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    An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    This one is courtesy of my friend Arthur (the one who occasionally signed on here solely to harrass me. Smiley). We were driving in his Porsche and the first track of this cd had my knees shaking out of control LOL. Track 1 was, **BY FAR**, one of the most spectacular demonstrations of sound, and bombastic bass,  I've yet to hear in the 997. The bass is extraordinary powerful, tight, and satisfying to listen to. The mid and high end is smooth. The music -- I dare you NOT to speed with this stuff on! It is light classical (no Schonberg here ha ha) so even if you are not into "old" music, it should still be a lot of fun.
    If you are into music and sound, you owe it to yourself to give this one a try. Telarc btw is an audiophile company that achieved fame originally, I believe (this was before I became an audiophile), with the canons of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture (click here).  Not even sure if the company still exists since the essential demise of classical CD sale in the US. The engineer is Jack Renner, who has great audiophile sensibility. This CD was recorded with spaced omni - *NO* multi mic here, thankfully.

    Amazon - William Tell & Other Favorite Overtures



    back 2.jpg



    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Settings of my car: Rear seat-backs are both down to un-block the rear bass ports (bass is tighter this way). I tend to like powerful bass and don't like strident sound so bass is +1 or +2 depending on the kind of day I've had , and treble is minus 2. Fader is +2 towards the front because the soundstage for whatever reason comes too much from the rear.

    The surround sound setting. Ahh.. what to do... what to do. The surround mode when on  damages imaging and focus royally, and messes up the all critical vocal/midrange region, AND creates a totally artificial blown up soundstage. It's NOT good, maybe even horrible. But... surround on gives a fuller mid bass. So... I'll leave it up to you as to how you would like to set yours. Just know that bass does sound fuller with surround on IMHO.

    Many audiophiles look at any Bose system with disdain (long story, but Bose sort of deserves it). I actually like it ok in my car. It's nowhere near the level of some custom system I've heard and it obviously doesn't have the accuracy of my all-out home system, but it's better than nothing.


    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Thanks cannga

    You may be interested in my BOSE settings (which I posted elsewhere in response to a request from BangoO)

    Bass: +1
    Treble: +2
    Balance: 0
    Fader: v3
    Audiopilot: ON
    Surround: OFF

    Link to BangoO's thread.html


    RT Moderator
    - 997.1 Carrera S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen collection

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.



    Many audiophiles look at any Bose system with disdain (long story, but Bose sort of deserves it). I actually like it ok in my car. It's nowhere near the level of some custom system I've heard and it obviously doesn't have the accuracy of my all-out home system, but it's better than nothing.



    I'm glad you said that (above) as when I was reading your first post I was cringing!  I almost prefer to throw an audio system out of the car (I prefer engine / exhaust sounds) but I don't because it's good safety on longer journeys.

    The best in-car system I've heard is the one in the (new) Rolls Phantom.  The Linn in the old Aston wasn't bad either.

    The recording you talk about is great and I love their 1812 too.  If you have a nearby Focal dealer that has the latest Grande you should you should definitely listen to that 1812 recording on those - the cannons are so effortlessly reproduced it's amazing.  The EM technology on the bass is mind-blowing (the price is too). 

    The other thing that some friends have done and I will do too is throw away my CD player (and probably the preamp too).  Moving the music onto a server (Mac mini) and using a good DAC (Berkeley Audio Design DAC) will surprise you a lot too [if you are not yet down that path].  You can also control the whole thing with your iphone.  You all also notice the quality differences as you find true HD recordings like up to 24/192 which make a normal CD sound like a cassette tape!




    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    go for a naim hdx then. i've ordered one and its currently in transit on the way to me with a pair of wilson maxx 3

    alternatively a dcs puccini upsampler.

    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    go for a naim hdx then. i've ordered one and its currently in transit on the way to me with a pair of wilson maxx 3

    alternatively a dcs puccini upsampler.

    Wilson Maxx 3? I auditioned them twice and they are not up to my taste.

    I currently have Focal Maestro Utopia and will switch to Focal Stella Utopia EM or TAD Reference One soon. Maestro Utopia is IMHO an excellent speaker.

    Since you had Nova Be before my advice it to try to audition both Maestro Utopia and Stella Utopia EM. If you can audition TAD Reference One as well-it wont hurt.

    I like all of them better then Wilson Maxx 3 or Avalon Isis for example.


    We can open a new thread about high end audio at off topic forum.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    A friend just baught this :

    I' ll go tomorrow to listen to it . Should be pretty good !!


     997.2 C2S, PDK, -20mm

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Thanks everyone for your input. The presence of serious audiophiles and systems here are impressive, but not too surprising.
    Mods please don't move thread to OT. This thread is relevant here because it''s about music in 997 Turbo -- said so in the title thread tittle itself :-). (Real reason: I rarely go outside of Turbo forum, and plan to add more Turbo relevant LOL music CD's here.)

    Jay -- not to worry, I am not going to rave about Bose!  I am about as hard-core and finicky an audiophile (home system is vinyl and tube based) as I am nutty about my Porsche. In fact most of my "reviews" of car stuffs are based directly on the methodology of true high-end audio reviewing: descritptive, comparative, and empirical . (Specs and vendors' claims are acknowledged but mostly ignored.)


    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    I've been hanging out to listen to the Stella (in red).  I loved the Maestro but really wanted to hear that EM bass of the Grande. 

    I am also a Linn nut (LP 12, old active system), and was gutted when I listened to the Klimax system.  The listening room was bad, so the dealer lent me a system for a week at home to listen too.  I was still gutted with it after the trial.  The DS is great, I love the 'hidden' amps and active speakers, but the speakers' sound ... oh no - didn't do much right!

    Next week I'll listen to Avalon Time.


    Back to cars so I don't go all OT! -> like with everything Porsche it comes down to an option box that one ticks - i wonder how many of us would tick box like "upgrade sound to audiophile quality" (or would that lead to disappointment!)




    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Bass: +1
    Treble: +2
    Balance: 0
    Fader: v3
    Audiopilot: ON
    Surround: OFF


    Thank you EZ. This is my setting:

    Bass: +2
    Treble: -2 (tame the brightness)
    Balance: 0
    Fader: ^2
    Audiopilot: OFF
    Surround: OFF, sometimes ON depending on the disc.
    The rear seats' seat-backs are folded down, to expose both rear bass reflex ports.

    I set my fader forward because at 0 the sound appears to come from behind me.  I would like to have the soundstage to be in front of me, as if I am in the audience looking at the performer, therefore fader is +2 forward. Even so, there is not enough forward localization -- this system is a mess of a design.  

    IMHO, that Porsche selects Bose is a classic example of how sometimes it's not the best company that wins, but the most popular one; it's nothing bu a popularity contest.  The Bose Surround mode inexplicably alters the character and tonality of voice/violin/piano (all important mid-range), and the frequency balance. Depending on the discs, mid bass could sound more or less prominent with Surround mode.
    My wife's Mark Levinson system, in a Lexus, doesn't exhibit nearly as much tonality change and weird soundstage placement.

    Thats said, as much as I dislike the Bose, it's better than nothing. (I'll have some more sonic spectaculars to post.)


    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    try a chesky burn-in cd.....that'll blow even the roof off

    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Hi intouch, which disc?

    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Ok, this next one has long been an audiophile favorite and has been used by me as a demo disc for almost my entire high-end audio life. Every time that I use this disc at an audio meeting (don't ask, but yes, "meeting" ), people come to ask for the name of the disc afterward. Every time.

    Not all will like every song on this disc. In fact for most non RLJones fans, the only track worth listening to will be track 5, Under the Boardwalk. This also happens to be the single track of this disc that is an absolute sonic spectacular. The soundstage is layered and 3D, imaging is pin-point. And the bass...
    In my Turbo, the bass and drums come on so powerful (yet so satisfying tight) that the seat, AND my chest, literally resonate with the song's rhythm ;-). Every drum whack threatens to launch me and the woofers out of the sunroof - no joke.

    The price of admission is stiff because it is a Japanese import. But... buy it -- you will thank me for this. The sound, being an 80's recording, is a tad bright (not irritatingly brittle, just upward tilting), but voice is wonderful, and the drum whacks and bass will take your breath away. If you want to show off your big home system, this is also the one. You won't regret this.




    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Rickie Lee Jones - Girl at her volcano - Under the Boardwalk

    Yummy, yummy, yummy.


    The secret of life is to admire without desiring.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    tiny but not insignificant add-on to my setup.....Naim HDX...fantastic machine 192/24 sounds marvellous.....and great user interface with the ipod HDX App.

    Wilson Maxx 3 are shipping my way this week






    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Nice setup. ARC REF5 is on my list together with new ARC DS450. BUT, you definitely need audiophile rate equipment rack. Something like ...

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    I baught last week this setting from a friend. I am very happy with it.

    Jeff Rowland concerto for the ampli

    Cardas neutral for the cables




     997.2 C2S, PDK, -20mm

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Damn, these HiFi freaks going wild again.


    The secret of life is to admire without desiring.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Nice setup. ARC REF5 is on my list together with new ARC DS450. BUT, you definitely need audiophile rate equipment rack. Something like ...

    already in transit......but delayed due to volcano Smiley


    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    Gnil, you should have checked out Dartzeel bein located in switzerland.....I am contemplating the integrated amp.

    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Damn, these HiFi freaks going wild again.


    Guys calm down. Or at least please add something related to the Turbo in your post. You're going to cause mods to move my thread to the "Off Topic" board.


    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    cannga......we're only getting started

    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    When I was driving my car - perhaps - going too fast around a corner - I somehow lost my Rickie Lee Jones LP - and I still miss Chuck E!!  How one can lose a LP is still a mystery - but it needs replacing!




    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Gnil, you should have checked out Dartzeel bein located in switzerland.....I am contemplating the integrated amp.

    I wasn' t even aware of  this local  Turbo S Smiley Smiley Thanks, it looks amazing. Wonder if the sound maches the GT3 Hybrid !!! Smiley Smiley


     997.2 C2S, PDK, -20mm

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Gnil, you should have checked out Dartzeel bein located in switzerland.....I am contemplating the integrated amp.

    I wasn' t even aware of  this local  Turbo S Smiley Smiley Thanks, it looks amazing. Wonder if the sound maches the GT3 Hybrid !!! Smiley Smiley

    apparently it does sound that good, however, early models measured like a ferrari's weight and downforce numbers

    Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Gnil, you should have checked out Dartzeel bein located in switzerland.....I am contemplating the integrated amp.

    I wasn' t even aware of  this local  Turbo S Smiley Smiley Thanks, it looks amazing. Wonder if the sound maches the GT3 Hybrid !!! Smiley Smiley

    apparently it does sound that good, however, early models measured like a ferrari's weight and downforce numbers

    I just spoke about this  ''new  Swiss Turbo S'' to the friend who sold me the  amp + cable  . He said Hervé Deletraz , owner of the company , came the other day to his place to listen to his new Linn setup and he was pretty impressed with it 

    ( sorry canga for the high-jack .... will try to go back on track Smiley ) 


     997.2 C2S, PDK, -20mm

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    go for a naim hdx then. i've ordered one and its currently in transit on the way to me with a pair of wilson maxx 3

    alternatively a dcs puccini upsampler.

    Gnil: no problem at all. I enjoy the thread very much and was just kidding around w/ Rossi.  I don't think mods are going to  move this Turbo related thread now Smiley.

    Intouch1: Very nice system you have there. Dave Wilson (web site) is a favorite designer, and not because he and I share the same Alma mater either Smiley (UC Berkeley -- he's probably 15-20 years ahead of me though, and believe it or not, holds a Ph. D. in Biochemistry, I think.). Regarding Wilson speakers, among the very best of course, but I like them most when paired with mellow components, like Conrad Johnson tube pre-amp (versus Audio Research tube pre-amp for example).

    I met Wilson first time at one of the Stereophile High-End Audio shows in Los Angeles in the 90's. He was there in person spinning his favorite music (!!) with Watt/Puppy and all tube, all Jadis system. Nearly 20 years later the experience still brings pleasant memories. One of the discs he used was Flim and the BB's -- New Pants (I think he used the first track of this disc, "Invention."), which I bought subsequently and plan to listen in my Turbo tomorrow!
    The disc was recorded by George Massenburg at Skywalker Ranch Studio (owned by George Lucas of Star Wars fame) and mastered by Doug Sax (Sheffield Lab), and therefore has the highest audiophile "pedigree," as good as possible for this kind of modern/popular jazz recording. Soundstage is spacious, imaging is excellent, treble is wonderfully smooth, and bass is particularly full and powerful. Very nice.
    Skywalker Ranch Studio is of course a serious and major US operation and is used for film mastering as well Wikipedia Skywalker . I believe they use Wilson speakers for monitoring.

    Amazon - Film and the BB's - New Pants

    fLim & the BB's main.jpg


    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    ^^^ Uh and Wilson is also a car guy. Unfortunately, his favorite is the one that begins with an "F." Don't know if he's seen the (P) lights yet though.


    997 Turbo + Bilstein Damptronic "Stage 2" ( Review ) + GIAC ECU Tune ( Fast as a torpedo & reversible to stock - Review ) + Cargraphic Exhaust ( Oh heavenly noise! )

    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.

    I found a good one to play on my bose in my car.  It's 5 cds at a good price. 

    Original Album Series (Girl At Her Volcano/Naked Songs/Pirates/Rickie Lee Jones/The Magazine)

    Original Album Series (Girl At Her Volcano/Naked Songs/Pirates/Rickie Lee Jones/The Magazine)




    Re: An audiophile CD that will blow the doors off of your Bose equipped 997.


    Bass: +1
    Treble: +2
    Balance: 0
    Fader: v3
    Audiopilot: ON
    Surround: OFF

    After over 3 years of keeping the settings the way they were, I have now changed them to:

    Bass: +1
    Treble: +3
    Balance: 0
    Fader: v5
    Audiopilot: ON
    Surround: OFF

    I prefer this - especially since so much of my music is downloaded from the iTunes Music Store so I need to accentuate the tone to make it sound the way I like it Smiley

    I prefer a rear fader bias because I like the sound to come more from behind than to blast in my face at close range Smiley


    RT Moderator - 997.1 Carrera S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen collection



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