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    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    People have too much free time on their hands to do completely pointless charts....

    Some of the stats they throw out at times are hilarious “the most races started on medium tires after it rained on the morning before practice while there was a full moon” or some other obscure set of circumstances. 


    I love this one the best.

    Max Verstappen is only the 3rd WDC with a last name that starts with a V. 2nd on that list for wins. 

    He is first on a list for drivers that have a first name of Max.






    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    It's so cute that you can't even see the problem with a chart with drivers stats that are non car performance equated nor era equated Smiley ... let me guess, you believe in horoscopes charts too Smiley

    Red Bull fans certainly believe in horoscopes and stars fully aligned in the sky AKA manipulation during races. Smiley



    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    It's so cute that you can't even see the problem with a chart with drivers stats that are non car performance equated nor era equated Smiley ... let me guess, you believe in horoscopes charts too Smiley

    Red Bull fans certainly believe in horoscopes and stars fully aligned in the sky AKA manipulation during races. Smiley




    Except, in case you haven't noticed, Carlos isn't a Red Bull fan.

    He is a great fan of his fellow countryman Alonso, and not much as a Hamilton fan, but after that, he is quite indifferent. He is just a motorsport fan period. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    It's great to have Chuck and Piero on board protecting my engine from a typical Ferrari blow up.  But I try to leave Set behind -- might have to paint him outangry



    You could always have Alonso signed over his................

    Haha!  Great idea.  Alonso is still fast, his skills have held up, fun to watch.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Except, in case you haven't noticed, Carlos isn't a Red Bull fan.

    He is a great fan of his fellow countryman Alonso, and not much as a Hamilton fan, but after that, he is quite indifferent. He is just a motorsport fan period. 

    Last year there were only two contenders to win the WDC so guess the one he supported. El toro rojo Smiley

    Like in every sport, who is on top is always loved or hated. People either appreciate his skill or hate his success.

    But a true motorsport fan will recognize a driver talent even if he dislikes the team that driver is in.



    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Except, in case you haven't noticed, Carlos isn't a Red Bull fan.

    He is a great fan of his fellow countryman Alonso, and not much as a Hamilton fan, but after that, he is quite indifferent. He is just a motorsport fan period. 

    Last year there were only two contenders to win the WDC so guess the one he supported. El toro rojo Smiley

    Like in every sport, who is on top is always loved or hated. People either appreciate his skill or hate his success.

    But a true motorsport fan will recognize a driver talent even if he dislikes the team that driver is in.

    Go and find any post where I say I'm a fan of either RedBull or Max. Just one post.

    You are so fanatical that you can't even tell the difference when someone says that one of the two drives deserved the title win more than the other, and being a fan of the driver or team. That fanboy mentality again of you are either with us or must be against "us", and everybody is a fanboy too.

    Like Nick said, I'm a fan of Alonso, more so now that he is older and the attitude he has as well as his old fox race smarts, I don't like divas like Hamilton or Max, don't like or dislike any team in particular at all, and after that I'm quite indifferent, and certainly I don't worship or overhype any driver and think that talent is pretty similar along the top ten, the differences in results are dictated mostly by the car... if the RedBull era would of lasted as long as the Mercedes era, it would be Vettel with 7 or 8 title wins Smiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    It's so cute that you can't even see the problem with a chart with drivers stats that are non car performance equated nor era equated Smiley ... let me guess, you believe in horoscopes charts too Smiley

    Red Bull fans certainly believe in horoscopes and stars fully aligned in the sky AKA manipulation during races. Smiley




    Except, in case you haven't noticed, Carlos isn't a Red Bull fan.

    He is a great fan of his fellow countryman Alonso, and not much as a Hamilton fan, but after that, he is quite indifferent. He is just a motorsport fan period. 

    Nailed it Smiley (not much of a Max fan either btw)

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:
    Carlos from Spain:

    It's so cute that you can't even see the problem with a chart with drivers stats that are non car performance equated nor era equated Smiley ... let me guess, you believe in horoscopes charts too Smiley

    Red Bull fans certainly believe in horoscopes and stars fully aligned in the sky AKA manipulation during races. Smiley


    Except, in case you haven't noticed, Carlos isn't a Red Bull fan.

    He is a great fan of his fellow countryman Alonso, and not much as a Hamilton fan, but after that, he is quite indifferent. He is just a motorsport fan period. 

    Nailed it Smiley (not much of a Max fan either btw)


    Not many people are, at least from the traditional long time motorsport fans. We see that all the time from arguments and pov on internet discussions and stuff, they argue from a fanatic point of view, not from logical or rule based. It's always the whataboutism vs Hamilton. If Hamilton did that, why is that Max can't? Or if Max do that, Hamilton can do that too. 

    Max's attitude and how he carries himself attracts new F1 fans, Drive to Survive certainly helps with that regards also. And with Hamilton not the most favoured driver with him winning everything the last few years, people also turned to Max. 

    It's nice to see different personalities on the grid now.

    Hamilton and Verstappen are 2 polarizing figures. Perez is like the steady Eddie, don't get too down nor too excited. He was paid to do a job and he does his job and move on.

    Russell is like the perfect English gentleman. He carries himself so well on and off the track, impeccable interviews and very polished. 

    Norris is like the kid that will never grow up. His energy is infectious. He certainly infected Sainz, and Sainz carries his emotions on the outside. 

    Ricciardo looked lost. He wasn't like this before, but at McLaren he is always the deer in the headlight. 

    Leclerc is similar to Russell on how he carries himself, but he got a fiery side that we can catch a glimpse every now and then.

    Zhou also carries himself very well, a bit guarded, a Chinese trait, but still very presentable. 

    Alonso and Vettel, 2 seniors that don't give a fuck about anything anymore, they do what they do, sort of like Kimi before, but these guys can do interviews with more than one word. 

    Tusnoda. The little Japanese firecracker, anything can set him off and he won't shut up. Man he can curse better than any native English speaker. 

    Stroll, he stands out, he stands out alright as he is like carrying his baby bottle all day, always needed mommy. The adult baby.

    Ocon, Schumacher, Bottas, K-Mag, Latifi, Albon, Gasly all right now falls into the nondescript category, they don't really stand out personality wise, one way or another. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Interesting - to realise some drivers leave no trail like Mark Webber and others like Jean Alesi are unforgetableSmiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Interesting - to realise some drivers leave no trail like Mark Webber and others like Jean Alesi are unforgetableSmiley

    Another totally pointless statistics..Smiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Technical and Driver - Driver health and condition - ilness, injury, physical, driver unwell, etc
    Procedural/Undefined - this are mostly DNQ (~65% of cases), others are undefined

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    and pointless "art" for a pointless circuit


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Paul Ricard is a lovely circuit for training. Fond memories there. First time I spun a 918 at speed entering the Mistral straight from turn 7, completely 360 and keep going. Amazingly forgiving circuit. 

    Also the first time I had experienced a Cayenne turbo S completely sideways through every corner, after I got off the taxi ride I called my dealer and order one, immediately.

    Also the first time going vertical, up AND down, in a helicopter, flew by Airbus' chief test pilot. Never been more scared in my life. 

    The attached hotel and air strip are a great convenience. Fly in, a short tunnel and boom at the hotel already. But also means it's a dick measuring contest, who got the bigger jet on the tarmac. 

    But even flying into Nice and helicopter in is not too bad, beats the 2hr car ride from Nice airport. 

    But as a racing circuit, hmmm. One can really feel fearless racing there, so much room to bail and enhanced grip outside the white line. 

    With superior cars, overtaking is super easy on the Mistral straight. But in equal cars, there is basically one fast line through the whole circuit and even if one can get a superior exit, terminal speed dictates that a passing isn't possible. To pass someone means doing a Verstappen. Either you crash into me or you give up into corners. 

    I hope they have a wet race. That's where skills comes into play more, not cars. 






    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Agree with the comments above, what was already a narrow track with old sized cars will be quite interesting on race day. Pray for rain.



    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Verstappen lucked out that Leclerc crashed out, handing him the win. If that didn't happen, Vaerstappen might have a tough time passing Leclerc. 

    But it's racing, luck plays a big part.

    Debatable whether Ferrari screw up on strategy again with Sainz. But for sure they were pretty much napping when they wanted to call in Sainz while Sainz was battling and winning against Perez. I suspect had Sainz not pitted, his medium might have expired before the end of the race, and whatever places gained, would have been lost. he likely would have finished where he is no matter what. 

    Will be interesting to see, if the truth ever comes out. how Leclerc lost the car. If it's indeed a mistake by Leclerc, it would be a bit rare to see him lost it like that. He did mentioned throttle, could it be the throttle is stuck open again like last time cause him to crash? Or could it be like how Rosberg had speculate on air, a gust of wind took downforce away from his rear at that moment?

    Russell, what a smart driver during the virtual safety car restart. He planned that all the way. 

    Alpine seems to be the best of the rest right now, but the rest of the pack is quite far back. Alonso is best of the rest today but he is very far back of the top 5. 

    Hamilton showing a lot of class on the podium today, while he and Verstappen doesn't see eye to eye, he still went ahead and toast to Verstappen and the Red Bull personal. And for sure he is aging. Lying down on the floor at cool down room for his back. Poor guy don't even have water during the whole race. What an athlete. 

    Red Bull and Verstappen finally build a big enough margin, they should eb Abel to cruise home for the double title. Sad to see Ferrari keep finding ways to throw away points, at this rate, Mercedes is going to finish 2nd. 





    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    I think this year is really one Ferrari should be able to win, but again they can't deliver, driver mistake or not as a team they seem to under deliver although the have a really good car. The funny thing is that Charles is really a great driver for sure on Ma's level but he seems to break way more often under pressure. Even his comments when interviewed after the race shows that he has got some issues to solve with himself. I believe this year is Ferraris big chance to get the title again after 2007.. (2008). 

    Good to see Mercedes getting closer, I believe that by the end of the year they will sort out all the problems,...  lets see maybe next year finally we will get the season all are waiting for where three big teams are fighting for the Championship... this year Verstappen is getting to many presents and I am not sure if Charles will be able to catch up even with a superior car (not that it is the case as I see them more even)

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Leclerc is basically going through what Verstappen had experienced before. Making all the mistakes, taking everything on the chin from the team, etc. Part of the learning curve to be a champion.

    The last few seasons, it was Verstappen that broke under pressure, panicked and made bad decisions, lack of reliability of the Red Bull car. All those hardened Verstappen to be who he is today. 

    I'd give Leclerc one more year with Ferrari. He is signed with Ferrari until 2026, but if Ferrari keep fucking up, I am not sure if he has the patience to last that long. Hamilton isn't going to last forever, he might retires after this or next. That opens up a seat at Mercedes. 





    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    The race was pretty boring until Leclerc crashed. Seems like he cracked under pressure once again. He still has alot to learn.

    Two Mercedes in the podium when both cars were even slower this Hamilton and Russell pushing that car to the maximum! Also, Hamilton being P2 on his 300th race. This guy still on top after all these years.

    That overtake by Russell at the end of the VSC was hilarious. Perez got beaten really hard. He said he had two "VSC ending" messages...but FIA said every team got double messages because there was a hardware failure during VSC.

    At the beginning of the season I thought Mercedes would get better after the summer and be number 2. Seems like this is getting in that direction sooner than I expected. Ferrari is shooting themselves in the foot every race.

    Red Bull +82
    Mercedes -44



    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Podiums so far in 2022:

    Ver - 9
    Per - 6
    Sai - 6
    Lec - 5
    Ham - 5
    Rus - 4
    Nor - 1


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    First details of Porsche’s F1 buy-in of Red Bull revealed...  E0F26BDD-E91B-4EF4-964B-7C4204B9E420.gif


    The first details of Porsche’s planned 50 percent buy-in of the Red Bull Formula 1 team have been revealed in legal documents, ahead of a potential announcement next month.

    (27 July 2022)

    Despite the lack of any official press release announcing that the long-rumoured partnership between the German car manufacturer and the Milton Keynes-based F1 squad is go, formal processes have begun to ensure that the tie-up does not hit a snag.

    One of the hurdles that needed to be overcome was a green light from anti-cartel authorities around the world to ensure that there was nothing untoward in the two companies joining up.

    As well as this needing to be done in the European Union, it also required applications to be lodged in more than 20 countries outside the EU.

    One of these is Morocco, whose government legislation stipulates that applications are subject to mandatory publication once approved.

    The process to get the green light has required Porsche and Red Bull to reveal details of their tie-up, which have now been published in Morocco by the Conseil de la Concurrence.

    The document reveals that Porsche notified the Conseil on July 8 that it will be setting out on a 10-year partnership with Red Bull – which includes a 50 percent stake in its grand prix operation.

    It suggests the partnership will be formally announced on August 4.

    This week’s notification mentioned only a 50 percent buy in of Red Bull Technology, but it is understood that the partnership will also extend to the separate F1 team business as well.

    The revealing of the details by authorities, even before the announcement has been made public, has partly been triggered by delays in a formal green light from Porsche for its F1 return.

    The original plan had been for its partnership to be announced at the Austrian Grand Prix three weeks ago.

    However, that idea was postponed because the FIA World Motor Sport Council did not approve the engine regulations from 2026 as announced on June 29. Finalised engine regulations are a prerequisite for Porsche to officially communicate its entry into Formula 1.

    While the Moroccan document only mentioned Red Bull, its sister squad AlphaTauriwill in all likelihood also compete with Porsche power - anything else would be illogical in view of the synergies sought between Red Bull Racing and AlphaTauri.

    The Faenza-based team will, however, remain 100 percent in the hands of Red Bull.

    The second brand of the Volkswagen Group, Audi, whose Formula 1 entry has already been approved by all the necessary bodies, is not yet as far along with its project as Porsche. understands that the Ingolstadt-based company is still negotiating with Sauber owner Finn Rausing about the acquisition of 75 percent of the team shares.

    The Volkswagen Group's Supervisory Board had already given the green light for Porsche and Audi's Formula 1 entry on April 7, 2022, and approved the corresponding budgets after all the boards of the two brands had previously given their consent.

    Doubts arose briefly recently because Volkswagen Group CEO Herbert Diess announced his resignation on July 22.

    However, Diess will be replaced on September 1 by the CEO of Porsche AG, Oliver Blume, who was already one of the major supporters of the Formula One program at brand level at Porsche.



    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    This news might cause a conflict among a poster or two. 

    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Boxster Coupe GTS:

    First details of Porsche’s F1 buy-in of Red Bull revealed...  E0F26BDD-E91B-4EF4-964B-7C4204B9E420.gif


    The first details of Porsche’s planned 50 percent buy-in of the Red Bull Formula 1 team have been revealed in legal documents, ahead of a potential announcement next month.

    (27 July 2022)

    Despite the lack of any official press release announcing that the long-rumoured partnership between the German car manufacturer and the Milton Keynes-based F1 squad is go, formal processes have begun to ensure that the tie-up does not hit a snag.

    One of the hurdles that needed to be overcome was a green light from anti-cartel authorities around the world to ensure that there was nothing untoward in the two companies joining up.

    As well as this needing to be done in the European Union, it also required applications to be lodged in more than 20 countries outside the EU.

    One of these is Morocco, whose government legislation stipulates that applications are subject to mandatory publication once approved.

    The process to get the green light has required Porsche and Red Bull to reveal details of their tie-up, which have now been published in Morocco by the Conseil de la Concurrence.

    The document reveals that Porsche notified the Conseil on July 8 that it will be setting out on a 10-year partnership with Red Bull – which includes a 50 percent stake in its grand prix operation.

    It suggests the partnership will be formally announced on August 4.

    This week’s notification mentioned only a 50 percent buy in of Red Bull Technology, but it is understood that the partnership will also extend to the separate F1 team business as well.

    The revealing of the details by authorities, even before the announcement has been made public, has partly been triggered by delays in a formal green light from Porsche for its F1 return.

    The original plan had been for its partnership to be announced at the Austrian Grand Prix three weeks ago.

    However, that idea was postponed because the FIA World Motor Sport Council did not approve the engine regulations from 2026 as announced on June 29. Finalised engine regulations are a prerequisite for Porsche to officially communicate its entry into Formula 1.

    While the Moroccan document only mentioned Red Bull, its sister squad AlphaTauriwill in all likelihood also compete with Porsche power - anything else would be illogical in view of the synergies sought between Red Bull Racing and AlphaTauri.

    The Faenza-based team will, however, remain 100 percent in the hands of Red Bull.

    The second brand of the Volkswagen Group, Audi, whose Formula 1 entry has already been approved by all the necessary bodies, is not yet as far along with its project as Porsche. understands that the Ingolstadt-based company is still negotiating with Sauber owner Finn Rausing about the acquisition of 75 percent of the team shares.

    The Volkswagen Group's Supervisory Board had already given the green light for Porsche and Audi's Formula 1 entry on April 7, 2022, and approved the corresponding budgets after all the boards of the two brands had previously given their consent.

    Doubts arose briefly recently because Volkswagen Group CEO Herbert Diess announced his resignation on July 22.

    However, Diess will be replaced on September 1 by the CEO of Porsche AG, Oliver Blume, who was already one of the major supporters of the Formula One program at brand level at Porsche.




    So the price to pay in order to secure a reliable engine deal is selling half their company. But at least Red Bull gets to see Alpha Tauri as a subsidiary.

    Interesting timeline, 10 years. So basically Porsche has committed to race in F1 for 10 years at least. 

    Red Bull is the obvious choice. They are among the top 3 teams, and the other 2 are factory teams while they are only a customer team, always at the mercy of engine suppliers. Among the 3, actually all 10 teams, they are the most well run. It's only nature that Porsche would target them, Porsche likes to win. Now Red Bull will be a quasi factory team with full factory support. 

    While it's a 50/50 partnership, someone has to have the final say. Porsche obviously doesn't like to be pushed around, will be very interesting to see how the internal politics developed. 

    More interesting tidbit, Christian Horner doesn't have a stake in Red Bull Racing, he is just an employee, unlike Toto who actually partly owns the team. If Horner puts up too much of a fight against Porsche decisions, he runs the risk of getting fired. 

    Porsche also doesn't like drama, so him and Marko might have to shut it or at least tone it down big time.

    Verstappen is another interesting person in this whole saga. He is more of a rebel, doesn't fit the typical Porsche driver mold. If he doesn't fall in line with Porsche's standard for their drivers, he could also found himself needing a new team, world champ or not.

    Could Porsche increase their stakes during the 10 year partnership and ultimately buying out all of Red Bull Racing? If there is success it is quite possible. Red Bull themselves kept Alpha Tauri as their own fall back plan. They could always  rebadge them as Red Bull Racing after while the original Red Bull team becomes Porsche racing.

    Horner can always start transferring personal over to Alpha Tauri, paving the road for if/when the time he gets fired. I mean, he could always install himself as the Principal over there before the pink slip. 

    Drivers. Porsche currently doesn't have any juniors in open wheel. They will need to start developing their own soon. Red Bull themselves also have a semi-bare cupboard of juniors. Guessing they will be eyeing Alpine's juniors and Williams' also. 

    So many possibilities. Interesting time. 






    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Vettel retiring at the end of this season.


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Does PORSCHE have a competitive engine ready??????? Or does this set RB back a year or two?

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Will be very interesting to see who fill the seat.

    All the experienced drivers aren't free agent next year, and most don't really want to drive for Aston at the moment in time.

    Hulkenberg is their reserve for this year, could he be promoted back to full time F1 driver?

    Would Mercedes asked to put de Vries, or Vandoorne there?

    Alpine, Williams all have rookies from their academies waiting in the wings, maybe Piastri? 

    Would Stroll senior wants a more capable driver to be in that seat and makes Junior look bad?








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