been giving this a lot of thought. I decided I would take the car with an engine replacement if Porsche extends the warranty. I am concerned on the resale market my car will be at a disadvantage against a car which does not have an engine replacement. The extended warranty would level the playing field.

    IMO extending the warranty is the least they could do after all that has happened.


    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    I understand humor but whoever posted this on the internet, should remove it as fast as possible (or at least remove that Porsche crest from this). Porsche law department doesn't have any humor when it comes to using their copyrighted insignia for such jokes and this could blow up in the face of whoever wanted to make the joke. Just a friendly advice.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    RC, I'm pretty sure Porsche's lawyers have far more serious things to contend with than some goofy letter posted on a forum for a laugh amongst owners who are clearly frustrated with their situation and Porsche's silence on the matter... Just saying, not looking to start an argument over it...

    You might be surprised how aggressive companies like Porsche enforce the intellectual property rights.  Additionally, the internal lawyers responsible for policing their trademarks/service marks aren't the ones dealing with dealing with consequent legalities relating to the GT3. 


    Use of Porsche's trade and service marks in this "letter" would almost certainly be covered under "fair use", in the US at least. I think Porsche's lawyers are probably smart enough to know when they would be wasting their time. It could even be problematic for them to send a takedown notice since this could backfire and result in a suit against them, which they would in all likelihood lose: see Lessig v. Liberation Music

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Use of Porsche's trade and service marks in this "letter" would almost certainly be covered under "fair use", in the US at least. I think Porsche's lawyers are probably smart enough to know when they would be wasting their time. It could even be problematic for them to send a takedown notice since this could backfire and result in a suit against them, which they would in all likelihood lose: see Lessig v. Liberation Music

    I doubt fair use would extend to the use of Porsche's logo ...

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    Well...I tried...don't say I haven't tried. yes

    As to the criticism on the internet: We didn't censor anything here, I was just reminding people to stay focused on facts and not believe everything they read or hear on the internet. I guess however that this is similar to witch hunts: You can ask people to stay calm all day long but at night, the fires are fired up and the smell of burned flesh is in the air. angry

    Maybe I wrongfully assumed that Porsche owners are intellectuals or at least people who are at a higher intellectual level in the food chain but I guess everyone can buy a Porsche nowadays. Smiley

    I get the anger and the disappointment but everything else related to it, not so much.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Use of Porsche's trade and service marks in this "letter" would almost certainly be covered under "fair use", in the US at least. I think Porsche's lawyers are probably smart enough to know when they would be wasting their time. It could even be problematic for them to send a takedown notice since this could backfire and result in a suit against them, which they would in all likelihood lose: see Lessig v. Liberation Music

    I doubt fair use would extend to the use of Porsche's logo ...

    It's non-commercial, protected speech. This is exactly the sort of thing that would be covered under fair use.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    I don't know about US law but if a letter pretends to be official, even if it is obvious it is a joke, this could still be some nice fodder for lawyers over here in Europe if it uses the official company letterhead with the official Porsche logo (which it clearly does). Listen, I couldn't care less, it was just a friendly advice because a lot of people already had to deal with the law department. Yes, they are independent and do not have anything to do with the current GT3 issues, they have a job to fullfil this job requires to prevent the unauthorized usage of copyrighted material/logos. Like I said...a friendly warning since I know them quite well (not that I ever had issues with them, thanks god).


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    Nissan had a similar problem with the R35 GTR when new, caused by a defective batch of crank bearings. It took several engine failures before they recognised and accepted the problem.

    They dealt with this by recalling and replacing the entire engine and associated parts in about 400 European GTRs (only the European batch had got the bad bearing set). They did so by setting up a dedicated engine switching facility in Holland, with the sole aim to switch the engines as fast as possible. The cars were not immediately recalled though in one batch from owners, so no-one was told not to drive them, they were recalled when each specific car could actually be processed. The entire process took many months.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    I understand humor but whoever posted this on the internet, should remove it as fast as possible (or at least remove that Porsche crest from this). Porsche law department doesn't have any humor when it comes to using their copyrighted insignia for such jokes and this could blow up in the face of whoever wanted to make the joke. Just a friendly advice.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    RC, I'm pretty sure Porsche's lawyers have far more serious things to contend with than some goofy letter posted on a forum for a laugh amongst owners who are clearly frustrated with their situation and Porsche's silence on the matter... Just saying, not looking to start an argument over it...

    You might be surprised how aggressive companies like Porsche enforce the intellectual property rights.  Additionally, the internal lawyers responsible for policing their trademarks/service marks aren't the ones dealing with dealing with consequent legalities relating to the GT3. 


    Use of Porsche's trade and service marks in this "letter" would almost certainly be covered under "fair use", in the US at least. I think Porsche's lawyers are probably smart enough to know when they would be wasting their time. It could even be problematic for them to send a takedown notice since this could backfire and result in a suit against them, which they would in all likelihood lose: see Lessig v. Liberation Music

    You are confusing fair use of a trademark v. fair use of copyrighted subject matter.  Here, the fair use defense would relate to parody and your Lessig case has no relevance as it relates to copyrights.  Your post strikes me as a layperson trying to play IP lawyer.

    If you had experience in IP law, particularly how companies police their marks, you would understand that it is routine to send out nasty cease and desist letters on a daily basis to prevent others from continued infringement EVEN IF the third party has a colorable defense.


    991 GT3 incoming, 964 Turbo 3.6, E36 M3 ltw S54 conversion, bunch of other stuff

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Use of Porsche's trade and service marks in this "letter" would almost certainly be covered under "fair use", in the US at least. I think Porsche's lawyers are probably smart enough to know when they would be wasting their time. It could even be problematic for them to send a takedown notice since this could backfire and result in a suit against them, which they would in all likelihood lose: see Lessig v. Liberation Music

    I doubt fair use would extend to the use of Porsche's logo ...

    It's non-commercial, protected speech. This is exactly the sort of thing that would be covered under fair use.


    The letter is protected.  Use of the logo is not.


    991 GT3 incoming, 964 Turbo 3.6, E36 M3 ltw S54 conversion, bunch of other stuff

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    You are confusing fair use of a trademark v. fair use of copyrighted subject matter.  Here, the fair use defense would relate to parody and your Lessig case has no relevance as it relates to copyrights.  Your post strikes me as a layperson trying to play IP lawyer.

    If you had experience in IP law, particularly how companies police their marks, you would understand that it is routine to send out nasty cease and desist letters on a daily basis to prevent others from continued infringement EVEN IF the third party has a colorable defense.

    I'm not confusing or pretending to be anything. However, the letter is parody, fair use applies to trademarks in a similar fashion that it does to copyrights, and parody definitely falls under the fair use rights of both trademark and copyright law. And the Lessig case isn't specifically about copyrights, it's about companies abusing the law to trample on First Amendment rights, including the right of fair use. And Lessig sued them precisely because they were routinely sending out nasty cease and desist letters and takedown notices that violated his and others rights.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)



    The letter is protected.  Use of the logo is not.

    The use of the logo is an integral part of the parody. Its use is protected speech.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    If you really think use of Porsche's logo in the context of that letter qualifies for an exception to Trademark infringement under the parody defense, then so be it. I won't argue with you even though you are wrong.

    991 GT3 incoming, 964 Turbo 3.6, E36 M3 ltw S54 conversion, bunch of other stuff

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)



    The letter is protected.  Use of the logo is not.

    The use of the logo is an integral part of the parody. Its use is protected speech.


    there are none so blind as those who will not see ..

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    'fraid Frayed is correct.  They can still send a nasty letter and that logo simply can not be used without permission.  I knew a tiny local repair shop that Porsche went after in seconds when he used a 'similar' logo.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    If you really think use of Porsche's logo in the context of that letter qualifies for an exception to Trademark infringement under the parody defense, then so be it. I won't argue with you even though you are wrong.

    I'd really like to hear your argument as to why it's not fair use.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    'fraid Frayed is correct.  They can still send a nasty letter and that logo simply can not be used without permission.  I knew a tiny local repair shop that Porsche went after in seconds when he used a 'similar' logo.

    That's not the same circumstances at all. The point isn't that they can't send a nasty letter or takedown notice, the point is that they could actually get sued for sending a takedown notice.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    Wow. Guys it was just a parody from Pistonheads. The Porsche legal team are probably in a pub drinking beer and laughing reading this forum.... A little sense of humour goes a long way :)


    RS60 Spyder, 991 GT3 RS pending... :(

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Wow. Guys it was just a parody from Pistonheads. The Porsche legal team are probably in a pub drinking beer and laughing reading this forum.... A little sense of humour goes a long way :)


    PS: I think it's funny. Smiley


    The secret of life is to admire without desiring.

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Wow. Guys it was just a parody from Pistonheads. The Porsche legal team are probably in a pub drinking beer and laughing reading this forum.... A little sense of humour goes a long way :)

    Maybe a UK based legal team. The German team is reading and analyzing every single word we write and every single attachment/link we post here (or any other Porsche forum for that matter). They are doing their job, nothing more and nothing less. Humor is one thing but using a company logo a different one. Now back to topic, like I said, I couldn't care less if the creator of this letter joke is getting in trouble or not. 

    The plot thickens...Friday or latest next Monday could be the day(s) of an official communique regarding the GT3 issue(s).


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    Why plot thickens? More to the story than what we alreadyknow? More problems? Maybe the issue of RWS is true!

    This is becoming as mysterious as disappearance of MH370!

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    Why plot thickens? More to the story than what we alreadyknow? More problems? Maybe the issue of RWS is true!

    This is becoming as mysterious as disappearance of MH370!

    I was referring to the rumor that there will be some official information available by the weekend.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Turbo S, Porsche Boxster S (981), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014), BMW X3 35d (2013)

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    No. Please. Not on Friday the 13th!

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)


    No. Please. Not on Friday the 13th!

    Smiley It's thursday the 13th today... Smiley



    2013 Porsche Boxster S (MT) | Basalt black metallic
    2014 Audi A6 Avant 3.0 BiTDI Quattro | Moonshine blue metallic

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    Oh! Then it should be fine... I have been up so long I thought it was Friday!

    Re: OFFICIAL: New 911 GT3 (991)

    This is so convenient. It's like reading two different threads in one place, one about engine failures, another about copyright law, without the hassle of navigating from one to the other. 




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