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    Re: 2023 Formula One


    Now that Aston Martin has signed a partnership with Honda for engine supply, I ma so looking forward to the DB13 when it will be powered by the Odyssey's 3.5L V6!!


    Re: 2023 Formula One

    What happened when Ferrari drank a can of Red Bull?

    They pissed out a Mercedes.




    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Perez just returned the favor by crashing out in Q1 and exposing the Red Bull floor.

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Q was spectacularwink


    Re: 2023 Formula One

    MAX'S rims from clipping



    Re: 2023 Formula One


    Re: 2023 Formula One

    CGX car nut:
    Perez just returned the favor by crashing out in Q1 and exposing the Red Bull floor.


    Re: 2023 Formula One



    Updated grid for Monaco after the Leclerc penalty…


    Re: 2023 Formula One

    The Alpines surprised me! Not rooting for them especially, but it’s nice to see them close to the top.


    Porsche, separates Le Mans from Le Boys

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    As usual, Max fucked off in the distance from the start to cruise to victory in the all conquering Red Bull.

    Lovely to see Alonso not made but smile and talked about the tire selection, or the wrong choice he made that could have gotten him closer to Max. Maturity. It was fun to see him really max-ed out the Aston yesterday to get temporary pole before Max pulled one out of the bag. Luck was on Max's side yesterday with all the wall brushes. 

    Perez. He really showed he did graduated from the Red Bull school of aggressive racing. The Perez we have known from all these years is no more. He was known as the calm and safe driver who doesn't gt mad or take risks, it's all out the window now, it was on full display since yesterday's qualifying. 

    Ocon was pecked as one of the rising star, he is shining in the Alpine for sure, that Q3 lap was really something yesterday. and Today he pretty much ran a perfect race, ON HIS OWN PACE. Well done to him to maintain 3rd place. 

    Mostly boring race, until the rain started. That was fun to watch. It needs to rain every time F1 race at Monaco for sure. 

    Daddy Stroll really need to think more about keeping his pet son in the team. Junior is what's holding the team back. 

    I think daddy has worked out a deal with Honda so they don't need to take on Yuki when they start the partnership, or else it will be soooooo interesting to see them fail with Yuki and Junior as drivers. 

    Mercedes lucked out to leapfrog both Ferraris with their 2 drivers. Russell is showing he is ready to be the leader of the team, trying to pull a fast one on Hamilton on the radio about the gap in front of him. 

    I am convinced Ferrari is cursed. The whole team. Nothing seems to go their way at all. 

    The McLaren pair of Norris and Piastri impressed with those fast laps in nearing the end. 

    Never a dull moment when they broadcast Yuki's radio messages. 

    Maybe they should considering taking out the chicane out of the tunnel and turn that straight into a 2nd DRS zone for more passing, just a thought. 





    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Gotta give it to Ferrari, they sure are consistent, just not in a good way angry

    Watching the team put slicks on Alonso's car while it was starting to rain and everybody was putting on intermediates was hard to watch, I believe Alonso asked the team if they were sure about that tire choice through radio, but realistically it wouldn't of made any difference in the result of her had fitted intermediates,  there is nothing the Aston could of done to pass the RB. Maybe Aston thought that if the gamble of the slicks paid out they had a chance against the RB on intermediates, and if it didn't they would still finish 2nd after a third pit stop, so nothing lost anyway? yes

    The RB can run circles around any other car with square tires on, the have won 22 of the last 25 races, ridiculous. Only way the can lose it's if they screw up and they didn't, perfect strategy today, and bit of luck too with those two incidents against the wall not causing any damage. They deserved the win.

    They need to do something about Monaco though, when the qualifying is more exciting than the actual race you know it's bad. If they can't add places to pass then at least force them to have to make more pit stops somehow.


    Re: 2023 Formula One

    I Really like your unbiased opnion on the F1: As usual, Max fucked off in the distance from the start to cruise to victory in the all conquering Red Bull.

    No mention of the amazing last, Q3,  qualifing lap of Max. Or the fact he could drive on his medium tires untill the rain started.



    Re: 2023 Formula One


    I Really like your unbiased opnion on the F1: As usual, Max fucked off in the distance from the start to cruise to victory in the all conquering Red Bull.

    No mention of the amazing last, Q3,  qualifing lap of Max. Or the fact he could drive on his medium tires untill the rain started.




    I didn't watch qualifying on Saturday, I was out doing a Saturday morning drive with my 4RS 🤷🏻‍♂️ I only heard part of it during Sunday race's commentary. Guess I missed something exciting. Can't write something about something I didn't watch.

    And for the actual race, Alonso himself said it, it was never in the cards that he can challenge Max in the Red Bull. So what is there ti write about then? Max was pacing himself all race, easy to make tires last longer when he doesn't need to drive at 100%, or even 90%. 

    I was watching the Indy 500 right after Monaco, and the leaders there was swapping leads and lift and coast to save fuel  so even they weren't driving 100%. 




    Re: 2023 Formula One

    i restate my request to delete Monaco from the schedule. whilst the last few minutes of q3 was sublime, that's for obvious reasons: the "race" is a waste of time.

    i did enjoy the rain, and the confusion caused by my watching with my dark glasses -- i couldn't tell which car was Perez, or Stroll, or Officer Georgie, or even Carlos -- their driving was so similarly teenage and dangerous.

    this of course is caused by the frustration of a street with no room to pass; this also frustrates the fans. drop this pig, find another Spa.

    otherwise - a clear statement that cream rises to the top.

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    it brings money to the city...F1 is not about racing, it is about show.


    GT Lover, Porsche fan

    991.2 GT3 manual

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    Re: 2023 Formula One


    So with all the excitement about the Saturday qualifying that I missed, I did some digging and watched it also.

    Indeed it was an exciting finish to Q3.

    Also found this analysis of Verstappen's lap with Alonso's lap from Formula !'s own GPS data. 

    Verstappen was trailing Alonso the whole way around, until the 2nd last corner where a slight mistake from Alonso cost him the pole lap. That the one corner where Verstappen caught and pass Alonso. 

    Stark contrast between the two drivers, Alonso seems to be in control of the car the whole time, while Verstappen was doing the 'exciting' stuff with taking risks and brushing walls. 

    If not for the slight hiccup from Alonso, not even all those risks taken by Verstappen will result in pole. 




    Re: 2023 Formula One

    That same channel has another gem of a video.


    Jeddah 2021. The famous qualifying crash of Verstappen.

    He was ahead at the DRS detection line on the back straight by a good margin, but he was flying in the corner way too hot, he was never going to make that corner to start off with, and even with him braking and slowing down mid corner to try and actually make the corner, he lost that lead to Hamilton by the apex so even if he didn't crash and complleted the lap, he still won't get pole. 





    Re: 2023 Formula One

    If it if wishes were horses ….

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    I think Max stole Whoopsy's lunch in school.

    I enjoyed Peter Windsor's analysis where he shows how Max positioned his car differently than all the other drivers in the last sector.  Allowed him to dramatically shorten the corners and make up the 0.2 secs over Alonso.  Had dinner with a former Nascar (I know, I know) championship winning race engineer last night and he was still talking about Max's qualifying lap.

    Re: 2023 Formula One


    I think Max stole Whoopsy's lunch in school.

    I enjoyed Peter Windsor's analysis where he shows how Max positioned his car differently than all the other drivers in the last sector.  Allowed him to dramatically shorten the corners and make up the 0.2 secs over Alonso.  Had dinner with a former Nascar (I know, I know) championship winning race engineer last night and he was still talking about Max's qualifying lap.


    Haha he doesn't need to steal, I will buy him lunch. 

    Subjectively, that was an amazing lap, I said I rewatched the qualifying session, and it was exciting to see first Ocon, then Leclerc then Alonso setting the fastest time. And then all eyes were on Verstappen to perform.

    He for sure put on a show, using up every millimetre of the track, brushing walls and stuff. His Banzai driving style is on full display. And that's what attracts fans to him. 

    I also watched Peter Windsor's segment on them about car positioning and stuff. Also make sense. 

    But data don't lie. Data points are all objective. The GPS track showed no matter how hard he was trying, he close, but was never ahead up until the 2nd last corner. Entering the corner he was about 0.2 behind and he ended up 0.1 ahead at the finish finish. The Aston was much better out of corners throughout the lap so Alonso was catching up to him on the front straight but not enough. 

    Throughout the modern F1 era, drivers will pick up 0.1, 0.2 seconds in a corner if one aced it over another driver, but Max gained pretty much 0.4 seconds in that one corner. He aced it for sure so 0.2 seconds right there, but there is another 0.2 seconds that's not accounted for. Which also means Alonso botched the corner a little bit to lose that other 0.2. Alonso was slightly too long on the braking and his car had a lower min apex speed there, thus losing out on entry and then exit.

    Watching data plots means taking out emotions, it's just a plot of time and space, there is no visual of car against wall or not. Or seeing the car slide and whatnots. It's just data, with no faces attached. 






    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Watched the qualifying.

    As usual, Verstappen just fucked off into the distance, putting basically a second on the whole field on his first lap in Q3 and not even going 100%. 

    That's not even against him, he is one of the top drivers in the field and got the fastest car. Put Alonso or Hamilton in the Red Bull and the end result will be exactly the same. 

    Interesting starting grid, 8 different manufacturers for the top 8 spots. And it was Aston and Alpine that got 2 cars in Q3. 

    Not much drama unlike last week where Alonso went purple purple yellow to lose the pole to Max's yellow green purple. But there still is, Russell and Hamilton got together and almost send both cars off. Good for Russell to acknowledge his own mistake right away however.

    Leclerc and Russell just can't find anything that works for them, while Perez just made more mistakes. 

    If Perez keep this up, who is Horner gonna put in that 2nd seat?

    More weird stuff, baby Stroll out qualified Alonso?!?!?!






    Re: 2023 Formula One


    As usual, Verstappen just fucked off into the distance, putting basically a second on the whole field on his first lap in Q3 and not even going 100%. 

    The difference between the RB and the rest of the field today was almost comical, he didn't even have to try to get the pole, he could of set the pole in Q3 if he wanted...

    What a job from Norris though, driver of the day imo.

    That's not even against him, he is one of the top drivers in the field and got the fastest car. Put Alonso or Hamilton in the Red Bull and the end result will be exactly the same. 

    You'd be surprised how many people don't realize this about F1. 

    That said, it's a pretty mixed up grid start which may make things more interesting tomorrow.


    Re: 2023 Formula One


    More weird stuff, baby Stroll out qualified Alonso?!?!?!

    I believe Alonso's car still had some damage from Q3

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Carlos from Spain:

    More weird stuff, baby Stroll out qualified Alonso?!?!?!

    I believe Alonso's car still had some damage from Q3


    He only did 1 flying lap towards the end of Q3, floor damage was from earlier.





    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Carlos from Spain:

    As usual, Verstappen just fucked off into the distance, putting basically a second on the whole field on his first lap in Q3 and not even going 100%. 

    The difference between the RB and the rest of the field today was almost comical, he didn't even have to try to get the pole, he could of set the pole in Q3 if he wanted...

    What a job from Norris though, driver of the day imo.

    That's not even against him, he is one of the top drivers in the field and got the fastest car. Put Alonso or Hamilton in the Red Bull and the end result will be exactly the same. 

    You'd be surprised how many people don't realize this about F1. 

    That said, it's a pretty mixed up grid start which may make things more interesting tomorrow.



    Yeah well, I had to state that cause some think I am just dead set against Verstappen no matter what. Which I am not, I am just stating stuff. 🤷🏻‍♂️ When Verstappen accomplished something, I acknowledge them properly, unlike some diehard Max fans that always dismisses the same feats with Hamilton. 

    And yes, Norris in that McLaren. We know he is up there with Russell and Leclerc and Verstappen, and McLaren seems to have a much improved car. 

    P2-P10 is going to be a dog fight tomorrow! 

    Lucky I can watch the race first tomorrow before heading to airport to fly to Germany for Porsche's 75th celebration and then onto Le Mans. 






    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Carlos from Spain:

    More weird stuff, baby Stroll out qualified Alonso?!?!?!

    I believe Alonso's car still had some damage from Q3


    He only did 1 flying lap towards the end of Q3, floor damage was from earlier.


    Yes but they couldn't repair it for Q3, he had to run Q3 without half of the floor... hence the Q2 and Q3 lap times. On the bright side Alonso said he was surprised to get the time he did in Q3 with all the damage to the floor so he says that means the car on race day is going to be very competitive so he is hopeful. 

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Carlos from Spain:

    As usual, Verstappen just fucked off into the distance, putting basically a second on the whole field on his first lap in Q3 and not even going 100%. 

    The difference between the RB and the rest of the field today was almost comical, he didn't even have to try to get the pole, he could of set the pole in Q3 if he wanted...

    What a job from Norris though, driver of the day imo.

    That's not even against him, he is one of the top drivers in the field and got the fastest car. Put Alonso or Hamilton in the Red Bull and the end result will be exactly the same. 

    You'd be surprised how many people don't realize this about F1. 

    That said, it's a pretty mixed up grid start which may make things more interesting tomorrow.



    Yeah well, I had to state that cause some think I am just dead set against Verstappen no matter what. Which I am not, I am just stating stuff. 🤷🏻‍♂️ When Verstappen accomplished something, I acknowledge them properly, unlike some diehard Max fans that always dismisses the same feats with Hamilton. 

    And yes, Norris in that McLaren. We know he is up there with Russell and Leclerc and Verstappen, and McLaren seems to have a much improved car. 

    P2-P10 is going to be a dog fight tomorrow! 

    Lucky I can watch the race first tomorrow before heading to airport to fly to Germany for Porsche's 75th celebration and then onto Le Mans. 



    Should be a fun race. 

    Safe travels Smiley

    Re: 2023 Formula One

    Max speaking with God




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