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    Radar detectors

    I want to mount an escort Solo or 8500 X50 on my 2006 997S but the escort manual says some Porsche's have an interior film that can be effected by the suction cups, is this true?

    Has or is anyone else using these radar detector's on their 997 p-cars.

    Thanks in advance,

    Re: Radar detectors

    No probs with a mounted 8500.

    Re: Radar detectors

    I use a Valentine One with suction cups. No problems.

    Re: Radar detectors

    They make visor clips for the units but do not advertise them. Has to do with darker parts of top of windshield which can effect laser sensitivity?

    Anyway, if no laser threat in your area, get teh visor clip and the unit will be higher and more out of sight (both GOOD things).

    BTW, laser detection without a jammer is worthless, as you know; therefore a suction cup mount is all wrong (oops, just guessing, haven't read the V1 manual in a long time).

    Re: Radar detectors

    same here, no problems mounting 8500

    Re: Radar detectors

    thanks just mounted solo S2, i like the cordless, i also have an 8500 X50 but the solo has been great so far. Not much laser here in California, HWY patrol uses KA band

    Re: Radar detectors

    In my home town, they've recently started using laser. In fact, I was recently stopped only to have the policeman tell me he was stopping the car behind me. What a feeling that was . Talk about a guilty conscience! Anyway, what kind of jammer are you referring to?

    Re: Radar detectors

    You'll never have any problems if you get this done...

    Any questions, PM me

    Re: Radar detectors

    Who did the installation? What did it cost? I've got a V1 suction cupped to the windshield. This looks great!

    Re: Radar detectors

    LowPolarMoment said:Anyway, what kind of jammer are you referring to?

    Take your pick: Lidatek LE-30, Antilaser, Blinder Xtreme M20/40, Escort Laser Shifter, Bel Laser Pro 904/905, Target Lasertrack LT400, and coming out in a couple of months the DriveSmart Defender2...

    Re: Radar detectors

    I have this system and it is fantastic

    Re: Radar detectors

    Carlos from Spain said:
    LowPolarMoment said:Anyway, what kind of jammer are you referring to?

    Take your pick: Lidatek LE-30, Antilaser, Blinder Xtreme M20/40, Escort Laser Shifter, Bel Laser Pro 904/905, Target Lasertrack LT400, and coming out in a couple of months the DriveSmart Defender2...

    I assume from the name "jammer" that this jams the police radar signal. Are these things legal? I've never heard of this before.

    Re: Radar detectors

    JP66 that looks like it covers everything ( what is the plus Shifters option looks like better laser protection ), I always thought the Valentine was the best but I do not think it covers laser . The Valentine does have front and rear for radar but looks like the Passport only covers the front and not the back . So what is the ultimate radar detector set up , the best front and rear with laser and everything hidden and all that . You do not see much on custom high end setups for detectors in cars like we do audio setup and such . Also what is the difference between the Passport SRX and the Passport SR7 plus Shifters they are both the same price . It seems this is the system that the dealer should offer I can not imagine the Valentine to compare with the SR7 . I would thing you would just want to add a rear radar antenna to this system and put some LED be installed in-dash warning lights . And JP66 what shold a good instalation charge run ... thanks again for the Passport tip .

    Re: Radar detectors

    how is that compare to road angel ! ?

    Re: Radar detectors

    The beam of light that strikes your car is very narrow and reading the officer gets is instant. Therefore in our opinion NO RADAR/LASER detector is effective against this type of traffic enforcement.

    so does this mean you also need a laser jammer ... seems if your laser detector goes off they already have you ?

    Re: Radar detectors

    LowPolarMoment said:
    Carlos from Spain said:
    LowPolarMoment said:Anyway, what kind of jammer are you referring to?

    Take your pick: Lidatek LE-30, Antilaser, Blinder Xtreme M20/40, Escort Laser Shifter, Bel Laser Pro 904/905, Target Lasertrack LT400, and coming out in a couple of months the DriveSmart Defender2...

    I assume from the name "jammer" that this jams the police radar signal. Are these things legal? I've never heard of this before.

    They are laser (LIDAR) jammers, they jamm the infrarred laser beam form the laser pistol by shooting another laser back to the gun.So they work only agaist police laser, not radar. Since police laser is hard to avoid with detecttion only, its more secure to jam it. The reason is that the laser bean is very narrow, unlike radar, and scatters much much less, the police can be targeting the car next to you and your detector not pick it up, so you are likely only to detect it when they are targeting YOU, and since laser takes 0.3 secs in getting your speed then that leaves little reaction time for you, whe the detector beeps you are most likely clocked. So you have less chances of beiung able to brake and avoid the fine with laser so you need to jam it. Sometimes different factors may make the police laser take longer to achieve yuour speed (distance, aim, car reflectiveness, etc) and in those cases you may be able to get away, but here in europe they always shhot att close range and you have absolutely no warning.
    It is legal to emit this class-1 904nm laser beam, but were detectors are ilegal this will be considered the same.

    Radar jammers a whole different story, its is highly ilegal to emit radar and jam police radar, in the US its a federal offese and you may be fined thousands of dollar or even jail sentence. There is one that I know of that works, and tha is the Scorpion Ultimate Jammers, which is also able to jam Ka band and not only K ans X band.

    The best overall jammers I consider to be the Lidatek and Antilaser, then Blinder. But the Defender2 looks most promising though not tested yet. Depends on what your car is, country (even state), and situation is on which is better.

    Re: Radar detectors

    bazza said:
    how is that compare to road angel ! ?

    RoadAngel is a GPS based detector, its only for fixed radar traps. ANd for that its better than any detector since it gives you ample warnig always. But for movile traps such as radar guns, tripods, cars, laser, etc. its useless because the effectiveness of the GPS systems is if the radar is in its coordinates database, and you cannot know were these movile systems are, only the fixed ones. So ina country like GB or France were there is many fixed radars, a GPS system is a great companion to the radar detector, but not a substitute. GPS systems also warn you of other nor-radar based speed traps like the new digital plate recognition SPECS.

    Re: Radar detectors

    WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS rear viwe mirror???with indications on it?

    Re: Radar detectors

    OCEAN said:
    JP66 that looks like it covers everything ( what is the plus Shifters option looks like better laser protection )

    With the shifter you alse get laser jamming, they are laser jammers.

    OCEAN said:I always thought the Valentine was the best but I do not think it covers laser.

    Valentine is a better "radar detector" IMO, much more sophisticated, with effective POP detection, upgradeability program, boggie counter, the arrows, and so on. But the Valentine does not offer laser jamming, because Valentine does not believe in going into that type of "warfare" of actually intefeering with police systems. So the advantage of the SR7 are the laser jammers, but you can get a Valentine and also a jammer like Lidatek or Blinder and have a better detector AND jammer system than the SR7, the advantage of the SR/ is that it all comes together but to me that is not important.

    OCEAN said:The Valentine does have front and rear for radar but looks like the Passport only covers the front and not the back.

    Yes, the Valñentine is the only detector with TWO radar antenas (one for front detection and one for rear), so its rear radar detectection is the best.

    OCEAN said:So what is the ultimate radar detector set up, the best front and rear with laser and everything hidden and all that . You do not see much on custom high end setups for detectors in cars like we do audio setup and such.

    Like I mentioned above, IMO the best setup is one that you build yourself with the best gadgets of each class. Take a look at the PROWLER SYSTEMS, they offer diffrent kits that consist in different combinations of detectors (inlcuding Valentine ONE), and jamers (how ever in jammers they only offer the blinder, which may not be the best option in some cases I will not get into now).

    Re: Radar detectors

    Dilinger said:
    WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS rear viwe mirror???with indications on it?

    Its an aftermarket accesory for the Valentine One You connect the mirror to the Valentine One and it will display the visual signals of the detector ON the mirror. There is also a kit that will connect the Valentine to your BMW's OBC or navigator screen and will display the visual alerts and controls there. Valentine themselves offer a remote display as well for their detector, and a remote audio too.

    Re: Radar detectors

    So the Valñentine ( and I woud guess they have a kit that hides the unit also becuase this thing hanging from the window is not good ... and have the warning lights on the rear view mirror .

    then have the the Passport Laser Shifter ZR3 wich is just the hidden Laser Defense System
    ., would be the ultimate set up .

    If the Valñentine's radar detection is not that much better than the Passport's and can not be remote mounted then it would seems like the Passport'sPassport SR7 plus Shifters full system seems the best way to go .

    Thanks Carlos

    did not see remote mounting and the mirror with the leds on the Valñentine site

    Then photo radar


    Re: Radar detectors

    There are better laser jammers than the Escort ZR3 shifters, like the Lidatek and Blinder or Antilaser. There Shifters have a problem and that is their rear laser protection, their rear transponder is not up to par, and while the front two transponders do the job fairly well, the rear has failed in some tests, so if you are in a place where they shoot laser from behind also, like Europe or some states like Florida, it could cost you a tickect. There are other factors like Laser Atlanta LIDAR Gun stealth jamming, the Escort ZR3 is not able to jam the Laser ATlanta in Stealth mode operation, while the Blinder, Antilaser and Lidatek can (their lastest versions that is), so if they se this gun in your area, you are also not protected with the escort.

    The Valentine Remote version is not amde by Valentine themselves, its an aftermarket mod, thats why you won't see it in the official Valentine page.

    Re: Radar detectors


    However three states have enacted laws banning the ownership, sale and use of laser jammers they are Minnesota (Minnesota Statutes 2002, 169.14) California (Sec. 1, Ch 493.28150, effective January 1999) and Utah (C. 41-6-52.7, 1998)

    do a lot of road trips through California and Utah .... does this mean you must turn off the laser jammers in these states .. wonder if they can really detect you using one .
    Carlos I did notice that the Passport only had one detector for the laser in the back and no radar antenna for the back ...
    so the Valentine Remote version which covers front and back with pop and the remote versions of the Blinder, Antilaser or Lidatek for laser and hope you are not busted for having it in Utah (some of the most beautiful roads in the world ) or California .
    Seems you need the laser jamming or you are only half covered.
    This should be a valubale thread for many !

    Radar Detector and Jammer Discussion Forum nice

    Re: Radar detectors

    The Passport 8500 X50 I have receives front and back. It has a small rearward pointing antenna on top. Don't know about the previous models.

    Re: Radar detectors

    How does the kd40 with blue tooth and laser diffuser compare? I just installed this in my car,

    Re: Radar detectors

    watch out for this guy

    Re: Radar detectors


    Re: Radar detectors

    OCEAN said:

    However three states have enacted laws banning the ownership, sale and use of laser jammers they are Minnesota (Minnesota Statutes 2002, 169.14) California (Sec. 1, Ch 493.28150, effective January 1999) and Utah (C. 41-6-52.7, 1998)

    do a lot of road trips through California and Utah .... does this mean you must turn off the laser jammers in these states .. wonder if they can really detect you using one .

    The SR7+ Escort system uses laser shifters, not laser jammers. I'm not sure how to explain this correctly, but the "laser beam" is governed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), not by law enforcement agencies. Therefore, it isn't illegal to shift the lasers, but don't know for sure about jamming them. I know it's illegal to jam radar though.

    Don't Bother WIth Cordless Units!!!

    hamilton93 said:
    I want to mount an escort Solo

    Don't bother. The cordless are NOT sensitive units. The sensitivity comes from internal antennas which get the most amperage. Two little batteries can't compete with your car's battery.

    It's a shame that they even sell those cordless units. They are NEVER compared to the 12v units. If the truth about them were widely known their sales would plummet. Amazing that all the BS advertising avoids letting people know their abject inadequacy.

    Re: Radar detectors

    Carlos from Spain said:
    The Valentine Remote version is not amde by Valentine themselves, its an aftermarket mod, thats why you won't see it in the official Valentine page.

    Wonder if they have a direct plug and play option fit for our 997 with auto dimming capabilities too.



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