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    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?


    My condolences to both families...RIP and enjoy the everland

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Rest in peace Ben

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    I just can't believe that this happened to Ben...

    Rest in peace, condoleances to his family and Corey's family.


    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    This is really sad. I feel like so many of you. It is strange feeling so sad over the loss of someone you have never met. He was loved here and in life. RIP Ben and my deepest condolences to the family and friends he left behind.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    I never met Ben, but I took the loss like he was my friend. My sympathies towards the family and especially the daughter. I hope that if the family needs help that we can come together and offer it to them. Thanks RC and to the other moderators who decided to close the site down for 24 hours. That was very touching, appropriate, and considerate.

    Re: Rest in peace

    Dr. Phil said:
    My heart goes out to Ben and Corey's families.

    It's so very sad to see two active people being taken from us at such young age. I haven't had much dialogue with Ben, but from what I read here and on other similar boards he was a generous and respected gentleman with wit and humor.
    He had a true passion for cars and life, and if we should try to find any consolation amidst this, Ben and Corey passed away doing what they loved the most.

    I know we all say these words a lot when someone buys a new car:
    "Be careful out there"...and even though this accident seems to have happened because of a series of unfortunate events, let's all bare in mind, that while all our "babies" can make our day...they can also seal our fate.
    So please, please be careful out there.

    Ben, Peace to you.
    Corey, Peace to you.


    "Dream as if you'll live forever.

    Live as if you'll die today"

    Thanks Dr. Phil, nobody can express feelings better than you !!

    Rest In Peace Ben, may God be with you, WE WILL ALL MISS YOU !!

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    No way!!! I cant believe it.I have been studying for exams and haven't been on the net the last couple of days,and come back to such a tragic event.

    I always looked forward to,logging into the Ferrari section and reading about Ben ragging Nick about his Ferrari(even though I wear "Rosso Fiorano sunglasses"),and their great driving escapades etc.
    A truely great enthusiast has been lost

    My condolences to his family and friends.
    RIP Ben

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    May you find peace. I must admit that I have been a bit jealeaous sometimes... to own such a car, and to truly love it and drive it like it's meant to be... Thats is a dream of mine. Now you're gone, but you set an example. It is strange to have lost someone you've never met.

    PS: On another board this avatar was used to honor Ben. Feel free to use it.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    I just got back from a memorial.

    Pete, Anthony, Dave, Thomas, and whoever else helped put the memorial together; what you guys did today was truly touching and heart warming. Ben was lucky to have such loving friends and we were all lucky to have Ben as our friend.

    The aura of love and respect for Ben was greatly felt this morning.

    -Pete, your so caring, thanks for taking the time to record the messages and gathering among other things.

    Anthony, I know it didnt look like I enjoyed going in your car with you but beleive me, it made all the difference. it just wouldnt have been the same if I went with somebody that didnt know Ben like you. After talking with you I felt a little more at peace.

    Dave, you were an integral part of todays experience, thank you so much.

    Thomas, your voice was heard loud and clear and we apreciate your leader ship in todays gathering.

    Your hearts are made of gold.

    hope i didnt leave anyone out, im running off of ZERO sleep.

    Thanks to everyone that showed.

    Nice seeing you again Mark and Justin

    Oh and special thanks to Matt for giving my friend a ride.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Ben, I didn't know you but after reading about you and seeing what a genuine person you were, I'm left empty not to have crossed paths with you.

    My deepest deepest condolences to Ben's and Cory's family.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    I'm very sorry to see someone go who, even after only a short time of following these boards, radiated knowledge, respect, humor and compassion like few others. My condolences go to his family and friends.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Some pics of today's Memorial meet @ Crystal Cove;

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Ryan in SD said:
    CarreraGtRacer said:
    Ryan in SD said:
    For those of you that didnt know him much or at all, heres an email that I think helps paint a better picture of him. He had such a great attitude, theres not many people like him. He helped alot with getting my videos hosted and compressed, also thanks to Pete.

    read bottom to top

    Also heres a video I sent him a few days ago:

    Sorry if this upsets anyone, I just dont know what to do. I will take this down if anyone wants me to.

    Ben was just you have more videos of him? I remember telling him a while back I wanted to be just like him when I grew up

    I have several videos clips of him confidently piloting his majestic car. Im going to try and make one big memorial video of all my video/pics of him. He was the keystone of my 2 car show videos. It sucks that my last video also had a memorial in it. I sure hope its the last.

    Ben was a great role model, especially for us aspiring young men. We will NEVER forget him.

    Please let me help...its the least I can do. I'm pretty good with videos/compilations (remember the 996 Turbo one?)

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    That was a really good video, one of my favorites I have on my computer. I'd like to see one with Ben in it, and I hope you guys do a good job with it. Good luck.
    I Love Porsche, on made a really nice avatar. I'm going to use it one this website as well, and I don't think he would mind if other people used it as well.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    My deepest sympathies to both families.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    It has been two days since Ben's passing and even now reality hasn't sunken in yet. Seeing a video of Ben performing a slide in his CGT, wearing a baseball cap... It just makes you unable to believe that that person is gone.

    Here's to a father, husband, son, friend and an enthusiast like no other.
    Ben, we'll miss you.

    Rest in peace...

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    My deepest sympathy to both family's.
    Dying so young , and leaving your lovedones so early is almost unbelievable...
    It's too hard to anyone to really feel what the family's will be missing...

    My father in law is fighting his last days, weeks now, he's 85 and very ill.Every day we see him slipping away a little bit more, we pray and hope that he will suffer not too much pain.
    Seeing him suffer we said to eachother, let's hope we will die quick, without pain...
    Only yesterday I said to my wife, i'd rather die, driving my dear porsche than having to go the way her father suffers...
    Coming home last night I read the message about Ben...
    All of a sudden I got very cold and realised the words i spoke just therefore...
    No, this isn't the right way to leave your family at all...
    The pain for all of them, not having had the chance to say goodbye , must be horrible...

    May Ben and his friend rest in peace and let's hope their family's have a lot of people to support them...

    condoleances to all, from belgium

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    This depersonalization of the online medium is weird. It's like there are two Bens, one Benjmin fron San Diego who died two days ago, and another, our ben, fellow member and online friend, whose messages will remain suspended in time here, at rennteam...
    I'm still having a hard time accepting our ben is never going to post anything again

    Maybe i'm just tired and sad

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Corey Rudl will be missed by the entire webmarketing community, too...

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    I am sure that everyone here equally mourns Bens untimely demise and that of his passenger and friend, Cory. What their families are going through I'm sure is absolutely aweful and for their friends in real life as well.

    I really can't stand to think of Bens death on the track as being meaningless. I didnt know Ben well, only here, but I am sure that he would want something positive to come out of this tragic episode.

    I do not have confirmed details of the track scenario that caused the accident, however, the pictures published in the press show his car sitting on grass after it had careened off the track and smacked a concrete wall sideways at high speed.

    If.... If only California Speedway at Fontana used gravel
    instead of grass, as F1 tracks do, Bens car would not have hit the wall at that high of speed.

    If....If only California Speedway at Fontana had used verticle tire barriers instead of reinforced concrete barriers, Ben and his passenger would have had less kinetic energy for their bodies to absorb at the time of impact.

    The next time any of us go onto a race track for a owners club day, drivers education event, club race, whatever, we should all think about what took Bens life and how - speed and impact.

    If a track has runoff areas that are covered in slippery
    grass and barriers of reinforced concrete, think again. Maybe thats more for paid professionals than for amatuers to mix it up with other amateurs at events run by amateurs.

    Mistakes happen and the price paid can be final.

    Theres no sense in anyone having their life ended early thru
    poor track design and event management.

    Ben and Corey, RIP.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum - While we have the time, let us do memory of Ben and Corey.

    Dominus vobiscum,

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    JimFlat6 said:
    I am sure that everyone here equally mourns Bens untimely demise and that of his passenger and friend, Cory. What their families are going through I'm sure is absolutely aweful and for their friends in real life as well.

    I really can't stand to think of Bens death on the track as being meaningless. I didnt know Ben well, only here, but I am sure that he would want something positive to come out of this tragic episode.

    I do not have confirmed details of the track scenario that caused the accident, however, the pictures published in the press show his car sitting on grass after it had careened off the track and smacked a concrete wall sideways at high speed.

    If.... If only California Speedway at Fontana used gravel
    instead of grass, as F1 tracks do, Bens car would not have hit the wall at that high of speed.

    If....If only California Speedway at Fontana had used verticle tire barriers instead of reinforced concrete barriers, Ben and his passenger would have had less kinetic energy for their bodies to absorb at the time of impact.

    The next time any of us go onto a race track for a owners club day, drivers education event, club race, whatever, we should all think about what took Bens life and how - speed and impact.

    If a track has runoff areas that are covered in slippery
    grass and barriers of reinforced concrete, think again. Maybe thats more for paid professionals than for amatuers to mix it up with other amateurs at events run by amateurs.

    Mistakes happen and the price paid can be final.

    Theres no sense in anyone having their life ended early thru
    poor track design and event management.

    Ben and Corey, RIP.

    Jim I agree, although from what i have heard, i guess the area the crash happened just wasnt really a place you would expect a car to crash... dont most tracks have gravel only at certain areas where it would be common for a wreck (corners) I think that someone could explain this, pertaining to Fontana, it would be interesting to see how much safety was put in place. Although i would think that the walls should be designed to absorb the impact better, dont they have walls that do that?

    Re: Benjamin Miles Keaton (ben, lj.) Condolence Thread

    Ben lj, as I knew him from F-chat and Rennteam was the main reason I joined Rennteam. His experiences, insights and love of his cars was matched only by his candor and open-arms demeanor to all questions and thoughts.

    It seems like only yesterday he answered some novice question I had about his Carrera GT.

    Although I knew him in the most fleeting, distant fashion, I say with confidence that he was an honor to his family, community and nation.

    He will be sorely missed.

    With deepest condolences,

    Johnathan Phillips Rogers....aka Cavaleer and Cavallini from Ferrarichat.

    Re: Benjamin Miles Keaton (ben, lj.) Condolence Thread

    Ben and Corey

    Rest in peace.

    My deepest sympathy to both families.

    Re: Benjamin Miles Keaton (ben, lj.) Condolence Thread

    I was shocked when I heard about the accident when I arrived at work Friday morning. My deepest condolences to both families.

    Re: Benjamin Miles Keaton (ben, lj.) Condolence Thread

    Terrible news..RIP and condolences to the families.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Condolences to the families of Ben and Corey. RIP.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    my deepest condolences to the families

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    Rest in peace Ben and Corey.

    My condolences to the both families.

    I did not know ben, lj, except through his writings on this and other boards. But his accidental and tragic death struck me hard on Friday morning. His words of wisdom were appreciated and became a part of my life. He will be missed by many people that he never met, including myself.

    Gods speed.

    Re: CGT Crash, please tell me it wasn't ben?

    I only knew Ben from this board, but still I am deeply chocked by this tragic accident. My thoughts are with his family.

    RIP Ben



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