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    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Ferrari did a fuckup, Lercler should not have pitted in lap 13 (VSC). They lost track position and with this also the race. Would have been much tighter without the stop. Look at Sainz, he started on the Meidum tire and switched to soft, would have not been a problem at all to finish the race.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    So De Vries might get a second interview for jobs at Singapore.

    Poor Albon. Appenditicis surgery was supposed to be quick and easy. I had one when I was 17. Somehow he got the complications.

    IF he isn't fit to race at Singapore, Williams could have De Vries drive for them again there. More embarrassment for Latiffi.

    Still can't believe Wittich completely annihilated Masi with his decisions at Monza by the book to the letter for the finish. That 'human error' thing really stood out like a sore thumb now. Would have thought Wittich might do something to save some face for the FIA and Masi. Guess not. Could Wittich be on the chopping block next for embarrassing the FIA?




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Same can be said for the starting  grid penalties. 

    You loose 5 places, means you start 5 places behind of the score you initially did. loose 5 places, but if the one behind you looses also some places, you then regain a place etc.... 

    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Same can be said for the starting  grid penalties. 

    You loose 5 places, means you start 5 places behind of the score you initially did. loose 5 places, but if the one behind you looses also some places, you then regain a place etc.... 


    Yeah that's also confusing. So much so that even he FIA themselves needed time to figure it outSmiley




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Make them all start from the pit lane in fastest qualy order.



    "I Have Done It!".

    991 GT3 pick up in October 2014.

    991 GT3.2 pick up April/May 2018. ( Hairy Chest Spec ).

    Vauxhall Zafira 1.6 Exclusive pick up June 2013. ( Shit Box )

    Rennteam Hairy Chest Advisor.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Start as qualified and then add a time penalty to the final result...for example: 20 seconds for engine, 15 for ERS and 10 for transmission.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Or apply a financial penalty towards the season after. Cut their spending cap. a new engine deduct 2 mil etc. or testing time. Let the team try and balance current season and next season. With such a penalties, the teams will be a lot closer soon. 

    To preserve the spending cap or testing time, some teams will be forced to either tune down their engine, or have to make do with an older engine that make less power. 

    That will make it fun! 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    The 2022 Red Bull is all conquering. Leclerc stand no chance to start off with this year.

    Newey delivered the best car on the grid for Verstappen to chase/secure his 2nd WDC. 

    Of course the driver has to have the ability to deliver, and Verstappen certainly fit that bill. Not unlike the 14-16 Mercedes that Hamilton got, head and shoulder above everyone else. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    To be fair, Hamilton is the last one I feel sorry about not having a car to compete with the RB considering he himself has enjoyed the same advantage for the longest streak of consecutive years in F1 history, it's all the other drivers (Leclerc, Sainz, Russell, Norris, etc) that have not had that opportunity and I feel sorry that they cannot compete.

    That said Russell is just a few points away from placing the Mercedes third in the championship, which is remarkable. If anything he merits a faster car ieven more his teammate.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Yes Russell is the real deal. He drag cars along to places it shouldn't have been. See his Williams days. Mercedes needs to step up their game to catch Red Bull in order to give Russell a winning chance. I mean, he is sort of stuck there now, Red Bull isn't gonna sign him, not with Verstappen there as Russell would upset the #1 status there.

    Ferrari is full house already with Leclerc and Sainz. They are trending upwards, hopefully they will make great progress for 2023 and onwards.

    Norris is the poor kid stuck in no mans land right now. Like Russell, he deserves a car that can give him a fighting chance but McLaren isn't there yet. Nor is there room in the top teams to take him in. While Hamilton's days are numbered, I don't see him going to Mercedes to take that seat. 

    Pecking order for the teams aren't going to change much before 2026. The WDC will either come from Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes. Real chance would be the start of the 2026 season when new rules will likely shuffle the order. Who knows, maybe a lucky soul from Sauber Audi will win the WDC that year. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Weird that Max isn't in favour of more Sprints, I mean, those extra points he won it the Sprints last year is what won him the 2021 title. Unless of course he doesn't want someone else to pick up those extra points and beat him to a title.

    In another news

    Guess back then, Alonso really didn't think his own talent and ability is enough and he needed to resort to giving out cash also. But that was then and now is now. Hamilton and Alonso seems to be great mates and have lots of respects for each other now.

    And more news

    Looks like Red Bull isn't satisfied with just stealing the WDC title from Mercedes in 2021, they want to steal their driver too. With FIA slamming the door shut on Horner's face for Herta, they seems to be targeting de Vries. Perhaps de Vries to Alpha Tauri then Gasly to Alpine can finally happened?






    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    I happened to come across this website. Not mine, I am not that talented. It pulls car data from the official F1 data logger database using FastF1 script under Python. 

    Have fun playing with the data. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1



    I happened to come across this website. Not mine, I am not that talented. It pulls car data from the official F1 data logger database using FastF1 script under Python. 

    Have fun playing with the data. 


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Anyone attending Singapore F1?  

    I'll be at Casa Ferrari starting Thursday night.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    The scooter is our best chance!


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Cuts tire miscues during a pit stop by 50%.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    Cuts tire miscues during a pit stop by 50%.


    Chuck was desparate to run the scooter but they got his car going.....finally


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Any thoughts? RedBull might face some penalties

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Horner getting quite irate in the pre-FP3 Sky interviews in Singapore.

    Major indiscretion can result in exclusion from competition, ie losing 2021 Driver’s World Championship.

    Will be interesting. Lawyers will have a field day.


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    the usual toto.

    meanwhile can Ferrari fk this up for chuck?  a free pole.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Have to think this attack on red bull is a little specious…. Dirty to start playing “politics”!like this… 

    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Have to think this attack on red bull is a little specious…. Dirty to start playing “politics”!like this… 

    Nothing Horner wouldn’t do to him. 

    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Horner getting quite irate in the pre-FP3 Sky interviews in Singapore.

    Major indiscretion can result in exclusion from competition, ie losing 2021 Driver’s World Championship.

    Will be interesting. Lawyers will have a field day.



    FIA won't endangered their current golden goose, aka Verstappen. 

    If they take away Verstappen's WDC, it just gonna give themselves another black eye, after the one Masi gave them, which still hasn't healed yet.

    At most I see them do a 2007 McLaren. Verstappen gets to keep all his points, just like Hamilton did, but loses all Constructor points and excluded from the standing. An also place Red Bull on a suspended sentence, being watched very closely for their spending. 

    Or maybe perhaps worked out a back room deal where Verstappen and Perez retired every race from now to the end of the season with 'mechanical' failure. Leclerc can't possibly win every race so Verstappen's 2nd WDC is safe. 

    FIA is squeezed between a rock and a hard place. They don't have an easy 'out' where they can come out and still smelling like fresh. They will smell like shit no matter what they do this time around. Bring out the big hammer and all the new F1 fans, aka Max fans, will be up in arms. A slap on the wrist will means angering the other 9 teams, well 8, that worked hard to stay inside the budget, and also fuel more conspiracy theories where FIA is here to protect Verstappen, which they did plenty of times last year letting him off the hook for driving standard. 

    Now if they did strip Verstappen the title and give it to Hamilton, Hamilton certainly won't accept it as he doesn't want it handed to him like that. So now what? Give it to the 3rd place guy named Bottas? Or just leave it vacated?

    Mercedes certainly don't have much beef with Red Bull last year, they won the Constructor after all, so whatever punishment for last year means absolutely nothing to them. Ferrari however might want them excluded so they can move up to 2nd place. This year Mercedes is so far off Red Bull, most they can hope for is to finish 2nd, which they might as they are closing in on Ferrari, so another moot point. For Ferrari, if Red Bull suddenly got penalized and cannot spend anymore money this year, they still won't be able to catch them, they gonna finish 2nd or 3rd regardless. But if Red Bull are penalized for 2023, then all bets are off. Ferrari could come out on top if Red Bull doesn't get any testing time or got severely chopped. Mercedes is going get a good boost to theirs regardless of what Red Bull is getting as they won't finish first. 

    The one outside factor will be Honda. Red Bull, well Horner, had been heavily courting Honda to come back and support their engine program for 2026. But if Red Bull got heavily penalized and won't be too competitive, Honda might get cold feet and says no to Horner. At that point Horner will be left holding the bags trying to answer to Mateschitz what the fuck happened. He lobbied very hard to turn down the Porsche offer which Mateschitz was leaning onto. if the FIA decision comes out before the engine application deadline and is a heavy penalty, Horner could very well get fired and Mateschitz could go back to Porsche about the original deal. At which point Porsche will be holding all the cards and get a even more favourable deal. 

    People keep speculating that it's Toto that's working the FIA, cause of last year. But as explained, Mercedes really had nothing to gain. Ferrari on the other hand does. And Ferrari does gets some leeways dealing with the FIA because of their status. Porsche could also be working some certain angles in some degree to get their entry into F1. Also, to some degree, every team in the paddock won't mind seeing Red Bull gets knock off their porch as everyone gets to move up one spot and that means more money for them. Red Bull don't have any friends in the pit lane to say it bluntly, other than Alpha Tauri. 





    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    this track and monaco should be dropped unless we can shrink car size by halfmail


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Crazy Singapore race!  At least the weather added drama as the race looks like it would have been a DRS train but for an out of position Max if dry.

    I agree, FIA and F1 are in a tricky position, if allegations are true, they have to come down hard.   A strong cost cap was required for Audi and Porsche to be interested.  Porsche like you said are an interested observer and are probably “hoping” it’s true to bring them back into the game.  So of course Horner comes out swinging in his response, I agree with you, he is fighting for his “life in F1” at the moment.

    The way I view it is that money in F1 is akin to performance enhancing drugs in track and field. So I don’t know how F1 does not drop the axe like they would in Track and Field if true.  It’s not only Toto, but also Vasseur, Binnoto, Capito and Steiner who called for blood if true.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    None of the principals are 'friends'. They will always be 'strategic partners' when the issue suits them.

    Some of them will aligned by engine supply on certain issues. Then a different group will aligned on money issues. And they will even aligned among 'enemies' from another issue to deal with some other issues. 

    It wasn't long ago that Mercedes Ferrari and Red Bull ganged up together, and the next moment it was Ferrari and Mercedes against Red Bull. 

    The ongoing drama fits perfectly to the new American audience, it's like watching The Real Housewives of Formula 1. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Big day tomorrow. FIA releasing financials for cost cap.

    Will Ferrari gets it's wish for heavy punishment of Red Bull? Or will Red Bull again get away with stuff other teams can't?

    I am not sure why some on the internet still trying to drag Toto into this mess. Mercedes wouldn't benefit from a Red Bull penalty, Ferrari however will. But people keep talking about it's Toto that started it. He only made comments when asked, but Ferrari, and Binotto is the one blowing the horn the hardest. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Latest rumor is that it is a minor breach.  We will know soon enough.  McLaren, Ferrari, HAAS, Alfa, Williams, all said the said thing when asked about the rumors.

    I think Toto lives in a lot of peoples brains rent free too.   Smiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    A lovely poster for a lovely proper track!!!  


    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Latest rumor is that it is a minor breach.  We will know soon enough.  McLaren, Ferrari, HAAS, Alfa, Williams, all said the said thing when asked about the rumors.

    I think Toto lives in a lot of peoples brains rent free too.   Smiley

    Toto is the Dominican slang for vagina, so in a way your statement is incredibly accurate. Smiley



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