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    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    nberry said:
    One question? Why wasn't I invited?

    come on nick, you know the CGT is not exclusive enough for you. porsche will probably only make 5% the number of CGTs that ferrari will make F430s

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

    Thank you so much dear Renteamer!
    To me, this is simply the best thread I have read in a very very very long time!
    (shame it seems to have been spoiled by Nick's comment, looks like this thread is more about his comments than your experience already ).
    But frankly, thank you so much, this is simply the stuff of dreams!
    I wish I will be able to atend something like that one day.
    And the pics! Wonderful!
    Thank you so much again!
    The day couldn't start in a better way!

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

    Thank you so much dear Renteamer!
    To me, this is simply the best thread I have read in a very very very long time!
    (shame it seems to have been spoiled by Nick's comment, looks like this thread is more about his comments than your experience already ).
    But frankly, thank you so much, this is simply the stuff of dreams!
    I wish I will be able to atend something like that one day.
    And the pics! Wonderful!
    Thank you so much again!
    The day couldn't start in a better way!

    fanch said it all!!

    thank you very much mike

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    Great report....thanks
    By the way I was very surprised that exactly this CGT (#17) was here in Bulgaria at the opening of the Porsche showroom.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    Thanks for your report, it was excellent...veru nice pics!!

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - The End

    SoCal Alan said:
    I wonder, in the future, if they would offer this to non-CGT customers. For a price, of course.

    If you can find a CGT customer/friend that hasn't yet gone to an event, and his dealer believes you could realistically purchase a CGT, you might get nominated as a "qualified guest" and go for free!

    Perhaps 1/3 to 1/2 of the participants were there under the "qualified guest" categorization.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    Matt C said:
    BTW: What is "trail-braking" (my English is just too limited)?

    Click here for a web page about trail braking.

    Here's another good description and discussion of why.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    Mike you rock man! Love the pictures too!!! Do you think they'll let a 17 year old kid behind the wheel of a Carrera GT???

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    How did I miss this thread??

    Like Fanch said, this is one of the best threads I read in a long time!

    Thanks for sharing Mike, I "lived" every word of it!

    Given your car-history and your knowledge, you definately deserved to be invited for the event, thats for sure.

    As a side note, I would also be interested in a peak at your experience with the 997 as well, how did the type 997 compare to the type 966 from your experience that day?

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Barber Motorsports Park

    This is really an excellent writeup Mike! You really have a talent for this. I attended the Cayenne Porsche Driving Experience (at MY expense ) about a year ago and that program seemed very similar to your experience, except I didn't get to drive a CGT! See my Rennteam report here: Cayenne PDE Thread. Just like you I found the track, the museum, the instructors, everything to be an incredible, first rate experience, well worth what I paid for it. I recommend it highly, whether Porsche pays for it or not.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Barber Motorsports Park

    Mike, I was pretty impressed by the pics - did you take them yourself and if so what set-up did you use? Hope you don't mind me asking?

    Cheers, Steve.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    ben, lj said:
    nberry said:
    One question? Why wasn't I invited?

    come on nick, you know the CGT is not exclusive enough for you. porsche will probably only make 5% the number of CGTs that ferrari will make F430s

    NO it is too much car for me.

    My comment regarding the hard sell is valid. As I understand it, they cherry picked a very few CGT owners to participate. Why do you think they did that? What was the point if not to sell the car?

    Mike is a Porschephile from way back who also happens to have an excellent command of the English language. He is a perfect owner. Just as an aside, Mike when I first posted my driving experience in the CGT, I stated it was the best track car on the planet. I am glad you agree.

    Finally, to the other Nick, is your father still going to pay MSRP when he takes delivery later this year?

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4

    JimFlat6 said:
    Did the either the Carrera models used have PASM, Sport Chrono? and did any of them have the European optional only sport suspension with LSD?

    To tell the truth, I didn't notice anything trick about the 997s that we drove. The S-models had PCCB which was quite visible from outside the car and the instructors took every opportunity to mention the feel difference to us.

    Everyone mainly just got in the cars and concentrated on driving them. It was such a gas, and learning the track was such a high, that I wasn't curious beyond whether each car had an "S" on the back, or not.

    Plus, the Carrera GT was the star of the show and, of course, attracted most of the attention.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    ben, lj said:
    W8MM said:Doc opined that the CGT was a "little under-tired" for the chassis' native capabilities. He thought more tire would put it up another whole notch above where it is now.

    i came to the same conclusion early on. did you happen to notice either the cold or hot pressures?

    I specifically asked about the tire pressures being used. Doc told me that they just used the factory street settings. Both at the May 16 Barber event and an event at Autobahn (a Chicago condo/club track) where Doc had been giving taxi rides a few weeks earlier, the settings were the normal 32 psi, cold.

    I don't think it occurred to the instructors to mess with the pressures to go even faster since these events are not competitive.

    What I would really like to know is what pressure Porsche uses on their CGT Nordschleife runs.

    Doc's "under-tired" comment came on a "hot lap" ride I took with him at the end of the event. When we came pounding up-hill out of the "Museum" corner combination, I thought Doc lifted briefly as we flew over the crest farther down the straight. He looked over at me and said, "See! ... The traction control won't let me have the whole car back there. I think this car would be even better with just a little more tire. Anyway, I absolutely love this car and I try to drive it as much as I can."

    The car was absolutely flying!

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Barber Motorsports Park

    Steve R said:
    Mike, I was pretty impressed by the pics - did you take them yourself and if so what set-up did you use?

    Thanks, Steve.

    I took them all myself, using my "vacation camera", a Casio Exilim EX-S100 "Card Camera".

    It's really small and very thin. I can easily take it wherever I go in my pants pocket. It's not much wider and is a bit thinner than my Nokia cell phone. If something interests me, I just slip it out of my pocket and start snapping pix.

    The web reviews don't give it perfect marks for sharpness, probably due to its use of a new-technology ceramic lens.

    I keep the camera set to fine (2048 x 1536) and then use Photoshop Elements 2.0 to crop and resize the pix for web use.

    The beauty shot of the CGT from above was just good luck. Porsche had arranged the CGT outside of the building for the convenience of their hired shooter. They had the car aligned exactly with the direction of the morning sun. When I went out on the balcony to have a look, the artful setup of the scene was too good to pass up.

    Here's a shot of a wet skid pad exercise that kept us busy (along with an autocross) while other groups were using the track:

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Barber Motorsports Park

    As everyone has said - What a FANTASTIC write up. And the Photography is AMAZING
    I'm truely humbled by your whole experience. Man!! I wish I was on that trip. I'm going to look into the Porsche Driving Experience.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    W8MM said:
    ben, lj said:
    W8MM said:Doc opined that the CGT was a "little under-tired" for the chassis' native capabilities. He thought more tire would put it up another whole notch above where it is now.

    i came to the same conclusion early on. did you happen to notice either the cold or hot pressures?

    I specifically asked about the tire pressures being used. Doc told me that they just used the factory street settings. Both at the May 16 Barber event and an event at Autobahn (a Chicago condo/club track) where Doc had been giving taxi rides a few weeks earlier, the settings were the normal 32 psi, cold.

    I don't think it occurred to the instructors to mess with the pressures to go even faster since these events are not competitive.

    What I would really like to know is what pressure Porsche uses on their CGT Nordschleife runs.

    Doc's "under-tired" comment came on a "hot lap" ride I took with him at the end of the event. When we came pounding up-hill out of the "Museum" corner combination, I thought Doc lifted briefly as we flew over the crest farther down the straight. He looked over at me and said, "See! ... The traction control won't let me have the whole car back there. I think this car would be even better with just a little more tire. Anyway, I absolutely love this car and I try to drive it as much as I can."

    The car was absolutely flying!

    fwiw, i bet if he had adjusted the tire pressures downward he would find he could "have (much more of) the whole car". personally, i don't think i want more tire after finding tire pressure nirvana (nirvana is absolutely not at 32 cold). things already happen so quickly at the limit on this car (ie: required corrective imputs) that i'm not sure it's way smart for me to increase that limit even further. maybe later i'll feel differently, but for now those at limit speeds are truly insane. the car has "slowed" down for me quite a bit, but i've found some other areas to focus my improvement on (your post on trail braking is SPOT ON for me right now). fwiw, ABS braking will kill PCCB pads so much faster than you can imagine.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    W8MM said:

    When we came pounding up-hill out of the "Museum" corner combination, I thought Doc lifted briefly as we flew over the crest farther down the straight. He looked over at me and said, "See! ... The traction control won't let me have the whole car back there. I think this car would be even better with just a little more tire. Anyway, I absolutely love this car and I try to drive it as much as I can."

    The car was absolutely flying!

    I'am confused... After the "Museum" corner combination, it's pretty flat leading to the Fast esses, then a downhill left, and a right and up and over the tunnel (near pit in) Is this the hill you are referring to?

    Also how was your "HOT LAP" experience?

    Thanks for the GREAT review!

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    Trundle997S said:
    I'am confused... After the "Museum" corner combination, it's pretty flat leading to the Fast esses, then a downhill left, and a right and up and over the tunnel (near pit in) Is this the hill you are referring to?

    OOPS! You are absolutely correct. I messed up!

    It wasn't Museum corner after all. Museum corner is corners 8 & 8A. The corner of which I spoke of tire smoke after the exit was actually corner 4.

    Thanks so much for your kind correction.

    I should have looked at a map of the track as wrote it up. As one can see below, the two corners are somewhat similar in layout and direction, but only the exit of #4 is up-hill:

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    Here's a 3-D view of the elevation changes; One can see the exit of #4 rises 30 to 40 feet before the brow leading into the U-turn at the end of the straight:

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    Trundle997S said:
    Also how was your "HOT LAP" experience?

    It was just great! Doc can really make the Carrera GT sing!

    Interestingly, the most hair-raising ride I took was by John Lewis in a Carrera S. He was using ALL of the car and he had arranged with Chris Hall to perform a surprise "racing pass", followed by a re-pass a short while later. I wasn't ready for John to take a weird line into the fast esses and then see Chris shoot by us on the outside in his Carrera S. John said they messed up the timing just a hair and he wasn't able to retake the lead from Chris, as rehearsed, because of the traffic-cone funnel closing down the room available on the exit of the fast esses.

    All in all, a wild ride in so many ways. I had a blast!

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    your PM box appears to be full.

    Would you be able to post the full res images from your trip? Thats one awesome experience you had.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Barber Motorsports Park

    Those are some fantastic shots - no need to ditch my digital Cannon Ixus then!!

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    schmuy said:
    Would you be able to post the full res images from your trip? Thats one awesome experience you had.

    I don't use any photo sites, and the above pix are all near the upload limit for this site.


    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    W8MM said:
    schmuy said:
    Would you be able to post the full res images from your trip? Thats one awesome experience you had.

    I don't use any photo sites, and the above pix are all near the upload limit for this site.


    You can post them to your user gallery (click here). You can store much higher resolution photos there.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    ben, lj said:
    fwiw, ABS braking will kill PCCB pads so much faster than you can imagine.

    Ben, please elaborate.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    MAVERICK said:
    ben, lj said:
    fwiw, ABS braking will kill PCCB pads so much faster than you can imagine.

    Ben, please elaborate.

    nothing to elaborate really except that both my experience as well as advice from knowledgable porsche employees has convinced me that ABS use greatly increases PCCB pad wear. it's kind of hard to threshold brake without getting into the ABS while not still leaving a lot on the table. so, trail braking is a skill i'm going to try to acquire. it's faster, much harder, and better on brakes.

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    ben, lj said:
    both my experience as well as advice from knowledgable porsche employees has convinced me that ABS use greatly increases PCCB pad wear.

    Do the pads develop cracks faster or do they simply get thinner faster?

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Barber Motorsports Park

    Steve R said:
    Those are some fantastic shots - no need to ditch my digital Cannon Ixus then!!

    sweet are you in the Gumball 3000?

    Re: "Carrera GT Experience" - Part 4.1

    MAVERICK said:
    ben, lj said:
    both my experience as well as advice from knowledgable porsche employees has convinced me that ABS use greatly increases PCCB pad wear.

    Do the pads develop cracks faster or do they simply get thinner faster?

    they develop cracks and start chunking around the leading edge of the pad.



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